I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 487 The man is here

Chapter 487 The man is back

"Cough cough!"

Empress Xiongyue coughed.

The following General Annan drew his sword and said: "It is a rigorous matter for the court to discuss the new monarch. Don't mess around at will. If you dare to make trouble, don't blame the sword in this general's hand for not recognizing anyone!"

After finishing speaking, the soldiers under General Annan rushed in one after another, standing to the left and right with weapons in hand.

Forceful deterrence.

All the officials were silent for a while.

The atmosphere is tense.

A group of hundreds of officials outside and the warriors who came also drew their weapons and confronted the army in the palace.

There is a plan to go to war when there is disagreement.

Empress Xiongyue frowned slightly, waved her hand and said, "Go ahead, the country's affairs are important!"

General Annan put his sword back into its sheath and withdrew the troops entering the palace.

At this time, an official from the Chuyue Kingdom came out and said, "I believe that His Royal Highness the King of Chu is the most qualified to inherit the Great Zhou Dynasty in today's Great Zhou Dynasty!"

At that moment, officials from the Chu and Yue kingdoms echoed: "My ministers agree that the King of Chu is a king who stands shoulder to shoulder with one word, and is the most noble person among the kings, with the blood of the royal families of the two countries.

It's another descendant, handsome, dignified, respectful, benevolent and loving. I think there is no more suitable candidate than His Royal Highness Chu Wang! "

"The minister also agrees!"

With a whoosh, a quarter of the officials stood up.

The sound is extremely powerful.

Only then did everyone see clearly that there were so many Chuyue families in the court.

The civil service department originally wanted to propose Ye Tao, but saw so many officials stand up to support Ye Cai.

Suddenly feel bad.

Looking at each other, no one came out to make a sound.

Ye Tao was anxious in his heart.


In the hall, four princes.

I was the only one not nominated.

Is the civil service department going to give up on me?
I can't stand up and recommend myself.

There's no use worrying.

Civil officials cherish their lives the most.

Mingzhe is the best at protecting himself.

Ye Cai saw so many officials supporting him.

Other officials did not voice any objection.

The originally apprehensive heart finally fell into a stone.

"The throne is mine now! Don't worry about the arrangements made by the queen mother."

Empress Xiongyue was also secretly proud, but her face was expressionless and solemn.

He only said: "Who else supports it? The new king is not only about Zhou, but also about the world, and also about sitting or all the ministers."

what does this mean!

If you don't follow the dragon now, do you want to settle accounts after autumn?

I want to force and induce everyone to switch to you.

"I object!"

Huang Lao stood up and said loudly:
"The old man disagrees. Although His Highness the King of Chu is noble, his name is not worthy of his name. He has the reputation of being a prodigal loser. He has no ability to command troops and govern. He is high but can't care for the people. He is tall and noble but young."

It's over!

Mr. Huang, you really dare to say it!

Criticize Ye Cai to nothing.

Before entering the palace, chattering is chattering.

How dare you speak out so boldly now.

Gao Yi!

I am so impressed.

But you're always dying.

Ye Cai, Xiong Yue, and the Chuyue kingdom all changed color.

Only Ye Cai, Luoyang Wang and Wucheng Wang were overjoyed.

Finally, there is someone who dares to hate the Chuyue family.

"Old Huang is old and his mind is confused. Why did you let him enter the palace? How do you show compassion for the worthy officials?" Empress Xiongyue said with a gloomy face, waving her hand to General Annan:
"Send Huang Lao back to the mansion, and let the imperial doctor in the palace make a diagnosis and treatment!"

I'm going to take someone away, and the imperial doctor will diagnose and treat him?

You're probably trying to poison him to death.

Huang Lao hit the floor heavily with his crutches.

"Why is the empress guilty of wanting to kill the old man, Lang Lang Qiankun can't tolerate the old man telling the truth."

"Ye Cai, a son is as valuable as his mother, how can He De dare to claim the great treasure."

"To be fair, no one here is qualified to inherit the throne. The selection of a new monarch today is a joke. Your majesty's bones are not yet cold. You don't discuss giving your majesty a posthumous title, choosing an auspicious day, choosing a good day, and sealing the mausoleum to report to the counties. Fighting for power here, shameless or not, I blush for you!"


Old man Huang, you are going too far.

If you scold the queen, scold the queen.

If you demote Ye Cai, you will demote Ye Cai.

What are you shooting at us for?

Xiong Yue was so angry that she was about to explode. With the general situation in hand and the palace guards in hand, all the officials dared not object.

You, an old man who has no job, no job, and is so old that he is about to lose his teeth, dare to criticize Bengong.

"Come on! What are you waiting for? Pull this crazy old man out of the palace!"


General Annan personally held the sword and hurried towards Huang Lao.

That posture is not trying to pull him away, it looks like he wants to kill Huang Lao directly.

Today, if some blood is not spilled on the hall, it is impossible to continue the court meeting.

"The old man is not crazy, it is you who are crazy!"


General Annan drew his sword, making a gesture to stab him.

At this time, a general rushed in from outside the hall:
"Report! The big thing is not good, and King Xiaoyao has entered the city!"

The entire hall fell silent for an instant.

The sword in General Annan's hand stopped suddenly.

All bodies were immobilized.

After a while, he slowly focused all his eyes on the general who reported the letter.

Happy King!
Isn't Ye Qing dead?
Out of nowhere.

If you say that the king of Xiliang has reached Chang'an, we will still believe it.

The person added anxiously: "King Xiaoyao is not dead, he entered the city from the south gate, and the Huben Guard and the army stationed in the south city all surrendered to King Xiaoyao.

Now Qin Hu led people to attack the army in Dongcheng, we were retreating steadily, our generals were either killed or surrendered. "

"Report! The Xiaoyao King brought the army of the Xiaoyao Mansion to the imperial officials, and the soldiers along the way turned and surrendered!"

"Report! The big and small gangs in the city, as well as the folks, came out of the workshop with their own weapons and came to the palace."

"Report! The defenders of the imperial city lost to the Modao team of Xiaoyao Mansion. Thousands of people were killed and injured. The gates and walls of the palace were smashed and knocked down. King Xiaoyao has entered the palace!"

One message, and another, came in.

Everyone was stunned.

This is too explosive.

Ye Qing is back.

The man is back.

It's okay to come back, the defenders in the city immediately switched to him.

Didn't the majestic Tiger Guards keep saying that they are only loyal to the emperor and only obey the emperor's military orders?
Why did he listen to Ye Qing's order.

The army that General Annan had just taken over turned against one by one in order to be so vulnerable.

"Why is this so? You are spreading false news that you are going to be beheaded."

Ye Cai stood up with a distorted expression.

How could Ye Qing come back alive?

The army guarding the palace gate killed more than 1000 people as soon as they fought. Is the impregnable palace so vulnerable?

"King Xiaoyao made a slogan, saying that he is not here to seize power and position, but to kill the traitors of the Great Zhou Dynasty on the side of the Qing Dynasty. He wants to... want to want to!"


Someone asked urgently.

"We must uphold justice for His Majesty, and eradicate the demon queen who poisoned His Majesty."

After finishing speaking, the general buried his head under his body and lay down on the ground.


Xiong Yue, who was sitting on it, spat out a mouthful of blood.

Only she knew about poisoning Ye Zhen.

Moreover, after death, Ye Zhen will not look like he was poisoned, it was just a stroke like myocardial infarction.

Where did Ye Qing learn about all this.

And you say you're a demon queen?
Tolerable or unbearable!
(End of this chapter)

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