Chapter 479
People are gone!

Wolong Zhuge Liang and Yuan Tiangang disappeared.

The violent energy impact under the magic circle also subsided.

"Where are Kong and Ming?"

"Teleport away!"

"Teleported away? Where did it go?"

Everyone stood up one after another.

There was a look of surprise in his eyes that hadn't been revealed yet.

Mao Dongdong closed his eyes and felt his surroundings.

Then said: "The teleportation array has been activated successfully, and the energy below has become gentle and controllable. I don't know which teleportation array the two of them have passed to."


The members of the Mao family wept with joy.

"The things designed by our ancestors can really be made. We have been doing it for 1000 years and finally succeeded."

"The ancestors can rest in peace, and the ancestors of all ages can also smile at Jiuquan."

Ye Qing and the others were both surprised and delighted.

They all stepped onto the teleportation array.

"After the teleportation array is activated, all lines are filled with energy, and there is no need to repeatedly use great effort to open it."

"However, every transmission still needs to be guided by someone who understands this aspect."

Ye Qing glanced around and said, "Kong Ming was seriously injured just now, and I don't know what happened?"

Word down!

The teleportation array made a buzzing sound.

Mao Dongdong's face changed drastically, and he hurriedly said, "Back! Something is coming!"

Everyone jumped off the teleportation array after hearing the words.

In the next moment, white flashed, and the flowing electricity of the five copper pillars interweaved and flashed.

Then a figure appeared on the teleportation array.

This person is none other than Yuan Tiangang.

Everyone couldn't help but be overjoyed.

Yuan Tiangang, who was sent away, has been sent back, which is a great thing.

Indicates that two-way transmission is possible.

But there is no Crouching Dragon Zhuge Liang.

It's still puzzling.

Yuan Tiangang glanced at the surrounding situation.

He hurriedly said: "Master, the teleportation array can be used, it is very convenient!"

Ye Qing said: "Do you feel unwell, where is Kong Ming now?"

"My lord, I didn't feel any discomfort. I was in good health. Kong Ming was very weak, so I let him stay there. As for where it is, I haven't come to find out yet, but it is an underground tomb. .”

"The Catacombs?"

Everyone was amazed.

The teleportation array was built in the underground tomb.

Mao Dongdong and the others shook their heads, knowing that among the eleven teleportation arrays, none of them were built in the underground tomb.

Wouldn't that mean that...the two of Wolong and Zhuge Liang were passed on to the Great Zhou Kingdom.

"Yes, it's the mausoleum. I took two things from it, an ancient bronze sword and a small pottery figurine!"

As he said that, Yuan Tiangang took the things out of the cloth bag.

"This is the Qin sword. Although it is a short sword, it was made by the previous dynasty. You can see that the sword body is very different from my Da Zhou."

"This is a terracotta figurine buried with him. In the previous dynasty, the terracotta figurines were first buried to replace slaves. The pattern and fabrication method are also very different from ours, so this is a Qin Dynasty mausoleum!"

"The mausoleum! That is the tomb of the emperor. The tombs of the former emperors are on Lishan Mountain in the east of Chang'an, so the teleportation array is on Lishan Mountain!"

Zhang Liang analyzed step by step, one by one.

After everyone listened, they all showed admiration.

The location of the No. 12 teleportation array can be deduced by relying on two things alone.

It's amazing.

Lishan is only sixty or seventy miles away from Chang'an.

very close.

"Lishan, so we can return to Guanzhong now, without having to detour through the Chuyue Kingdom, let alone the Twelve Witch Kingdoms."

"That's right, you can go back to your country, you can go back whenever you want."

"However, there are not many people in one teleportation, and only a few people can return to Guanzhong. The large force still has to stay. We still need to break into the Twelve Witch Kingdoms. Of course, we can be more calm that way, and there is no need to be so urgent."

Ye Qing thought for a while and said, "Yuan Tiangang, you take Li Yuanfang, Zhang Fei, Kong Jian, and Zhang Yi to lead a team of 20 people there, find the exit, and establish a solid position in Lishan.

Don't contact anyone for now, just lurk. "

"It's the lord!"

After explaining to everyone, Ye Dai said again: "Everyone has worked hard today, let's go back to recuperate first!"

After speaking, Ye Qing picked up Bu Xiaofan, and then led everyone back to the ground.

Just came up.

Then some officials from the Ba Kingdom came to inquire about the casualties in the mansion.

I only found out after asking Lu Bu who was guarding the ground.

The huge shock just now shook the entire Jiangzhou city.

Soon Zhou Tai in the water village also returned to the city.

"My lord, not only was there an earthquake in the city just now, but the river outside was also turbulent. The water in the river rose to a height of three feet. Many warships were hit, especially the captured Shu warships, which were severely damaged."

Ye Qing asked: "The warships of the Ba Kingdom also lost a lot!"

"That's right, my lord, there are indeed quite a few. I think it will be distressed by the people of Pakistan. If it weren't for most of the warships going out, the loss would be even greater." Zhou Tai said truthfully.

"Then let's go to the palace and express condolences to Emperor Ba!"

...for flowers...

Great Zhou Changan!

The cooperation of Xiaoyao Mansion.

Let Emperor Ye Zhen control Nancheng County in the shortest time and at a price, and get what he wants.

With all kinds of money-making tools and advanced technology in Xiaoyaofu.

It made Ye Zhen more emboldened and confident.

But it made others even more uneasy.

"The news is confirmed. The generals in Hedong did not resist. Deng Tao has successfully seized power!"

"The Hedong Army is now obeying the emperor's orders! Cao Zhen, Minister of the Ministry of War, is quietly mobilizing the army to gather in Lantian County."

"The Liangzhou Army has also mobilized a part and is approaching Fufeng County. I believe it will enter Fufeng County in the near future."

"The soldiers and horses of Beidi County are also heading south. It seems that they are here to defend Chang'an."

"The queen mother doesn't have much time for us. Royal father is planning to do something to Lan Tiangu. It seems that we have all been set up by Ye Qing. He told the royal father about Lantian valley a long time ago. This fool has become a fool." The gun in the royal father's hand, he himself died first."

Empress Xiongyue looked at the sunset in the distance, her eyes were full of nostalgia and memories.

It was as if he hadn't heard Ye Cai's words at all.

Until the sun completely disappears from the other side of the mountain.

She just woke up from the memory.

"After so many years, it's finally come to this point."

After speaking, Empress Xiongyue walked downstairs, ignoring Ye Cai.

Ye Cai chased him down.

Empress Xiong Yue said: "Stay in the mansion honestly tonight, no matter what happens in Chang'an City, don't come out, just pretend you didn't hear, let alone see."

"Ah! What about you, queen mother!"

Ye Cai asked quickly.

He had a hunch that he was going to make a move tonight.

Chang'an is about to change.

Either win or lose.

Success or failure.

There will be results.

"I, of course, will be with your royal father, sleep with you!"

After speaking, Empress Xiongyue dragged her long red robe and left slowly.

There is no head, let alone too much explanation.



Ye Cai couldn't understand.

But finally gritted his teeth and hurried back to the mansion.

He called everyone back and thanked the guests behind closed doors.

In the royal study!

Ye Zhen continued to explain things, and tonight, he also had a big move.

After making arrangements, I got up and went to the window, looking at the sunset glow that was about to disappear, I felt a burst of emotion.

"Your Majesty! The Empress asked someone to come over and invite Your Majesty to have dinner with her tonight. She said that today is a special day. I hope..."

"Go back to the queen, just say that I will go." After speaking, Ye Zhen waved his hands, and his eyes were also full of memories.

"Finally, I will come to this step. The result was doomed from the beginning, and I can't help it at all..."

(End of this chapter)

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