I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 480 The Emperor and Empress Meet Frankly

Chapter 480 The Emperor and Empress Meet Frankly
"After dark, everything is done.

Ye Zhen went to the queen's bedroom.

Queen Xiongyue cooked a table full of meals.

All cook by themselves.

They are all Ye Zhen's favorites.

Fine wine from Xiaoyao Mansion is placed on the table.

"His Majesty is here!"

As soon as the words fell, Ye Zhen came slowly with people.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty!"

"The concubine has seen His Majesty!"

Empress Xiongyue came out of the palace to greet her.

Ye Zhen said: "You don't need to be too polite. I can smell the fragrance of what the queen is doing today."

"It's all what His Majesty likes to eat, and some concubines secretly learned the delicacy of Hero Tower. I hope His Majesty will be satisfied!" Queen Xiongyue explained.

Ye Zhen nodded, not saying anything else.

The two went to the table, and their own maid served the meal.

But Empress Xiongyue waved her hand and said: "The concubine is here in person today, you all go down!"

All the people in the Queen's Palace left and left the main hall. "

Empress Xiongyue began to pour wine.

Feng Mou glanced at the eunuch behind Ye Zhen.

Ye Zhen waved his hand back slightly.

Ye Zhen's people also retreated silently without a word.

And close the temple door.

In the entire palace, only Ye Zhen and Queen Xiongyue were present.

"Your Majesty, we haven't eaten like this for a long time!"

"Yes! It's been a long time, this reminds me of when you just got married, how fascinating you were at that time..."

No one knew what the emperor was talking about with the queen.

All in all, the two had a very harmonious and pleasant meal.

After dinner, Ye Zhen put aside government affairs and stayed overnight in the queen's bedroom.

During this period, there was no one to serve.

The entire palace was eerily quiet.

Upside down the luan and the phoenix, after several singing, the joy of fish and water.

Under the influence of a high degree of alcohol, the two fought seven times.

It turns out that Empress Xiongyue is also a warrior, so naturally both of them can bear that.

"Your Majesty is still as young as Yiru, with undiminished skill and majestic style. The concubine has finally found her original self."

"It's the same for the queen. I didn't expect that after so many years, the queen still makes me fascinated. Tonight is another unforgettable night!"

"Well, I will never forget tonight!"

Dragon bed.

The two met each other frankly, and there was no obstruction to each other.

"The queen will do it tonight!"

"Don't His Majesty want to do it tonight?"

Hearing this, the two looked at each other and laughed.

But the smile on his face became more and more false.

The surrounding air began to freeze and become icy cold.

It seemed that the warm-up battle between the two just now was just a joke and never happened.

More like, the joy just now was also faked.

"Does the queen think you can succeed? Da Zhou is my Da Zhou, and it belongs to the Ye family."

"Your Majesty has put the knife on the neck of the concubine, does the concubine have any other choice?"

Queen Xiongyue replied not to be outdone.

Ye Zhen said: "I didn't intend to kill you, both Mao'er and Cai'er are my sons, I never wanted to kill them, you are my queen, and I didn't want to kill you either.

As long as you are loyal to Da Zhou and the Ye family, it is impossible for you to die. "

"Hahaha, Your Majesty, I don't agree with what you said. When you killed Ye Qing, all your lies were proven. Who can really believe in you." Queen Xiongyue sneered and said:

"I have two sons to protect, I will not let them die like Ye Qing, Maoer and Caier have the blood of the royal families of the two countries.

They should stand high and dominate, instead of becoming people like Ye Qing who can't help themselves to life and death. "

"I didn't kill Qing'er, and Qing'er didn't die. It was just a fake news released by the Zhang family. You know, the Zhang family didn't dare to kill Qing'er." Ye Zhen vetoed it.

"Hahaha, Your Majesty, why are you still unwilling to tear off your hypocritical mask at this time? You have already identified Ye Yu as the heir, and you are afraid that Maoer, Caier and Ye Qing will snatch his throne, so You spared no expense to level all obstacles for Ye Yu.

Who sent Ye Qing to Hanzhong? It was you. You knew that you would die if you went there, and you would never get out if you didn't die.

Now that you have taken his Xiaoyao Mansion and taken back Hedong, do you still say you are innocent? "

Well, it turns out that this is how you view the strategy of the Empire, and you will never know what the truth is. "Ye Zhen asked:
"I'm here to ask you, how do you want to kill me, how do you want to replace me with Cai'er, this is Chang'an, you can't succeed."

"I know that you want to break through the Wu Pass and lure the Chu Yue army into the pass, but I have already changed the generals and changed the defenses. Even if it is Lantian Valley, I already have eyes and ears in it. What do you think Lantian Valley did? I don't know about this matter, the emperor, do you still need your son to help me find out the truth?"

"Hehehe, Your Majesty, you can make a will!"

Empress Xiongyue asked suddenly.

Ye Zhen didn't hide from her, and nodded.

When a person is about to die, there is no need to lie to her.

"That's why Your Majesty is also afraid that one day he will die!" Empress Xiong Yue had no more scruples.

Ye Zhen made a will, and she completely gave up.

This husband in name, his emperor, is not worthy of her nostalgia.

There was also hostility in Ye Zhen's eyes.

"You poisoned me. You think I don't know. Recently my body has started to weaken. I'm obviously only in the prime of life. How could this happen? You poisoned me first." Ye Zhen spoke sharply and stared at him intently. With Xiong Yue.

Xiong Yue smiled, a little crazy, without a trace of the queen's noble teeth.

Instead, she looks like a street shrew.

"Then guess how I poisoned you, Your Majesty. If you guess correctly, my concubine can detoxify you. If you don't guess correctly, you may not survive tonight, Your Majesty."

"You... poof!"

Ye Zhen suddenly felt heartache, and spit out a mouthful of black blood.

Surprised and a little scared.

"Where did you poison, wine, rice, water, food, clothes, I checked carefully, but I couldn't find it at all." Ye Zhen was also deeply suspicious.

He swiped all the methods and inspection techniques that could be found, but he did not prove that Empress Xiongyue had poisoned her.

"Hehehe, Your Majesty, the poison given by the concubine will not cause any abnormalities after eating it, and it will not cause seizures. It is colorless and odorless, and it is impossible to find it, because it needs medicine. It needs a colorless and tasteless The combination of things can be called poison.

And this thing, the concubine will put it under... every time His Majesty comes to visit! "

Speaking of which, Empress Xiongyue covered her mouth and snickered: "Your Majesty, my concubine is very smart. You died because of your own love. I put too much of that thing tonight, and you want too much, so you died too." quick!"

Empress Xiongyue rolled her eyes suddenly, rolled her eyes wide, and smiled wildly.

"You... are so poisonous!"

Ye Zhen was dumbfounded after hearing this.

Poison is in the middle and lower every time I have a romantic relationship, no wonder I can't find the reason.

And this thing is still chronic, and it takes ten or eight years to accumulate.

Aggravating toxicity at critical moments can even turn the disease into acute.

"Your Majesty, don't get angry, don't talk, because the more you talk, the faster you will die, the more angry you are, the faster your blood will expand, oh... no, your majesty, your blood has expanded to the maximum just now, and now the gods are here I can't save you anymore!"

(End of this chapter)

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