Chapter 481

Ye Zhen was so angry that he spit out another mouthful of black blood.

He wanted to kill Xiong Yue with luck, but as soon as he left, Tan was beside him with a weak body.

"Your Majesty, you are going to die right away, so you should keep your breath and tell future generations!"

Empress Xiong Yue reached out to caress Ye Zhen's suddenly pale face.

Ye Zhen snorted, as if to say, get out, you femme fatale, don't touch me.

Even if I am going to die, I don't want to be touched by your dirty hands.

"Your Majesty, you have exhausted all your tricks, and you never thought that you would die like this!"

"You must still have a lot of unfinished business!"

"You want to bring Dazhou into a prosperous era, and you want to solve all the ills in the court!"

"But you have great ambitions and talents, and you don't have such ability."

"Actually, if you had established the crown prince earlier, perhaps Da Zhou would not have become what it is now."

"The king of Xiliang, who was supposed to inherit the throne, returned to Chang'an and the day lily was cold, so what else is there to do with him!"

"The Xiaoyao King, who is most capable of succeeding, was also sent to Hanzhong. Who else can stop Cai Er from reaching the top!"

Ye Zhen stared at Xiong Yue furiously, and said with the last of his strength: "You... can't succeed, my Great Zhou will not perish, even if Yu'er is not Chang'an, can't inherit the throne, he will get Da Zhou Civil and military support."

"I'll tell you again, Qing'er won't die. Although I use him, he won't die. Although the Zhang family is a jerk, it's good for them to keep Qing'er. They dare not kill him!"


Ye Zhen suddenly lost the last look in his eyes.


Even the skin on the face quickly lost all its color.

"Hehe, even when I die, I don't want to tell the truth. I have seen through you in my life." Empress Xiongyue closed her eyes.

Two lines of teardrops flowed from the corners of the eyes.

After a long time, he opened his eyes.

Slowly got up, slowly put on the robe, and put on the phoenix crown and Xiapei for myself.

Draw the line on the thrush.

Apply a little lipstick and rouge.

Look at yourself in the mirror.

Empress Xiongyue stared at it for a long time, her face and eyes became more and more emotionless.

Professional respect and noble air are naturally exuded.

After leaving the dormitory, with a light touch on the right hand, the outer hall that was not lit with candles lit up.

Then came the main hall.

Then the door of the hall automatically opened without wind from the inside.

A group of officials, eunuchs, and even the imperial guards waiting outside the door all paid attention.

Everyone was taken aback when they saw Xiong Yue wearing a scarlet brocade robe with a hundred phoenixes.

This time!
As well as this place, only Ye Zhen can come out.

What is Xiong Yue.

"Your Majesty... is dead!"

Everyone was stunned!
what happened!

How could the good Majesty die.

The key is still from the mouth of the dignified queen.

Xiong Yue stepped forward with her right foot and stood in front of the palace gate and said: "Your Majesty is overworked, he was crowned with a stroke, the mourning of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and the misfortune of all people, let us hold a sacrifice!"

Really dead!

Ye Zhen, the emperor of a generation, once showed strength, and the emperor who wanted to rejuvenate the Great Zhou Dynasty died of a stroke.

The people outside sang and knelt down.

What's more, he retreated quietly, preparing to announce the shocking news.

"Your Majesty passed away suddenly. In order to prevent small disturbances at night, my palace now takes over all the power in the palace. All the imperial guards and imperial guards are designated by this palace to be in charge, but those who refuse to accept will be killed without mercy, and the nine clans will be punished."

Empress Xiongyue said: "Your Majesty said that the position of the crown prince has been decided long ago, and the candidate for the crown prince is secretly canonized. The edict is in the palace. This palace will lead people to invite the imperial edict, and the name of the new king will be announced after dawn tomorrow!"

"I pass on the decree of my palace, and the defense of Chang'an City is all in charge of General Annan Mingxing. All the families and armies in the city have not been ordered to come out of the mansion and leave the camp. Anyone who violates it will be killed without pardon. It will be regarded as treason and the nine clans will be punished!"

""I pass on the decree of the palace to order all the princes who are away to return to Beijing within three days. Those who do not come, or who do not arrive in time, will be regarded as unfilial and disloyal. ..."

After issuing orders one after another, the people in the Queen's Palace immediately sent verbal instructions to all parties.

Xiong Yue led the people towards the main hall where Ye Zhen handled government affairs.

The soldiers of the Queen's Palace were in front, rushing all the way.

Anyone who does not obey the command and dispatch will be killed.

From the Queen's Palace to the Qinzheng Hall is a bloody road.

The imperial guards in the palace and the imperial guards each supported the queen, and some were loyal to Ye Zhen.

They didn't believe that Ye Zhen was dead. Without the imperial decree, they couldn't approve the Queen's oral order.

It's just that they acted later, without a unified command, let alone an order from the emperor.

Only passively beaten.

Soon the queen's troops took over the palace.

On the top of the Tai Chi Hall.

Suddenly a sixth-rank master flew out.

I wanted to go to the Hall of Qinzheng.

But a sixth-rank master flew from the direction of Qinzheng Hall.

"Ye Qiu, where do you want to go!"

"You are...Xiong Bi! How dare you come to my big week!"

"Hahaha, why don't you dare, I have been here for eight years, it's just that you can't see it with your eyes open."

Ye Qiu, the royal family of the Ye family, is the strongest master of the Ye family, and he has always been in charge of the safety of the palace.

Only when he sits in Chang'an can he suppress the coveting of all parties, but now the masters of Chuyue Kingdom appear in the palace.

has been lurking under the nose.

The bear beggar on the opposite side tore off the human skin mask on his face, and then took out the silver needle that pierced a certain acupuncture point behind the ear.

The appearance of the whole person is changing.

From a handsome little eunuch to an old man in his 50s.

Even the black hair on the head quickly faded and turned gray.

"Since I'm here in Da Zhou, don't leave! Save your dog's life!"

After speaking, Ye Qiu flew over and waved the long sword in his hand.

Sword Qi soared into the air, and several circular arc blades struck and killed.

"It's a big week, I come whenever I want, and leave whenever I want, what can you do for me!"

The bear beggar on the opposite side flashed, reached a corner of the top of the hall, and then took out a knife in his hand.

Then the figure flashed again, before Ye Qiu's eyes, and then slashed with the knife.

"Ye Qiu, Ye Xiongyue is the empress, and there is nothing wrong with being in charge of the palace. Ye Cai is also the blood of your Ye family. It is not the same to inherit the throne. Why come out to disrupt the situation, isn't it good to enjoy your old age?"

"Hmph, rebel and traitor, you should be killed!"

Ye Qiu swung his sword like rain, and the bear beggar on the opposite side was not bad either, he raised his sword to block each other one after another.

All of a sudden, they played a dozen rounds on the top of the hall.

There are also many soldiers and masters gathered below.

But he didn't dare to go up and help.

That level is beyond their reach.

"Ye Qiu, you must be waiting for that damn sissy Cao Cao, haha, he can't come, do you think I'm the only sixth-rank expert waiting for you tonight?"


Ye Qiu suddenly had an even worse premonition.

Cao Cao is Cao Zhen's uncle, a seventh-rank master.

Ye Qiu was really waiting for Cao Cao to come over.

But listening to Beggar Xiong's words, Ye Qiu knew that Cao Cao might also be restrained.


Cao's house.

The first time she heard the news, Cao Cao, who was dressed in white and had a slender figure like a woman, jumped into the air.

Seventh-rank master, walk in the air.

Borrowing some eaves can even fly away.

But as soon as he left the mansion, Cao Cao felt the crisis.

With a turn of the body, the person is in another position.

The location just now was stabbed with a small knife, smashing the rubble into pieces.

On the other side of Cao Cao, 20 meters away, stood a man in black.

The man covered his face and had nothing in his hands.

"Lu Guan, what do you want to do?"

Lu Guan, the master of the Lantian Pavilion and the strongest warrior in the Lantian Pavilion.

He is also the person who controls Lantian Pavilion.

Lu Guan replied indifferently: "Cao Zhen, Ye Zhen Yijing is dead, are you going to snatch his body?"

"Hmph! I'm going to kill that bitch!"

(End of this chapter)

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