I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 476 The Witchman Summons to Repair the Embassy

Chapter 476 The Witchman Summons to Repair the Embassy
After people leave.

Zhang Liangdao: "My lord, these Western barbarians are not the same as the people of the Bashu Kingdom, even the level of force is different. They only have two levels, the Great Witch and the Little Witch. The Little Witch is almost invincible. The first-rank strong in the Ba Kingdom None of them are Xiao Wu's opponents.

It can be seen that the great witch should be above the first rank. "

Ye Qing said: "Continue to analyze."

"According to the descriptions of these Ba people, the Ximan people gathered in the mountains and strictly prevented other tribes from entering the mountains. This shows that they have a certain power to seal the mountains. I don't think it can be done only by some big witches. There should be people like Kong Ming and the others. A special ability that can use the power of nature to defend and injure the enemy."

Zhang Liang continued: "They should be a kind of world-weary and ancient tribe. They don't like others to enter their territory, and they don't like others to enter their territory. However, the fights between the countries of the same clan are extremely fierce and cruel. There must be something internal. It is similar to the unification of the dynasty, their goal is to unify the twelve witches first, once completed, they will have a strong dominance power, and I am afraid they will expand to the outside world at that time."

Everyone nodded.

Zhang Liang's analysis is not without reason.

It should be guessed close to ten.

Han Dao said: "I have a question. If they refused foreigners to enter the mountain, how would Wuxi City be built? How would the Mao family help them design the city and build a special formation underneath."


The Mao family was able to build a teleportation array in the western barbarian territory, so there must be a way to communicate with the barbarians.

In the afternoon, when Mao Dongdong and Yuan Tiangang returned from investigating the location of the special delivery team in Jiangzhou City, Ye Qing asked about it directly.

Mao said with a wry smile: "Your Highness, our Mao family doesn't understand this either. The position of the teleportation array was drawn by our ancestors. We only heard that the martyrs of earlier generations may have had friendship and contacts with the Western barbarians, but It didn’t flow down from behind, so now no one in Maojiabao has entered the barbarian land, let alone know any barbarian language, and don’t know its habits.”

Ye Qing and others were inevitably disappointed.

"Oh, by the way, Your Highness, before the Patriarch asked us to go down the mountain, he gave me something, saying that if we accidentally stray into the barbarian land, show this to the barbarian, and maybe it will be delivered safely." Mao Dongdong said from his arms. Take out something.

This object is as black as jade and as big as a fist. At first glance, it looks extraordinary.

It has a metallic feel to the touch.

On the reverse side is an unknown strange picture, and there are more than one, and all of them have human heads and animal bodies.

Twelve hours are engraved on the periphery of the front, and a special rune is in the middle.

Mao Dongdong said that he did not know the meaning of this rune.

Even Bu Xiaofan and Wolong Zhuge Liang said they didn't know.

Yuan Tiangang took a look, closed his eyes and recalled it carefully, and then said: "If my prediction is correct, this rune means summoning."


Everyone was even more confused.

Yuan Tiangang explained: "In ancient mythology, the witch clan came from Pangu, Pangu transformed all things in the world, and the witch's feet came out, contracted with all creatures and creatures, and could summon all creatures and creatures to fight for themselves.

Therefore, the witch clan is extremely powerful, and there is a saying of immortality, but this is just a legend, and no one knows the specifics. "

"Where did you hear the myth? Why haven't we heard of it?"

Mao Dongdong and Bu Xiaofan looked puzzled.

Wolong Zhuge Liang, Han Xin, Zhang Liang, Zhou Yu and others were silent.

There seems to be such a vague memory in my mind.

If Yuan Tiangang hadn't mentioned it, they themselves would not have known that they still had a reserve of knowledge in this area.

Ye Qing became more and more interesting the more he listened.

The word summoning is a bit dazzling.

Yuan Tiangang, Wolong Zhuge Liang, Han Xin, Zhang Liang, Zhou Yu and others were not summoned by him.

Could it be that these twelve witches also have this ability.

That's too buggy.

"It's all said to be myths and folklore. You can find out if you go to the village and listen to the old people's nagging." Yuan Tiangang made a haha, and changed the subject:
"Let's talk about the teleportation array in Jiangzhou City. This is the focus of our attention now. If the teleportation array can be fully activated, then we can easily pass through the Twelve Witch Kingdoms."

Everyone's thoughts were pulled back.

They all looked at Mao Dongdong.

Mao Dongdong said: "Mr. Yuan and I went to investigate again today. The teleportation array of the Jiangzhou formation has not been discovered by the Ba people, but there is some difficulty in how to obtain that piece of land. It is close to the imperial palace. If you do it rashly, you will definitely be caught." Discover.

Once the people of Pakistan are vigilant and discover heresy, it will definitely cause misunderstanding.

If you know there is such a thing, you will be even more disturbed. "

Above the teleportation array is a Hou's mansion, and the entrance is in the rockery pond of the Wang's mansion.

Even if you sneak in, you will be discovered.

And according to the Mao family's explanation, activation only uses part of the energy.

Doesn't this make people feel it.

However, if you use the teleportation array, the ground will definitely shake and the mountains will shake, and there will be a strong sense of shock.

At that time, not to mention imperial achievements, even Jiangzhou City will be shaken.

This gets pretty tricky.

One is to occupy the Marquis Mansion, and the other is not to make the next door royal officials suspect.

It's so hard.

"Yes, buy it, spend a lot of money on me, and then build an embassy!"

Ye Qing's eyes suddenly lit up, he clenched his fist and said with a smile.

What is this?

The next day!

Ye Qing went to the palace to ask Emperor Ba to mention this matter.

Bahuang was stunned!
"Embassy, ​​what is this?"

"Your Majesty, the embassy is similar to a post house, but it is not a post house. It has all the functions that a post house can have, but it only belongs to the country where it was built." Ye Qing explained:

"The embassy is in the territory of another country, which is sacred and inviolable. The embassy is managed by the respective country itself. In the embassy, ​​no force from other countries can enter or leave at will. If they enter and leave rashly, it can be regarded as a hostile war."

"Bahuang frowned slightly when he heard the words. There are other people's territory in this country, and they cannot intervene in or out by force. This authority is a bit too big!"

Ye Qingdao: "Your Majesty, this is an exchange between the two sides. I have an embassy in Da Zhou in Ba, and Ba can also set up an embassy in Chang'an in Da Zhou.

In this way, future ambassadors from the two countries can live in their own embassies when they visit each other to show respect and status.

And it's easier to communicate. "

"I, Pakistan, can also go to Dazhou to build an embassy."

Bahuang was shocked when he heard the words, and became interested.

If it's just one side, of course he doesn't want to, but there's no problem with both sides.

You have me and everyone has it.

"Of course, Your Majesty, Pakistan can not only build an embassy in Dazhou, but also place a certain number of troops in the embassy to protect the embassy by itself." Ye Qing said in a persuasive way:

"In order to show our sincerity, I, Dazhou, would like to send a building boat to Your Majesty, and change it to His Majesty's "Yu Huang", that is, "Wang Zhou". In the future, Your Majesty can take the "Yu Huang" when traveling.

And I quietly revealed a piece of news that Pakistan is the first country to enjoy this treatment and be able to build an embassy in Dazhou.

General envoys can only live in post houses. "

(End of this chapter)

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