I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 483 Emperor Chang'an Zheng

Chapter 483 Returning to Chang'an Zheng Emperor

"The emperor is dead!"

Ye Qing said directly.

Zhang Liang was taken aback for a moment.

The emperor is dead.

which emperor.

Ye Zhen!

Zhang Liang's expression changed instantly.

"Who killed it?"

Ye Zhen is still in his prime, so it is impossible for him to die of illness.

Can only be killed or poisoned.

Ye Qing sat down and said: "It's Empress Xiongyue. Chang'an should be in chaos now. Empress Xiongyue is busy seizing power and killing people, and all kinds of forces in the city will counterattack. No one wants to see the Chuyue kingdom completely steal the core of Da Zhou's power. .”

"My lord, we have to go back too. The one who enters Chang'an first will be the emperor. If it is too late, Xiong Yue will let Ye Cai ascend the throne, or other princes will be embraced by the officials, then we will have no chance." Zhang Liang also became anxious.

If it is not a teleportation array.

Ye Qing was about to miss this opportunity.

Now it is barely catching up.

But the strength is a little weak.

It takes a lot of time for the army to be in Hedong, to contact Hedong, and to send troops from Hedong.

If you want to take the lead, you have to enter Chang'an alone.

This is too risky.

What a tough choice.

Reason told Zhang Liang that it is best to persuade Ye Qing not to go back.

Where there is life, there is hope.

As smart as he is, he doesn't know how to give advice at this moment.

But Ye Qing already had an idea, and said: "I will go back tonight. After I leave, you have to stay here to stabilize the Bahuangba Kingdom. You must not let the Bahuangba Kingdom know that I have left with the scriptures, let alone Let them know about the teleportation array!"

"It's my lord, Liang understands."

He was the only counselor accompanying him, and with Han Xin absent, Zhou Yu was in charge of the navy.

It can only be planned by him.

After instructing Zhang Liang, Ye Qing ordered all his subordinates to come over and give the order.

Everyone also exploded.

Unexpectedly, Emperor Ye Zhen also died.

"Brother Ye, do I want to go back to Chang'an too?"

Bu Xiaofan asked.

"Ye Qing rubbed his head, shook his head lightly, and said softly:

"No, you stay here, you help Zhang Liang, and are responsible for monitoring Ba Huang's every move; and with you, the future princess, Ba will not be suspicious, and it will be more conducive to stabilizing the overall situation here."

Bu Xiaofan, who was a little bit reluctant at first, had no choice but to give up his plan to forcibly return to Chang'an.

Her force is not too strong, and she has the strength to protect herself against ordinary people.

But this time returning to Chang'an was more dangerous than ever before, and Ye Qinglao didn't want her to follow along.

I don't even have the energy to protect her.

After mobilizing the accompanying masters, Ye Qing took Zhang Sanfeng and others back to Guanzhong overnight.

The teleportation array was very fast, almost three breaths, and then arrived at the destination.

"My lord, why are you back?"

Yuan Tiangang and others who were guarding here were a little confused.

Ye Qing looked at the cave hall of the teleportation array, and found that it was no different from the other two.

After walking out of the hall and reaching the second floor, it was discovered that there was a huge funeral pit above.

The burial pit is as big as four standard football fields.

All of them are terracotta warriors and horses cast by terracotta warriors.

"My lord, these are the terracotta warriors from the previous dynasty. We found that there are all kinds of soldiers, and the figures are lifelike. They are made in a one-to-one ratio."

"The owner of the funeral is the former emperor, and there is probably no bigger place in Lishan Mountain!"

"By the way, my lord, this mausoleum is actually a fake mausoleum. Emperor Zheng was not buried here. We have checked all around. There is an empty coffin in the main tomb. I don't know where the emperor's real body is buried and why. doing this?"

Yuan Tiangang was originally a person who practiced the art of yin and yang, so he was also very insightful and knowledgeable about the mausoleum.

"The fake mausoleum, this emperor is really interesting. He built himself a mausoleum bigger than his ancestors, just to put an empty coffin!"

Ye Qing has no interest in paying attention to the emperor.

However, Yuan Tiangang said: "My lord, I also found something interesting, that is, the teleportation array was built before the mausoleum, and not after it, so this is very suspicious. The time when Mao was not easy to be born should be after Qin, not after Qin. Before Qin, how did he build a teleportation array hundreds of years earlier than himself."

"At the same time, I found out that someone in Dazhou deliberately erased the information of Emperor Zheng, leaving only this comment in our court, and nothing else."

"What comment?"

Ye Qing suddenly became interested again.

The teleportation array was before Mao Buyi, that does not mean that the Mao family was not the one who invented the teleportation array.

This is interesting.

Yuan Tiangang said: "The only folk legend about the Zheng Emperor is that the Zheng Emperor is good at fairy arts, wants to practice the elixir of immortality, and wants to live forever, so he searched the world's wealth and gathered the world's underworld warriors.

Indulging in elixir, ignoring government affairs, and making the world miserable.

After his death, wars broke out everywhere in the Great Qin Dynasty, and the Ye family followed the will of the heavens and the people, and stood in place of the Qin Dynasty, and there was a Great Zhou Dynasty! "

"Eternal life! Could it be that he can still become a fairy in the coffin!" Ye Qing shook his head and laughed:
"Forget it, don't mention the emperor, the most urgent thing is to go back to Chang'an."

Go up one level.

It is the ground sacrificial temple of the emperor.

The surrounding area was already barren and dilapidated.

The ground buildings have long been destroyed by wars or long-term human activities.

Only a few unmovable and unbreakable stone sculptures of divine beasts still stood quietly.

Yuan Tiangang and others built a stronghold nearby with enough horses.

"Go! Send it back to Chang'an!"

"Back to Chang'an!"

After a precarious journey, after several months, he finally returned to Chang'an, the capital of Kyoto.

This time the challenge is greater.

Work is serious.


It's almost dawn!

Empress Xiongyue was waiting for news of constant returns in the Hall of Qinzheng.

"Empress, Ye Qiu and Master Xiong have left the palace, and left the West City!"

"Empress, Cao Cao and Lord Lu, the owner of the Lantian Pavilion, have fought outside the city!"

"Empress, the West City Gate is under control!"

"Empress, the East City Gate is under control!"

"Empress, Nancheng... the city cannot be captured!"

The previous ones were all good news. When it came to Nancheng County, the person who reported it got stuck.

"What exactly is the situation?"

Although Empress Xiongyue was dissatisfied, she was not too surprised.

Nancheng County was managed by Ye Qing.

And got the elite garrison sent by Ye Zhen.

It can be said that it is the place with the strongest defense force in the whole Chang'an.

There are more soldiers and horses than the palace.

"The people who were sent to Nancheng County to preach the decree were either detained or killed. They said that the Tiger Guards only obeyed His Majesty's orders. Without His Majesty's decree, no one can change their troops and generals, let alone enter Nancheng!"

"So General Annan sent troops to directly attack Nancheng, but was met with fierce counterattacks. All the squares in Nancheng were filled with solid walls and fortresses built by Xiaoyao Mansion earlier.

It is difficult to attack by force. General Annan said that it is necessary to send masters to attack and kill the leaders of the various ministries in Nancheng, otherwise they may not be able to get in after dawn. "

(End of this chapter)

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