I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 486 Lightning strikes Cheng Yaojin, luck bursts

Chapter 486 Lightning strikes Cheng Yaojin, luck bursts
The guard swallowed the phlegm in his mouth.

Asked in disbelief:
"His Highness Xiaoyao Wang is back?"

Didn't Ye Qing die in Hanzhong?
How come back from the south.

This is incredible.

"Of course you'll know when you open the door." Zhang Sanfeng said coldly, "Do you need me to say anything else?"

The guard gritted his teeth, and immediately said: "Put the suspension bridge down and welcome the Xiaoyao King!"

"Happy King!"

The whole city was blown up.

Happy King is back.

Isn't he dead?

But soon all the soldiers followed the order of the guard, lowered the suspension bridge, closed the gate, lifted the horizontal bar, and opened the city gate.

They are small soldiers, just listen to the above.

The rest is not their concern.

Ye Qing led everyone into the city.

Looking at the Tiger Guards who were staring at him, they saw doubts and a glimmer of hope in their eyes.

So Ye Qing took off the hat on his head and the gray robe outside.

Showing his handsome face and the exquisite armor on his body.

"My Happy King, Ye Qing, on behalf of Great Zhou, thank the soldiers of the Tiger Guards who are loyal and brave to the empire, you have worked hard!"

Boom, one sentence instantly ignited all the officers and soldiers above and below the city.

The Tiger Guards raised their arms and shouted:

"Happy King! Happy King! Happy King!"

Then all the soldiers lowered their weapons and half knelt down!

Ye Qing pointed his sword at the sky and said: "Today I return to Beijing with only one purpose, that is to kill the traitors, to restore justice to His Majesty, to eradicate the demon queen who poisoned His Majesty, and to restore my week to a clear day!"

After finishing speaking, Ye Qing and the others stopped trying to hide it, and urged their horses to head towards the city.

The news spread like a whirlwind in Nancheng.

"What? Xiaoyao Wang is not dead, he is back!"

"God bless me Da Zhou, King Xiaoyao has returned to Beijing!"

"King Xiaoyao wants to eradicate the demon queen who poisoned His Majesty, and I will follow him to the palace!"

"Anyone who can afford a weapon will come with me, and I will go too!"

The folks from all the squares in the southern city poured out of their homes one after another and gathered towards the north.

The Tiger Guards in the city even gathered towards Xiaoyao Mansion.

"The last general, Qin Hu, pays his respects to His Highness!"

Qin Hu half knelt with his sword in hand.

The emperor is dead.

Now the only one who can fight against the empress and the Chuyue kingdom is Ye Qing.

So he has no choice.

Now pay homage to the faithful.

Ye Qing helped him up and said: "General Qin, you don't need to be polite, but you are willing to follow me to kill the traitors and eradicate the demon queen who poisoned your majesty!"

"The last general is willing to be the vanguard!" Qin Hu said domineeringly.

Ye Qing said: "Okay, General Qin is indeed a loyal man of the Zhou Dynasty, but there are other people in the vanguard. Your task is to take over the other armies in the city and control the gates of the east and west cities."


Qin Hu took the order immediately.

Guo Jia, Li Ru, Zhang Yi, Shang Yang, Yu Jin, Cheng Yaojin, Li Siye, Shi Potian, the Four Great Gods, Linghu Chong and others came out to ask Ye Qing for orders.

Ye Qing walked towards Cheng Yaojin: "Zhijie, now you need to contribute to Xiaoyao Mansion, so it will be a little bit painful later!"


Cheng Yaojin was taken aback, Ye Qing threw a Rising Dragon Pill into his opened mouth just now.

Cheng Yaojin's eyes widened.

But soon came the surprise.

He knew what it was called.

It tastes the same.

He has eaten.

Rising Dragon Pill.

So immediately practice and refine.

In the blink of an eye, the aura around him changed immediately.

"Hahaha! I'm also a product!"

Cheng Yaojin laughed out loud.

After suffering for so long, everyone has become a master, and he is the only first-class master in the whole mansion, so I feel very uncomfortable.

Well now, he is also a strong player.

Qin Hu and others were shocked.

What did Ye Qing feed Cheng Yaojin just now.

It turned a top-notch master into a master all of a sudden.

This elixir of gods and ghosts is going against the sky!
It's no wonder that the people in Xiaoyao Mansion have been practicing so fast and promoted so quickly one by one.

"Don't rush to be happy, the real feast begins now!"

Speaking of which, Ye Qing patted Cheng Yaojin's shoulder heavily: "System, give Cheng Yaojin the force of "Glory of the King" Cheng Yaojin."

next moment.

Dark clouds gathered in the sky, and a white flash blasted down.

Ye Qing hurriedly stepped aside.




Three lightning strikes in a row.

Cheng Yaojin was beaten until his whole body was blackened, and his jacket was completely ruined.

At the same time, three huge energies poured in.

The dumbfounded Cheng Yaojin took over all the energy in a blank mind.

Amazement, panic and surprise were abundantly presented on Cheng Yaojin's face.

"I'm now... the fifth grade!"

The three lightning strikes made everyone around tremble.

Just now he was secretly yelling at Cheng Yaojin for doing something bad, and he was struck by lightning.

Suddenly, they were shocked again.

"Fifth Grade!"

This is a rank five martial artist!

You are afraid that your brain will be damaged by electricity.

But after biting gold to show off his aura and the inner strength in his body.

Qin Hu and the others all stared wide-eyed.

this is okay too.

It is really a fifth grade.

Oh my god, jumping a few levels.

From the original first-class to the current fifth-rank, you have been promoted to sixth rank in less than a moment.

This is not a dinner treat, nor is it a drink of water.

Even the people in Xiaoyao Mansion were a little surprised.

Zhao Yun was only promoted from the first rank to the fourth rank at that time.

Cheng Yaojin actually went one level higher, reaching the fifth rank.

Come from behind.

This kind of bad luck.

They are all envious.

"Thank you, my lord, for fulfillment."

Cheng Yaojin, who was dressed in black, immediately knelt down, shirtless.

The original first-class master suddenly became a pivotal fifth-rank powerhouse.

There are not many even in Xiaoyao Mansion.

The same goes for Da Zhou.

He felt that he could walk sideways in the future.

Words of joy are not enough.

Ye Qing said: "Get up, don't be hypocritical, now you are a fifth grade, clear the way for me, let's go to the palace!"

"It's my lord, I'm going to change clothes now!" Cheng Yaojin ran into the mansion in a panic.

Only then did Ye Qing say again: "The guards of the Xiaoyao Mansion follow me to the palace!"


Everyone immediately stepped on their horses and headed towards the palace.


Tai Chi official.

Xiong Yue asked Zhang Rang to move a chair and sit on the lower left foot of the dragon chair, and said, "Today, the Palace will temporarily preside over the matter, and the officials and ministers of the Great Zhou Dynasty will start the court discussion!"

People from the Chuyue Kingdom stood up and said: "Your Majesty passed away, and the new emperor has not been established, which is not conducive to the stability of the court and the design of the country. Because the early election of the new emperor will ensure the stability of the Great Zhou."

The officials below nodded and whispered.

Then someone stood up and said: "I propose to appoint the King of Luoyang as the new king!"

Everyone looked at it, and found that this person was not from the Wei family, but from the aristocratic family.


Then another official of the family line said: "I propose to make the king of Wucheng the new king!"

What are you doing?
Don't you mention Ye Wei who is far away in Hongnong?
Support two unrelated princes.

This is a turning point.


Soon everyone seemed to understand.

This is messing things up.

No matter who is proposed, they will not be satisfied.

None of them are the candidates they want.

Empress Xiongyue also had a gloomy face when she heard this.

Family line...why are you so disgusting!
(End of this chapter)

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