I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 482 Trapped in the Camp and Li Xunhuan

Chapter 482 Trapped in the Camp and Li Xunhuan


Cao Cao hit the air with a palm.

This palm condensed a powerful coercion, and the air in the surrounding area was compressed and condensed.

"Boom." With a sound, all the rubble where Lu Guan was standing was shattered by the blast.

Lu Guan is also a seventh-rank master.

Arrived early on the street below.

As soon as he landed, he turned around and flicked his black robe.

Numerous flying needles flew over with seven five-pointed dart hidden weapons.

Halfway through the chase, Cao Cao retreated and somersaulted, with two daggers in his hand.


"Boom bang..."

The flying needle and the hidden weapon hit the double swords and made a sound of gold.

It hit the eaves, and a large piece of rubble shattered.

It even penetrates thick tile beams and wood.

"Cao Cao, after so many years, you still haven't made any progress. What's the benefit of following the Ye family? Why don't you follow me? I'll guarantee your Cao family will prosper forever!"

"You Lantian Pavilion has been so shameless for so many years."

After finishing speaking, Cao Cao moved around and went down to Jieran from above by a few yuan, and landed with one foot.

The stone slabs on the ground jumped up and smashed towards Lu Guan.

Lu Guan waved his black robe again, and in the process of turning, he removed all the stone slabs that had been thrown at him.

The figure is constantly retreating.


The next moment, the slate was exhausted, and a dagger stabbed at him.

Seeing to be stabbed.

Lu Guan clasped his fingers together, but his figure was still retreating.

The dagger couldn't move, let alone hurt Lu Guan.

"Save your energy, Cao Cao, you and I have fought seven times, if you can kill me, you would have killed me earlier, why wait until you are very old!"

"Hmph, I'll take your dog's head today!"

After finishing speaking, Cao Cao stabbed forward with another dagger.

This thorn is not easy.

A sword aura suddenly emerged from the edge of the sword.

Sword Qi Changhong flew towards it, but Lu Guan avoided it.

The sword energy directly blasted the big stone lion at the door.

One can imagine what it would be like if it hit someone.

"It's useless, you can't keep Da Zhou. After so many years, you can see that there are still people who have advanced to the sixth rank in Da Zhou, and none of them."

"They are all stuck in the third and fourth ranks, and their talents are broken. They are destined not to be Chuyue Kingdom's opponents."

"Now it's just me and Xiong Beggar who are attacking. If Chuyue Kingdom's sixth-rank and above masters come over, it will not simply make you submit, but will try to kill the family!"

"Forget it, I'll play with you all night today to see how much you've grown!"

Lu Guan and Cao Cao, one black and one white, fought from above to below, from inside the workshop to outside.

The fighting was fierce and the fighting was fierce.


"The emperor is dead! The news passed on by Mr. Cao immediately informed everyone to hide in the bunker. Our bunker is made of special steel and special cement. It is enough to withstand the bombardment of the seventh-rank powerhouse. I believe it can last until the lord returns. of!"

"Shrink all the troops in and let Qin Hu's tiger guards also enter the mansion. We need someone to guard the mansion. If we want to attack our Xiaoyao Mansion, we must have good teeth."

Guo Jia, Li Ru and others, upon receiving the news, immediately sent Huanhuan, Wu Linglong, and important people in the house who were not skilled in martial arts such as Lu Ban, Ou Yezi, Li Bing, Cai Lun, Mencius, Shen Wansan, Zhang Yi, Shang Yang, Yi Da, etc. They were all moved into the bunker.

"General Yu Jin, I have given you the full authority to guard the mansion."

Li Cunxiao, Zhao Yun and other generals were not there.

There is only one commander who is suitable for commanding.

Yu Jin said: "Don't worry, gentlemen, with Yu Jin here, Xiaoyao Mansion will not be breached unless I die!"

"Okay, then I'll have to work!"

Li Ru also handed over the masters of Jinyiwei to Yu Jin to command.



Jiangzhou City!
At night, it rained.

There was a deep chill in the air.

It's cold in spring, so you really need to wrap yourself in a thick quilt.

Ye Qing woke up suddenly.

Sitting up in shock from a dying illness, the dark wind blows rain into the cold window.

"System, what's the situation, tell me again, hurry up!"

If you heard me right, Ye Qing heard the information about Ye Zhen's death just now.

Perhaps hallucinations.

But the system still gave him a real mallet!

"Ding! Master, Ye Tao, the king of Fufeng County of the Great Zhou, wants to know whether the emperor of the Great Zhou, Ye Zhen, is really dead, who Ye Zhen established as the crown prince, and Queen Xiongyue launched a mutiny. Will he be killed? Are you willing to spend 5 taels of silver as a reward?" Remuneration, whether to sell it?"

"Ding! Master, the Empress Dowager Dong of the Great Zhou wants to know how Xiong Yueli and Ye Cai will deal with the problems in Chang'an if she becomes the emperor, whether she will kill all the princes, princes and princes of the counties, and is willing to spend 10 taels of silver as a reward. Will she sell it? "

"Ding! My lord, the great families of the Great Zhou would like to know the secret of how Empress Xiongyue killed the Emperor Ye Zhen of the Great Zhou, and whether Ye Cai's accession to the throne will liquidate the family line. They intend to jointly spend 20 taels of silver as a reward, whether to sell it or not. ?”



Ye Qing closed his eyes, still unable to control his emotions.

In any case, Ye Zhen is the father in name.

He is also the king of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Although I had expected that Ye Zhen would be poisoned to death by Xiong Yue one day.

But after actually receiving the news, Ye Qing still had some feelings.

"Come on, call Zhang Liang!"


Ye Qing breathed a sigh of relief and said, "System, all three intelligences are sold!"

"Ding! The transaction was successful!"

"After deducting 20% ​​of the handling fee, master, you still have XXXXXX taels of silver, and three lucky draw opportunities!"

Ye Qing immediately said again: "System, draw a lottery! Don't talk nonsense and just use the card!"

"Good master, now draw a lottery for you!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the master for drawing a martial arts character card!"

"Ding! Congratulations, Master, for winning a legion card!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the master for drawing an inheritance card!"

"Ding, congratulations to the master for using the martial arts character card and getting "The End of the World·Mingyue·Dao" Li Xunhuan (Rank [-])"

"Ding! Congratulations to the master for using the legion card and getting five thousand soldiers from the Three Kingdoms camp, as well as the commander Gao Shun (second-rate)!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the master for using the inheritance card and obtaining Cheng Yaojin's force in "Glory of the King"."

Li Xunhuan!
This character is great.

Xiao Li Feidao, a true example!
If you shoot, you must hit, and if you don't die, you will be seriously injured.

Trapped camp!
One of the most capable legions in the top three.

Invincible in attack, invincible in battle.

But Gao Shun only has second-rate force, which is really a pity.

"Fortunately, I have Rising Dragon Pill, which I can let him take."

"Glory of the King" Cheng Yaojin force.

This is one hell of a tank.

Cheng Yaojin's damage is strong, and he can also suck blood to return blood.

As long as there is still a drop of blood, he can recover quickly.

There is a saying about Xiaoqiang who can't be beaten to death.

Unexpectedly, such a card was opened.

Ye Qing was quite envious.

"However, let's give it to Cheng Yaojin, whoever makes the kid stupid has a foolish blessing, just to improve the strength of the old general of Xiaoyao Mansion."

After all, Cheng Yaojin is still only a first-class military general now, which is a bit shabby.

"My lord, you suddenly called me, but something serious happened!"

While speaking, Zhang Liang knocked on the door with the scriptures, then pushed it away and walked into the hall.

Ye Qing just got off the bed, put on a robe and came out of the bedroom.

(End of this chapter)

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