I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 490 Chu Yue's 3 Army Has Taken Wuguan

Chapter 490 Chu Yue's 30 Army Has Taken Wuguan

The strength is far above oneself.

But Lu Guan discovered that Li Xun Huan's aura should only be of a sixth-rank realm.

Before he could think so much, the eyes of Ye Qing, Li Xunguan, Zhang Sanfeng and others locked on at this time.


Ye Qing said lightly.

Lu Guan only felt that the danger was approaching.

He jumped up and flew towards the outside of the palace.

"Goodbye, late!"

"Chasing, leaving no one alive!"

Li Xun Huan raised his hand, and shot out another throwing knife.

Lu Guan, who had just arrived at Dianfei, paused and slammed into the door.

At this time, Cheng Yaojin swung his axe.

Lu Guan hurriedly blocked Cheng Yaojin, and fled outside without looking back.

Zhang Sanfeng and Zhang Xunhuan chased out of the hall and quickly disappeared from everyone's sight.


Tangtang Qipin was hunted down so embarrassingly.

Empress Xiongyue's support disappeared in an instant.

Xiong Yue and Ye Cai sat down together in a daze.

There was also a look of astonishment in his eyes.

Ye Qing also has masters, and at least two rank-[-] masters.

"Come on! Pull out all the demon queen's accomplices and chop them off!"

Ye Qing was not polite, pointing to the Chuyue clan who had spoken out in support of Empress Xiongyue just now, Da Jun waved.

Yu Jin and other generals from outside rushed in one after another, grabbed, dragged, and carried all the Chuyue kingdoms out of the hall.

"Your Highness! Your Highness, please spare me!"

"Your Highness, we are all being coerced!"

"Your Highness, we are not accomplices. We didn't know that the Demon Queen poisoned His Majesty..."

Let them say what they say, how to quibble.

Ye Qing was unmoved.

There is no need to stay in the Chuyue kingdom.

One-time eradication, avoiding future troubles.

People from other civil servants and aristocratic families all showed panic.

Such a domineering and harsh handling method.

The momentum of thunder is absolutely ruthless.

But then they were delighted again.

This vacated a quarter of civil and military affairs, and a large blank official position.

This is naked interest.

"Hahahaha, kill, kill, kill them all, anyway, you guys are almost finished, kill first and reincarnate first, it will be even worse if you die later!"

Empress Xiongyue laughed wildly and shook her head, laughing even more unscrupulously.

Dong Huang stood up and pointed at Empress Xiongyue and shouted angrily:
"Demon Queen, what else did you do?"

"What did I do? Hahaha, why not tell you!" Empress Xiong Yue said with a cold and resentful smile:
"Wuguan was broken last night, and it was captured by the army of our Great Chuyue Kingdom. Now it is estimated that Yijing has reached Shangluo City, and it will not be long before they can reach Chang'an."

"Da Zhou is about to perish, and you are still here foolishly fighting for power, do you think you are all a bunch of idiots!"


The officials exploded!
Wuguan lost?
How can this happen?
Without Wuguan, how to stop the army of Chuyue Kingdom.

Now Lantian Valley has surrendered to Chuyue Kingdom with a definite surrender.

Lantian Valley is no longer a barrier.

Instead, they attacked Chang'an's outpost.

Five thunderstorms hit the top.

Horror, fear and fear climbed into my heart.

"This is how to do?"

"It's over! It's all over!"

"With the current strength of Chang'an, we can't hold it at all!"

All the officials were terrified, their minds were a little blank, and they were extremely anxious.

Dong Huang pointed at Xiong Yue: "You demon queen, why are you doing this? What good does it do you? Da Zhou is gone, so what if Ye Cai becomes emperor, he is just a puppet!"

"Oh, I married into your Great Zhou, isn't it just to help my Chuyue Kingdom capture your Great Zhou and bring it into Chuyue Kingdom? You have forgotten that I am from Chuyue Kingdom, and after that I will be the Queen of Great Zhou Dynasty .” Xiong Yue snorted and said:
"As a hero, Cai'er will be granted the title of Prince of Chuyue Kingdom at that time. His wealth and splendor are still indispensable. There is nothing he can't do."

"You are so terrified, you are afraid, and you oppose it, it is nothing more than because Da Zhou is gone, you are all prisoners, you have rights because you are gone, what right do you have to accuse me, how many of you are really big Zhou thought about it."

"Ah! How many of you are loyal ministers?"

Baiguan was speechless.

Heart bitter.

At this time, Yijing has no time to care about this person.

With the death of Da Zhou, their fate has come to an end.

"Ye Qing, how does it feel now? Even if you can make a strong comeback, you can sit in the position of emperor, and you can sit for a few more days."

"The feeling of flying to the sky and suddenly coming down from the sky, you let my son taste it, and you will taste it yourself."

Ye Qing stared at the nearly crazy Xiong Yue.

Shake his head lightly.

"Why, Ye Qing, don't you believe it?"

"You think I'll still lie to you at this time!"

Ye Qing still shook his head: "No! I know that Chuyue Kingdom has sent troops, and the inside and outside of Wuguan have already belonged to you, so no matter how your Majesty changes defenses, it is actually useless."

The expression on Empress Xiong Yue's face froze.

Ye Qing went on to say: "So I sent someone to contact the general last night and told them to retreat back to Chang'an."


Baiguan was surprised.

Ye Qing actually contacted Han Zhan in advance.

"So what about contact, will they withdraw their troops? Will they obey your orders?"

"After your ascension to the throne is completed, the imperial decree arrives in Lantian Valley, hehe, the day lily is cold."

When the officials heard the words, it was like the sky was falling and the earth was falling.

This is hopeless!

"If someone else is leading the army, they will not return to Chang'an, but if the general is leading the army, they will definitely return!"

Ye Qing said confidently.

This sounds like a problem, but it is not a problem when you think about it.

If Ye Qing told the general in advance that Emperor Ye Zhen had been poisoned to death.

Others may not believe it, but Han Zhan will believe Ye Qing's words.

Empress Xiongyue didn't deny it either.

He still sneered and said: "So what, Han Zhan only has so many troops, [-] soldiers, even if they withdraw to Chang'an, you think Chang'an can be defended.

This time, my Great Chuyue Kingdom sent at least 30 troops, how can you stop it!"

30 million!
Hell, that's the least.

I don't know how many Chuyue troops will come one after another.

You must know that the Chuyue Kingdom is no better than the Great Zhou, and the counties and counties are twice as large as the Great Zhou.

The land area is three or four times that.

The population is more than ten times that.

The war potential is huge.

There are countless sources of soldiers.

I can't stop it, there is no natural danger, and there is no Lantian Valley.

Chang'an couldn't keep it.

"30 or less, not much."

Ye Qingdao: "Before I came, I would send someone to send troops to Hedong. The 15 troops of the Hedong army will immediately come to the king's rescue. In addition, the Xiliang king's army will also arrive soon. Adding up, I have at least [-] troops in Dazhou. , It is enough to deal with your Chuyue army!"

"Hahaha, don't be naive, Ye Qing, you know how far east you are from here. Just crossing the Yellow River, it takes a long time for a 30 army. At this time, I have a [-] army in the Chuyue Kingdom. Take Chang'an."

Empress Xiongyue felt that Ye Qing could succeed, and then sneered coldly: "As for the king of Xiliang, are you sure he didn't come to Chang'an to compete with you, he will help you, it is so scary to know that my Chuyue army is coming. I immediately retreated back to Liangzhou, and no one can help you."

"You don't have any reinforcements, and no one will save you. The ones who can save you are Ben Gong and me, Cai'er."

"My palace is alive, and I can protect you from death. Cai'er ascends the throne and becomes emperor. Chuyue Kingdom can make an exception and will not destroy the court of the Great Zhou. The flames of war are on fire."

"This palace can give you hope. If Ye Qing is expelled, Dazhou can still be kept. Those who believe in this palace will live..."

(End of this chapter)

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