I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 488 Entering the main hall and closing the door

Chapter 488 Entering the main hall and closing the door

"The Empress!"

People from the Chuyue clan were all shocked when they saw this.

They all wanted to go forward.

But Empress Xiongyue held on and raised her hand to signal everyone.

"General Annan, immediately organize troops to block Ye Qing, and he must not be allowed to disturb the court!"


General Annan's face was bitter.

What can he do to stop it!

With so many soldiers and horses in hand, Ye Qing came with the slogan of killing Ye Zhen on the side of the Qing emperor.

Whoever blocks him will participate in the poisoning incident.

Who is the traitor.

But all the people of the Great Zhou, the officers and soldiers who have the Great Zhou in their hearts dare not stand in their way!

I have to admire Ye Qing for being too cunning.

In a short time, the city defense and palace defense were disintegrated.

"As for the masters, why haven't our sixth- and seventh-rank masters come back?"

"As long as Xiong Beggar or Lu Guan returns, Ye Qing will not be allowed to continue advancing. I will buy time!"

General Annan kept praying in his heart, and then he took all the soldiers he could bring to stop it.

"Hahaha, Heaven is not destroyed, my Great Zhou, Emperor Xian, you have finally done a good deed, and you are not confused to the end!"

Huang Lao looked up to the sky and laughed wildly.

Ye Qing is not dead.

Ye Qing, who is most capable of inheriting the throne, has personal charm and strength, is back.

The Great Zhou will not fall into the hands of the Chu and Yue kingdoms.

In front of the palace gate.

No one expected that the mere Modao team would be so powerful.

As soon as the Mo Dao came out, the armor of the people and horses were split, and even the thick palace gates and walls were chopped to pieces by them.

"Modao is so sharp, I don't know what other troops can compare with them."


Soon General Annan and others came with 100 soldiers, and there were more than [-] masters.

Among them, the people who entered the product accounted for half.

But Ye Qing is not a vegetarian anymore.

A big wave.

Everyone also assisted the guards of Xiaoyao Mansion to contain these masters.

"Grandma, I'll kill you, Grandpa Cheng!"

Cheng Yaojin is now at the fifth rank, he can slash with two broad axes, and he can fight more than a dozen of them by himself.

Between shots, sharp and arrogant, jumping for a while, turning around and spinning for a while, a pair of axes is a master harvester.

No matter if it is the first rank or the second rank, even if it is the third rank, if it touches the axe, it will die.

Shi Potian, Li Yuanfang, Li Bai and others are all fourth-rank and fifth-rank, and their combat effectiveness is sturdy.

There are also four famous arresters, Lu Bu and others also have impressive force.

Even Ouyang Feng and others' Tiandihui has a lot of masters.

A head-to-head confrontation immediately crushed and solved the masters of the Chuyue kingdom.



Mo Dao moved forward and cut it down with a wave.

All the imperial guards in the palace were split in half, and only two rows were needed to cut them down.

All the soldiers were terrified.

They fled and retreated one after another, or surrendered directly.

"King Xiaoyao, we surrendered, and we were also persecuted. We didn't want to create a rebellion against Da Zhou. These Chuyue people forced us."

"Shut up, what are you doing..."

"Pfft!" General Annan was directly chopped to death by Cheng Yaojin, who jumped over, and he didn't even know how Cheng Yaojin got here.

It can be said that he died unjustly.

"The descendants can throw away their weapons and line up aside, or they can hold their weapons tightly and join our army on the side of the Qing emperor, and we will discuss it after eradicating the demon queen who poisoned His Majesty."

"I am willing to follow Your Highness Qing Jun!"

Throw away the weapon and that is the lamb to be killed.

No one is stupid, it is better to follow Ye Qing, maybe you can get credit.

Soon Ye Qing led the crowd to the Waidian Square outside the Taiji Hall.

Seeing the murderous look of Ye Qing and the others, as well as the head of General Annan in Cheng Yaojin's hand, the masters and guards brought by the officials retreated to the corridor one after another.

"King Xiaoyao, we are Fufeng Palace, Luoyang Palace, Wucheng Palace and Baiguan..."

"Okay, you don't need to say anything, just step aside and wait."

Before Ye Qing could speak, Lu Bu stood up and glanced over, holding up Fang Tian's blood-stained halberd.

These people dare not speak up.

Watching Ye Qing and others walk into the Tai Chi Hall step by step.

Suddenly Ye Qing waved his hand, Cheng Yaojin and others stopped outside the hall.

Only three warriors Zhang Sanfeng, Shi Potian and Li Bai followed.

At the same time, civil servants from Xiaoyao Mansion also entered.

All the officials paid attention and retreated to both sides.

They were all a little terrified.

Ye Qing is really still alive!

They are complex.

I don't know whether to like it or not.

Empress Xiongyue and Ye Qing were both wolves, tigers and leopards.

Whoever gains power is not good for them.

Empress Xiongyue sat on it, staring at Ye Qing intently, without stopping for a moment.

Ye Qing glanced at the officials in the hall, and the eyes of all the officials dodged.

Only Dong Juan nodded towards him.

"King Xiaoyao, you are King Xiaoyao, it's good that you come back, Dazhou needs you to guard, this court needs you to suppress, these are all traitors...cough cough!"

Huang Lao was so excited that he almost swallowed him to death.

Ye Qing looked puzzled.

What's the matter, there is an extremely loyal minister in the Great Zhou Dynasty Hall.

He had never seen this old man.

Can't name it.

Dong Huang stood up and said, "Xiaoyaohou, this is the former minister of the Ministry of Rites, a veteran of the Three Dynasties!"

I don't know how long ago it was the Minister of Rites.

The three gongs and nine ministers are also.

Ye Qing nodded and said with a smile: "Old Huang, rest first, and I will give you a satisfactory answer!"

"Hahaha, okay, since you're back, then there's nothing wrong with this old man. I can go back and raise her for a few years with peace of mind, and wait for you to give birth to a big fat boy."

After speaking, Huang Lao walked towards the outside of the hall.

Don't want anyone to help you.

Uh... Mr. Huang, you are quite humorous.

Ye Qing didn't bother, and watched Huang Lao leave.

The atmosphere in the hall was unusually quiet, and a needle could be heard falling.

Everyone's heartbeat followed Mr. Huang's unhurried pace.

Finally waited for Huang Lao to walk out of the hall.

The next moment, the soldiers of Xiaoyao Mansion closed the door of the main hall.

People outside the palace couldn't directly look at the situation inside.

As soon as the palace door was closed, the bodies of all the officials jumped, and each of them shuddered.

What is Ye Qing going to do?
"Okay, now I don't know what will happen in the hall. I heard that the queen is presiding over the court meeting. Continue!"

Ye Qing's style changed suddenly, he became a bit ruffian, and hooked his hands at Baiguan and Xiong Yue.

Continue your sister!

Huan Tingyi, you are back, Tiger Guards, all the armies in the city have turned against you, now you hold the army in your hands, and you are in charge of life and death.

Who dares to propose a new king.

I dare not stand up for others.

"Xiaoyao Wang, what do you want to do?"

Xiong Yue scolded and asked.

Those eyes were as red as residual blood, and resentment was like an abyss.

"The queen's question is a good one. This king just wants to ask how your majesty died."

Ye Qing walked three steps towards Empress Xiongyue, drew his sword and inserted it into the wooden board on the ground.

"I like to hear the truth, don't lie to me, because I know the truth!"

"Hahahaha, Ye Qing, you are so naive, you think you can fool me!" Empress Xiongyue sneered disdainfully:
"Even if His Majesty came back to life today, I only know that His Majesty suffered a stroke and died on the dragon bed."

"Do you really want to be a filial son? Well, let me tell you, Your Majesty is caused by lust and greed. This is the reason. You are satisfied!"

(End of this chapter)

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