Chapter 484

"South City!"

When it comes to Nancheng, it is inevitable to think of Xiaoyao Mansion.

The whole Nancheng has long been run by the Xiaoyao Mansion like a railway.

Whether it is people's hearts or buildings, it is far better than other places.

Before Ye Zhen died, a large number of troops were sent into Nancheng and heavily guarded.

The generals of these armies are not from the Chuyue kingdom, and they are loyal to Ye Zhen.

Naturally, the military power would not be handed over with a single word from Queen Xiongyue.

Empress Xiongyue also knew this.

This is the toughest bone to crack.

"Then don't touch them for the time being. After the new emperor ascends the throne, Nancheng will be destroyed without attack."

Empress Xiongyue asked again:
"Then what happened to the new kings of the East City and the nobles and nobles?"

This is what Xiong Yue is most concerned about.

Because these people are Ye Cai's biggest competitors.

So he used all the masters to watch the major houses in the east of the city.

There are no masters to deal with Nancheng.

"Except for frequent contact, they haven't taken any action to attack the defenders and checkpoints for the time being!"

"Oh, the contact is nothing more than to form an alliance during the court meeting and to elect an ideal prince."

After speaking, Xiong Yue stood up and walked towards the imperial study room.

A group of soldiers surrounded the imperial study room.

Zhang Rang took the initiative to post and said: "I have seen the empress dowager!"

"Well, Zhang told you to say something wrong!"

Xiong Yue glanced at her lightly, but it was cold, but without murderous intent or anger.

Zhang Rang said flatteringly: "After today, the empress will naturally be the queen mother, old slave, just get used to it in advance!"

"Hehe... You can talk, no wonder you are loved by His Majesty." Empress Xiong Yue smiled with satisfaction and said:

"I heard that most of His Majesty's orders to Xiaoyao Mansion were passed down by you. You often travel to Xiaoyao Mansion, and you are most familiar with Xiaoyao King."

Hearing these words, Ti Zhangrang trembled all over, frightened and frightened.

Busily kowtowed and said: "Mother, the old slave is not familiar with Ye Qing, and the old slave still has a great enmity with him, if His Majesty did not force the old slave to deliver the decree, he would not go to Xiaoyao Mansion if he was killed! "

"Oh, there is such a thing." Empress Xiongyue raised her mouth slightly and stared at Zhang Rang with a sneer.

Those eyes seemed to speak.

As long as you dare to lie to me, I will tear you to pieces.

"Empress Dowager, don't you know that when Ye Qing left the palace, it was still the civil affairs workshop that the old slave sent him to. At that time, the old slave had his heart on the Fourth Highness and tried his best to send news to the Fourth Highness, but he offended Ye Qing because of it. , he asked Zhao Yun to beat up the old slave, and now the foot injury is still not healed."

Zhang Rang went on to say: "Not only did he beat the old slave, but he also did a very excessive and outrageous thing!"

"What did he do?"

Upon hearing this, Empress Xiongyue regained her spirits immediately.


She just lacks a good crime to punish Xiaoyao Mansion.

It seems that Zhang Rang, who is knowledgeable, wants to hand in his name.

Zhang Rang had expected it a long time ago, so he replied: "Empress Dowager, then Ye Qing instructed Zhang Yi to ask the old slave to write a letter of loyalty, and he wrote it, but he still wanted the old slave to point at the sky and scold His Majesty and the other eight people." Your Highness, everything is written in black and white on the paper.

If you search Xiaoyao Mansion, you will be able to find it! "

This was originally one of Zhang Rang's tricks, and now Zhang Rang wants to turn it into a certificate of merit, and turn it into the capital of a comeback.

"Zhang Yi, you must have never imagined that today will happen."

"The letter of allegiance will become a reminder for your Xiaoyao Mansion."

Queen Xiongyue was stunned after hearing this.

And this letter of allegiance?
But then she laughed loudly: "Hahaha, what a Xiaoyao Mansion, what a Happy King, hahahaha, Zhang Rang, you've done a good job, very good!"

Such a big handle, such evidence.

Enough to destroy Xiaoyao Mansion ten times.


Suddenly, the main hall door of the Imperial Study Room opened.

Xiong Yuehuang and others stopped talking.

Then seeing the people inside, Xiong Yue respectfully made a gesture of blessing.

"Eunuch Cao has figured it out."

Cao Zhengchun was a veteran of the three dynasties and served several generations of emperors.

If you can win him over, personally help Ye Cai ascend the throne and sit on the dragon throne.

That authority can be imagined.

So even Queen Xiongyue should pay three points of respect.

"The empress wants nothing more than this. I can give it to my empress, but there is one condition." Cao Zhengchun stopped suddenly, and the lacquer box in his hand was particularly dazzling.

Everyone held their breath.

That's probably what's in there.

Empress Xiongyue couldn't take a step forward, so she rushed over.

However, he still forced himself to calm down, and instead replied softly: "Eunuch Cao, please speak!"

Speak a word, showing respect.

Cao Zhengchun said: "It's simple, the emperor I put on the dragon chair must be the dragon vein of Ye's family, and he must really think about the Great Zhou Empire."

Old stubborn.

Admit it to death.

It's not because of Ye's blood.

It really is loyal and selfless.

It is such a person that deserves respect.

Force can only make people submit superficially, but spirit can subdue people's hearts.

"Okay! I promise Eunuch Cao that the new emperor must be of the blood of the Ye family, and he will definitely think about the Great Zhou Empire. If not, I am willing to strike five thunderbolts from the sky." Empress Xiong Yue swore.

Ye Cai is originally the prince, and is also the blood of Ye Zhen, the direct relative of the Ye family.

Also intentionally shook Da Zhou.

So Xiong Yue readily agreed.

In her opinion, this is Cao Zhengchun's next step.

Didn't feel anything was wrong.

"Okay! Then I'll leave this thing to the empress. After choosing the time, I'll inform the old slave. The old slave will not go outside when he's old." Cao Zhengchun took three steps forward, and Xiong Yue also stepped forward. , take things down.

Only then did Cao Zhengchun retreat, and the palace gate slowly retreated in.

Xiong Yue returned to Qinzheng Palace holding the lacquer box.

Let everyone back down, and then it will open.

Sure enough, there was an imperial decree inside.

Picking it up and opening it, looking down, Xiong Yue's face became more and more gloomy.

The last burst of resentment erupted from the bottom of my heart.

"You still say no! You still say no! It is obvious that the throne is passed on to Ye Yu, and your ideal heir is the eldest son born to the former empress from the beginning to the end."

Xiong Yue tore her hands apart.

The imperial decree was torn into countless pieces.

"Hehe, Ye Qing is really pitiful, I'm afraid he will be deceived by you until his death."

"If I hadn't seen through you, I would have poisoned you one step earlier, and the terrifying world of Great Zhou would really belong to the King of Xiliang!"

"Now that there is no will, anyone can inherit the throne!"

"And in Chang'an City, no one is more qualified than Cai Er."

"King Fufeng has a false name, but it's just a gathering of civil servants, but without the support of soldiers, horses and generals, it's just a dream come true!"

"Wucheng King, Luoyang King, the two newly promoted kings, how can the Wei and Korean families compare with our Chu and Yue kingdoms?"

"With my palace here, who has the right to question Cai'er's eligibility for unification."

"This day, I have been waiting for almost 17 years!"

(End of this chapter)

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