I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 485 With my lord here, there is no need to choose a new king

Chapter 485 With my lord here, there is no need to choose a new king
After dawn!
Xiong Yue summoned all the officials into the palace to mourn for the emperor!
Hundred officials dare not not come, otherwise they will lose their reputation and be charged with a crime of disloyalty.

Although the princes were afraid, they had to be present.

Because this is not a simple mourning, but also the final battle for the throne.

Not to go is to voluntarily relinquish power.

From then on, he withdrew from the power center of Dazhou.

The mourning bell in the palace is tolling.

The whole Chang'an immediately fell into a sad atmosphere.

The original tension was also covered.

Everyone faces the palace.

Mourning silently.

Feeling all the big and small things since the emperor ascended the throne.

Baiguan Lu came to Suzaku Avenue one after another.

The palace gate opened wide.

All the soldiers in line had strips of white cloth tied to their arms and weapons.

His expression was solemn and his eyes were cold.

Before entering the palace, everyone was also led with white cloths, wrapped around their heads and tied around their waists.

Sangong and Jiuqing had to wear hemp and filial piety and white clothes.

Don't take it as an insult to them.

Don't think that only Ye Zhen's son needs to wear hemp and filial piety.

You must know that Ye Zhen is the emperor, and it is an honor to wear hemp and filial piety for the emperor.

You need to have a certain identity.

General ministers do not have this treatment.

Soon the officials arrived at the memorial place where the emperor's body was placed by the pass gate in the palace.

The queen played, and General Annan presided over the overall situation.

The mourning ceremony for Emperor Ye Zhen began.

The ceremony that originally took two hours was reduced to less than half an hour.

Empress Xiongyue is also afraid of long nights and dreams.

So keep it as simple as possible.

Of course this is just a mourning.

It is not a burial, so the procedure can be simple or complicated.

Baiguan also didn't want to waste energy here.

Everyone's energy is focused on competing for positions.

"The country cannot be left without a master for a day. Your Majesty passed away suddenly without leaving a legacy. It needs to be discussed by hundreds of officials. Now move to the Taiji Hall to discuss major events!"

Zhang Rang was shown by Queen Xiongyue and sang aloud.

Then Xiong Yue took the lead to go to Tai Chi Hall.

All the officials followed behind, discussing in private.

"Your Majesty didn't leave a legacy, isn't that too suspicious!"

"It's hard to say, His Majesty was in his prime of life, and he passed away suddenly. It is true that there was no legacy."

"It seems that Empress Xiongyue is fairly fair. If he forged a will in private and made the King of Chu emperor, who would be able to fight for it?"

"Justice, why did Justice send troops to take over the defense of the city, why did it attack the south city, and why Ye Qiu and Cao Cao, the two masters of the country, have not appeared until now. I think it is probably the queen who wants to forcefully support the king of Chu!"

"That's right, the most powerful King Xiaoyao is dead now, the King Xiliang who is most likely to inherit the throne has not returned to Beijing, and Marquis Hongnong, who has the support of his family, is far away in Hongnong County.

There are only Fufeng County King, Luoyang King, and Wucheng King in the capital. "

"Of the three, only King Fufeng has the ability to compete, but you know the bones of a civil servant, but he is not so stubborn. It may be said that most of them have been won over by the queen long ago.

Otherwise, where does the empress have the confidence to dare to discuss with the court. "

"Si, it's really possible. It's over, this is a conspiracy!"

"It's only now that I see it. You are so confused. There are still doubts about His Majesty's death. Da Zhou is worrying!"

Mention Ye Zhen's death.

Everyone's face was serious.

One by one became worried.

"The queen dares to kill!"

A loyal minister said with gritted teeth.

"It's hard to say, Mr. Huang, it's better not to push yourself forward, after all, it's not worth it!"

Not worth it!

The gray-haired Huang Lao was taken aback for a moment.

Then understand the meaning of the other party.

If the King of Xiliang or the King of Xiaoyao were present, they would be able to compete for it.

Like Ye Tao and the others, after all, they were a little bit off.

There's no need to pick yourself up for the sake of a few of them.

"Hmph, no matter what the reason is, loyalty is loyalty, disloyalty is disloyalty, regicide is regicide, and my surname Huang is still in the court of Dazhou, so you can't mess around!"

Mr. Huang lives on crutches, with a stooped figure, slow gait, and walks alone, but he exudes the light of justice, which makes people dare not approach him.

Only Dong Huang stepped forward to support Huang Lao.

Huang Lao glanced at Dong Huang, and snorted coldly: "Meng Gao, you are not a virtuous minister, why didn't you protect King Xiaoyao and let the late emperor come and send you to Hanzhong? It will not let the court lose its power, and let the Chuyue kingdom grow bigger!"

Dong Juan sweated profusely!

Mr. Huang, you are really not afraid of death.

Today I want to sacrifice Xuanyuan with blood.

"Old Huang, some things cannot be changed by humans!"

Dong Huang persuaded.

Under the general trend, everyone must bow their heads.

"Hmph, it depends on man's efforts, man will conquer nature, I... don't believe in fate!"

After speaking, Huang Laozhen pushed Dong Huang's hand away, and stepped forward alone.


Outside Chang'an South City!
Ye Qing and the others were wearing casual clothes, all of them were disguised, and then galloped to them.

But the gates are closed.

"Who dares to approach the gate of the city and kill without pardon!"

Ye Qing and others were forced to stop by the arrows shot from the city.

Ye Qing gestured to Zhang Sanfeng beside him.

Zhang Sanfeng said: "Dare to ask which part of the city's defenders are, we are ordered to go back to the city for business, please accommodate!"

The defenders in the city heard that they were returning to the city for business, so they didn't have such a big hostility.

He replied: "We are the Tiger Guards. Now that Chang'an is closed, you can't enter the city. Find a place to rest by yourself, and then march into the city after the lockdown is lifted!"

Tiger Guards!
Ye Qing and the others laughed.

As long as it's not other troops, it's easy to say.

The Tiger Guards are closest to Xiaoyao Mansion.

Especially the cavalry of the Tiger Guards, and the leader Qin Hu.

Ye Qing signaled with a glance, and Zhang Sanfeng kicked his legs and flew up to the city.

The speed of the movement and the power of martial arts frightened the defenders on the city.

Before they could react, Zhang Sanfeng turned around with his strength, and the next moment he was behind the guard.

He grabbed him with one hand and said, "Order, open the door!"

This guard is also tough.

Although frightened, he shook his head: "Impossible. We are the Tiger Guards. Only His Majesty's orders can open the city gates. No matter whether you are from the Chuyue Kingdom or the aristocratic civil servants, we will not open the city gates for you."

"What if it's Xiaoyao Mansion?" Zhang Sanfeng asked again.

The guard was taken aback.

Apparently this question wasn't what he had envisioned.

"Are you from Xiaoyao Mansion?" The guard recalled in his mind whether there was a master of Zhang Sanfeng's age and appearance in Xiaoyao Mansion.

Zhang Sanfeng said: "I am asking you, not you asking me!"

"If you are from Xiaoyao Mansion, I suggest you don't enter. The queen sent General Annan to take over the power in the city and control the east and west cities. Our Tiger Guards are only barely defending the south city. As soon as the court discussion is over , a new monarch has been elected, and we will not be able to keep your Xiaoyao Mansion anymore, listen to me, don't go into the city, go to Hedong!"

The guard is very sympathetic to Xiaoyao Mansion, so he speaks from the bottom of his heart.

Zhang Sanfeng was a little surprised, he loosened his grip on the guard's neck.

"Order to open the city, with my lord here, there is no need to choose a new king!"

"My lord, your lord is... Si!"

(End of this chapter)

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