I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 477? Get Ping Ninghou, activate the teleportation array

Chapter 477 Get Ping Ninghou, activate the teleportation array
Other Bahuangs are not calling.

Only this boat.

He is really envious.

For the past few days, I have been thinking that it would be great if there was a search.

Now Ye Qing wants to give him one, which is exactly what he wants.

Immediately he made a decision and said: "Okay! King Xiaoyao's proposal is feasible, then build the embassy, ​​not only to build it, but also to build it high and well."

"Your Majesty is really a rare wise monarch in the world, and the foreign ministers respect him."

Ye Qing praised.

Ba Huang was even happier when he heard that, and asked: "Where do you want to repair in the city, I will immediately ask someone to make room for you."

Ye Qing stroked his chin, thought for a while and said:

"Your Majesty, it is best for this embassy to be close to His Majesty's palace, so that it can be summoned by His Majesty at any time. I think the mansion to the east of the palace is good, and it can be used with a little modification."

"That's the Marquis of Pingning's Mansion, I'm afraid it's not easy to handle, why don't you change it to another place." Bahuang hesitated a bit.

Ordinary people forget it, this is the Marquis Mansion, the minister.

Ye Qingdao: "Don't worry, Emperor Ba. We are willing to compensate Marquis Pingning, and he will definitely be satisfied. As long as His Majesty can connect and build a bridge, there is no need to force it."

"Okay, then I'll call Marquis Pingning over." Ba Huang didn't have any hesitation when he heard this.

It goes without saying that Ye Qing can persuade Marquis Pingning, if he can't be persuaded, then it's none of his business.

Soon a middle-aged man walked in.

"The minister pays homage to His Majesty, I don't know what orders His Majesty has for summoning the minister!"

Marquis Ping Ning is a naval general, not young, but he is exceptionally tough.

The ancestors were granted the title of marquis because of meritorious service, which is hereditary.

In his generation, he didn't make any achievements, and he belonged to eating and waiting to die.

Life is not going very well.

So it was flattering to be summoned by Bahuang alone.

Seeing Ye Qing in the study was even more unexpected.

Ba Huang said: "Houzhen Pingning called you here this time because there is a major event between Ba and Da Zhou. An embassy needs to be built between the two countries. After selecting the site, your mansion is the most suitable. This time I am here to inquire. You say, you are willing to serve the country."

Repair the embassy!

What is this stuff?
Why should it be repaired in my mansion.

Wait, you have taken a fancy to my mansion and asked me to move out.

Ping Ning was a little confused.

Ye Qing got straight to the point and said: "Ping Ninghou is very polite, this time I need to borrow your mansion to build an embassy, ​​it happened suddenly, and it is a bit offensive, but I am willing to compensate Ping Ninghou.

First of all, three times the amount will be paid to Marquis Pingning, and at the same time, a navy is seconded to Marquis Pingning, which can help Marquis Pingning conquer the Kingdom of Shu.Make meritorious deeds and build great achievements. "

"Xiaoyao Wang is not about money, it's... wait, what did you just say?"

Ping Ninghou's first reaction was to refuse.

Marquis Pingning lacked a little money, but it was not enough to sell the mansion for a living.

Because it's about saving face.

He moved, and others thought he was afraid of a foreign minister, how could he keep his head up and hang out in Jiangzhou City in the future.

Even Bahuang was taken aback when he heard this.

He looked at Ye Qing in disbelief.

If you heard me right, Ye Qing is willing to lend a navy to Marquis Pingning.

Needless to say, Ye Qing's navy is strong.

Those warships can crush Shu if they go up.

"Marquis Ping Ning, you heard me right, I just borrowed a navy to help you make meritorious deeds. If Marquis Ping Ning thinks that this king is being abrupt and presumptuous, then this king has no choice but to express his regret and find another home in the Eastern Imperial City."

Ye Qing couldn't retreat.

Sure enough, when he said this, Ping Ninghou's excited mood immediately seemed to be broken.

He hurriedly said: "I am willing! I am willing. It is a great honor for His Royal Highness Xiaoyao Wang to see my ruined mansion."

Face is worth a few bucks.

This is a business that is sure to make a profit without losing money. After he has made a contribution and stood upright in the court hall, the time has come for him to be proud of the Pingning Houfu.

"Okay, good! Marquis Ping Ning understands the general situation and state affairs, so I will order you to be the vanguard when I go to Shu Kingdom this time, and smash all the warships of Shu Kingdom." Bahuang was overjoyed when he heard the words, and he also understood it wisely.

Immediately ordered Pingning Hou's general.

Let the water army of Xiaoyao Mansion act as thugs.

Three messages came out.

There was an uproar in the city of Dunsheng Jiangzhou.

The embassy of Dazhou was built next to the palace!
Marquis Pingning was willing to move away and gave the mansion to Dazhou to build an embassy.

Emperor Ba appointed Marquis Pingning as the vanguard, and King Xiaoyao reciprocated, announcing that he would send a navy and warship to accompany Marquis Pingning to the Kingdom of Shu.

This wave of big melons made the whole Jiangzhou city boil.

Hou Pingning tasted the sweetness, and soon moved out of the Hou's mansion, looking for another place to resettle his family.

The next day, the Pakistani navy set off to attack Shu.

Ye Qing sent Gan Ning, Jiang Qin, and Han Xin to assist in the battle.

Get the Pingninghou Mansion and find the name of the Chengda Zhou Embassy.

In the name of transformation, Ye Qing transferred four hundred Wudang flying troops to settle in.

While really starting to transform, he led Bu Xiaofan, Wolong Zhuge Liang, Yuan Tiangang, Mao Dongdong and others to start the road of exploration.

The entrance is in the water, and the water needs to be drained to completely open the entrance from the middle of the rockery.

After the entrance is opened, there is a deep and secluded staircase passage below.

By the number of steps we take.

"At least we have come to a position parallel to the surface of the river."

"It's more than ten feet away, look at the pool below!"

"I guess the water may have something to do with the river, and there must be a hole connecting the heart of the river."

Mao Dongdong said: "Everyone's guess is correct, according to our Mao family's records, there are many institutions in this teleportation array.

These traps are all driven by the river water. If you break in rashly, you may be killed by the trap, or you may be drowned by the river water! "

Mao Dongdong pointed out.

All organs were avoided, and no restrictions were touched.

In a large underground cave hall on Jiangzhong Island, everyone saw the same magic circle under the Shudu Temple.

The same bronze pillar with a giant-eyed human face.

The five elements generate and restrain each other in a circular formation on the ground.

"You come or I come!"

Yuan Tiangang asked.

Mao Dongdong said: "Let me do it."

As he said that, Mao Dongdong took out his utensils, placed the good things in five directions, and sprinkled special red soil on the recesses.

Holding five flags in his hand, and then muttering words, the five flags turned and pushed outward.

The five flags should be inserted into the mouths of the four bronze pillars with giant eyes and human faces.

With a bang, five groups of flames burst out, and then retreated in again.

There is a faint blue fire in the five giant-eyed human-faced copper pillars.

Through the ten giant eyes, it looks quite scary.

The crowd was amazed.

Ye Qing sniffed his nose and said, "Marsh gas!"

"Marsh gas? Brother Ye, what is marsh gas, you seem to know where the fire comes from?"

Guo Xiang was holding Ye Qing's arm, obviously a fourth-rank master, seeing the blue fire in Guan's giant eyes, but was as scared as a kitten.

Ye Qing patted Feng his fragrant shoulder lightly and explained: "Methane is a combustible gas formed by the accumulation of rotten things for a long time. When it is completely burned, the flame is blue-white, short and fast, stable and powerful. There is a slight rustling sound, and the combustion temperature is relatively high.

If the flame is elongated and weak, and the flame is red and yellow, it means that the air volume is too small and the biogas cannot be fully burned. "

"After we came down, we didn't feel any difficulty in breathing, which shows that the ventilation in this cave is good, and those who can create this kind of terrain are great talents.

(End of this chapter)

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