I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 478 Activating the Teleportation Array

Chapter 478 Activating the Teleportation Array
"Brother Ye, you know a lot! I admire you so much."

After listening to Ye Qing's explanation, Guo Xiang was not as afraid of the blue fire as before.

It was only then that everyone realized that this was the case.

What burns is air.

It's amazing.

Air can also burn.

Only Ye Qing, who is like a celestial being, understands this, and they all think it is the means of gods.

While speaking, the teleportation array was activated.

Colorful lights began to emanate from the teleportation array.

Then radiate in all directions, along the wall to the dome above.

Most disappeared.

"Your Highness, the teleportation array has been activated, and now we can start to verify the feasibility of the teleportation array, and then it's up to you!" Mao Dongdong got off the teleportation platform and bowed his hands to Ye Qing.

He also told Ye Qing and others how to activate it.

Whether it can be achieved depends on Yuan Tiangang, Bu Xiaofan, and Wolong Zhuge Liang.

"Kong Ming, come and find out all the energy points."

Yuan Tiangang ordered.

Crouching Dragon Zhuge Liang nodded in response, and then jumped into the center of the array.

With a wave of his hand, eight cards flew out.

"Bright moon and bright stars, can you light up the way forward!"

next moment!
The entire cave is as if it was fabricated, and it is more like transparent.

All around you can clearly see the flow of various energies.

It's like being in a river.

And this time everyone can see it, not just him.

Yuan Tiangang turned around in a circle and said confidently:
"Miss Bu, try your best to do what you can."

"Brother Mao, you lead the Mao family to set up the formation!"

Bu Xiaofan didn't say a word, just took out the breath thing.

Mao Dongdong said: "Set up the formation!"

Take people as the formation, each occupying a position.

Gather energy together, use the small to gather the big.

The people in Maojiabao immediately surrounded the teleportation formation, stood in their respective positions, and then worked together to make a final decision.

Then cross each other, borrowing the observation of Crouching Dragon Zhuge Liang, Ye Qing and other capable people can clearly see that there is a bright yellow flowing energy on the body of the people in Maojiabao, and the hands slowly come out
Then extend towards each other.

After the energy fluid comes into contact, it is like water and milk, and they are tightly intertwined.

"All the stars support the moon, and the sun is up to the sky!"

Following the Maojiabao people's slogans, another wave rushed out of Baihui acupoint on the top of the head, forming an arc in the air, interweaving above the teleportation array, and then heading towards Wolong Wolong Zhuge Liang below.

"There is more energy coming, and it is very pure. It may be difficult to control it."

Bu Xiaofan gritted his teeth, and the eight hexagrams were already swimming along the gap in the cave hall towards the countercurrent and towards the energy flow.

The energy that can rush is detected clearly.

Yuan Tiangang said: "No way, energy is like a spring, if you are strong, it will be weak, just tame it, just like our usual practice.

It only takes one time to get through the teleportation array, and it can be activated, and it won't be so troublesome next time. "

Can understand everything, can't understand anything, can't understand feces and urine.

While speaking, Yuan Tiangang threw out his little yellow flag, and then walked around the teleportation array, constantly planting flags and placing things.

Then he kept drawing symbols on the wall with cinnabar.

Finally, he raised his sword and jumped into the teleportation array, and then read: "The heaven and earth are mysterious and yellow, the universe is prehistoric... Lin, soldier, fight, person, all, array, row, in front, open to the old Taoist!"

I saw red energy gushing out from Yuan Tiangang's body, and then injecting it into the main sword.

Then the sword pointed upwards, and the energy was divided into countless strands like a goddess scattered flowers, and then collided with the yellow flags, objects, and runes he arranged.

Then these things began to feed energy back, and those flowing energy bodies began to grow larger.

Ye Qing and the others stood at the door, as if watching a sci-fi movie with [-]D glasses.

Everything in front of me is too spectacular.

So beautiful, so dazzling.

"If I wasn't a warrior, I'd probably be blind!"

"I'm not a martial artist. I've been frightened and frightened for a long time. It turns out that the world of energy and inner strength is like this. It's incredible."

Just when Ye Qing and others were feeling emotional.

Bubufan reminded: "It's coming! I can't hold it anymore!"

The next moment, a huge white fluid energy gushed out from under the teleportation array.

With a slight charge, the ground trembled, Bu Xiaofan and the others groaned and vomited blood.

Crouching Dragon Zhuge Liang and Yuan Tiangang in the formation were even paler and their eyes were bloodshot.

All the hair stood on end.

"Eight formations!"


Everyone's eyes darkened.

The big energy vision that I just saw would be extremely dim if the lights were turned off in the cinema.

At the same time, in the teleportation formation, Crouching Dragon Zhuge Liang's own body was shining brightly.

The gossip runes on his body are constantly circulating everywhere.

"Use your body as your team! A genius among geniuses."

"Monster! There is someone who is born with a gossip formation!"

The Mao family were all amazed.

"Don't get distracted, keep going!"

Although the small river with surging energy could no longer be seen, everyone knew that it was still there.

Their own is still there.

It's just that Wolong Wolong Zhuge Liangbian recruited Guan Xing.

"I can't hold it anymore, we are still weaker."

In the formation, Yuan Tiangang's face twisted ferociously, holding the sword and pressing down desperately.

It seems that some monster is about to break through and eat people.

The same is true for Crouching Dragon Zhuge Liang, turning his body into an array, with his double braces facing the ground, and constantly increasing his strength.

Ye Qing and the others could tell that everyone was doing their best, each of them was working extremely hard, and they were anxious to see.

They are also warriors, if they can contribute, they don't need to mobilize their own internal strength to participate.

But they can't do that.

Not only could they not help everyone, but they broke the balance and caused a catastrophe, and they rushed to the street immediately.

"Junbao, what are you doing?"

Suddenly Guo Xiang asked.

Only then did Ye Qing and the others turn their gazes to Zhang Sanfeng.

Zhang Sanfeng didn't wave his head, he slowly raised his right hand and lifted the sword.

"The dolls are still too young."

After speaking, Zhang Sanfeng stomped his foot.

Suddenly, a gossip map disappeared in a flash at the place where he stepped.

"Wait! Mitutoyo also knows Tai Chi and gossip, and also knows the art of the Five Elements!"

Ye Qing was the first to wake up.

While talking, Zhang Sanfeng suddenly flew high above the teleportation array.

He drew his sword and waved.

"Tai Chi Eight Diagrams Sword, town!"


A Bagua diagram appeared on Zhang Sanfeng's back, radiant and dazzling.

Then countless sword blades in front of him flew in and hit the ground.

"Ding ding ding..."

It sounded like metal colliding.

Very harsh.

Equally terrifying.


A dragon chant suddenly echoed throughout the cave hall, shaking people's eardrums to rupture.

"Puff puff……"

Bu Xiaofan, Mao Dongdong and the others flew upside down and hit the wall one after another, vomiting blood and screaming.

Ye Qing and the others were also pushed back a few steps by the energy from the air.


Before Ye Qing and others could respond, the teleportation array buzzed several times, and then a blue light flashed.

Crouching Dragon Zhuge Liang and Yuan Tiangang in the formation disappeared in place.

(End of this chapter)

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