I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 489 Let Xiong Yue gain power again

Chapter 489 Let Xiong Yue gain power again

Now you are satisfied!
Ye Zhen died much more useless.

Ugly enough or not, this scandal is not big.

Xiong Yue knew that she would die, so her actions and words were naturally crazier.

There is no bottom line.

Ye Qing stared at him intently, with even more murderous intent in his eyes.

"The queen doesn't even read the last bit of love. If you are really ruthless, you can distort the poisonous killing so openly and aboveboard. Shouldn't this king give you a thumbs up!"

The officials below look at me, and I look at you.

Obviously they were more willing to trust Ye Qing.

Xiong Yueyi has gone crazy, Ye Zhen is still the emperor, even your husband.

When he is dying, you still have to pour some dirty water on him to slander his reputation.

It really shouldn't be.

"Hahaha, history books are written by the victors. Now that you have won, you can say whatever you want. Anyway, I only know that His Majesty is..."

"Shut up, you want to delay time, you think I'll fuck you!" Ye Qing shouted, interrupting Xiong Yue's words.

Panic flashed in Xiong Yue's eyes.

However, he tried his best to conceal it, for fear of being seen out.

Yes, she was stalling for time.

Wait for Xiong Gai and Lu Guan to come back.

As long as these two come back together, it will be enough to turn things around.

If you can come back two.

Ye Qing also had to leave his life in this hall.

"Come here, take down Xiong Yue, the demon queen who poisoned His Majesty, push her out of the hall, and behead her for public display!"

Ye Qing is not a villain, he doesn't have so much hypocrisy, he waved his hand to signal Shi Potian and Li Bai to go forward and drag Xiong Yue down.

Xiong Yue panicked this time.

Climb to the dragon chair.

Ye Cai also stood up and said: "Don't hurt my mother, Ye Qing, you are just a prince and have no right to offend my mother. Now I have won the support of all officials through scriptures. I am the new king of the Great Zhou. I order you Back off!"

Ye Qing looked at Ye Cai like an idiot, stretched out his hand and lifted Ye Cai.

Lift it up high above your head.

Then look around.

"You are all civil and military officials of my great zhou, and all of them are elites of my great zhou. Who among you supports the demon queen, let me take a look."

All the officials took a step back, not daring to look directly.

Even people from the Chuyue clan didn't say a word.

Strength is respected.

At this time, as long as the eyes are not blind, as long as the brain is not confused.

We all know how to choose.

What's more, most of them did not support Ye Cai.

"Let me down! Let me down!"

Ye Cairen struggled to slap Ye Qing's arm in mid-air, growling.

"Great rebellion, who gave you the courage to dare to overstep and call yourself emperor."

With a twist of Ye Qing's palm, he pushed Ye Cai directly, and slammed his body into the direction of the huge wooden pillar on the main hall.

"do not want!"

Queen Xiongyue's tearing sound sounded.

At this moment, suddenly the gate of the palace was smashed heavily.

Two figures flew in.

One flew straight to Ye Cai, and the other rushed towards Ye Qing.

Before Ye Qing could react, Li Bai drew his sword and drew it.

The sword qi pierced the sun and flew away.

The attacking man turned around, formed an arc, circled 45 degrees, and charged at Ye Qing from the other side.

Shi Potian struck with both palms.

The surrounding four qi were condensed, bombarding them like mountains and seas.

The man went up a string to the temple beam.

As soon as he landed, Li Bai's figure disappeared on the ground, and one of them flashed to the beam of the palace. With a stab of his sword, that person disappeared into the original place.

Then appeared next to Empress Xiong Yuehuang.

Only then did everyone look in the direction of Xiong Yue.

At this moment, another figure also picked up Ye Cai and brought him to Empress Xiongyue.

"Sixth Grade, Seventh Grade!"

Zhang Sanfeng confided calmly.

Let Queen Xiongyue wait for reinforcements.

Queen Xiongyue was overjoyed.

Stand up and straighten your body.

He looked up to the sky and laughed wildly: "Ye Qing, you can't think of it, people from my palace are here, you can't kill me!"

The officials below took a few steps back.

Seeing Xiong Yue who was a little crazy, they all felt uneasy.

Let Xiong Yue gain power again.

I'm kidding.

Even if Ye Qing came, he would die.

A fifth-rank Shi Potian is not enough for a fourth-rank Li Bai.

That silver-haired old man is probably just a mascot.

"Who said you can't die, do you think you can escape justice with two warriors?" Ye Qing stared at her coldly:
"Justice may be late, but it will never be absent. Today, the king said that you will die, and you will die. No one can stop it!"

"Hahaha, childish, just relying on your subordinates Shi Potian and Li Bai, and this old guy who is about to be buried in the ground, you think you can be the opponent of me, Bear Beggar of Chuyue Kingdom, and Lu Guan of Lantian Pavilion, you are too naive It's gone." Empress Xiongyue sat straight on the dragon chair, her phoenix eyes looked disdainfully at the trembling officials below:

"Today, my son will inherit the throne, who has any objections!"

The officials were silent.

At this time, the Chuyue kingdom became active again, and they all said: "Congratulations to the king of Chu for becoming my new king of the Great Zhou, I will wait..."

"You're going to die!" Ye Qing slowly pulled out his saber, the cold light flashed across everyone's faces, and the sword pointed at Xiong Yue.

"Xiong Yue, slaying the king was the first, and the latter was the one who intervened in politics. Now he has usurped the dragon chair and committed heinous crimes. This king leads the heavens to defeat him. He is entrusted by the people to get rid of the demon queen. He is using the court to secure the country!"

Ye Qing stepped forward step by step.

The three followed closely behind.

At this time, Empress Xiongyue slapped the dragon chair angrily, and a thousand vicious lights of resentment shot out from her eyes.

"Kill Ye Qing, that bastard!"

Xiong Beggar and Lu Guan heard the order and rushed over.

Li Bai and Shi Potian rushed in front of Ye Qing.

At this time, Zhang Sanfeng, who had not made a move all this time, drew his sword and swung it.

"Tai Chi Sword Art..."

Tai Chi gives birth to two rituals, two rituals give birth to four images, and four images give birth to gossip.

As soon as the gossip sword picture came out, the blades of Wandao sword formed concentric circles.

He flew towards the beggar Xiong and Lu Guan who had been killed.

The two were startled, they avoided and blocked each other with luck.

"Where is Li Xun Huan, let me kill you!"

At this moment, Ye Qing also released another trump card.

After the words fell, a person came in quickly outside the hall. This person stepped into the hall, took two steps to the middle of the hall, and walked behind Ye Qing in three steps.

A dozen afterimages were left in the hall.

The speed is so fast and the movement is wonderful, laymen can't understand it at all.

"Li Ben's flying knife is a worthy example!"

Li Xunhuan raised his right hand.

A dark iron flying knife flew over without a sound.

Xiong Beggar, who was blocking Zhang Sanfeng's powerful blow, was hit hard in the chest, and the knife entered his body.

It penetrates from the back north and shoots into the stepped planks.


Xiong Beggar's defense was broken in an instant, and Zhang Sanfeng's sword was injured beyond recognition.

Killed on the spot.

"It's dead!"

"Sixth rank supreme, one hit kills!"

Xiong Yue and Ye Cai also widened their eyes, unable to believe it.

This is a dignified sixth-rank master of the Chuyue Kingdom, not an ordinary first-rank and second-rank master.

It was directly seconds.

The smiling face that was still laughing wildly just now froze in an instant.

Then his face turned black again.

Even Lu Guan, who retreated to the side, was not enough brains.

"It's such a strong knife, the hidden weapon can be used to perfection!"

(End of this chapter)

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