I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 491 True and false edict, Ye Qing is the emperor

Chapter 491 True and false edict, Ye Qing is the emperor

When the officials heard the words, they seemed to see hope.

One by one they whispered to each other.

"As long as Da Zhou can be kept, it is not unacceptable to be a minister!"

"That's right, you can avoid the flames of war by surrendering, and you lose half by surrendering!"

"If Ye Cai is not allowed to ascend the throne, Ye Qing is not a good person anyway!"

"It's reasonable, Ye Qing doesn't like me waiting for a noble family, why not..."

"Ahem, I don't want to live anymore. What is standing outside? It's a soldier holding a saber. Do you want to die early?"

The fact that the general manager of the Chuyue Kingdom was able to be beheaded was just a moment ago.

All the officials shuddered instantly.

Carefully aimed at Ye Qing.

"The empress is really stubborn, with deep grievances!"

Ye Qing slowly put the sword back into the scabbard.

He said loudly: "Alright, then I will let you die in peace."

"Eunuch Cao, please promulgate your majesty's will!"

Ye Qing looked at Cao Zhengchun, who was not far away, who had been in meditation as an old monk.


Didn't you say there was no will?

How can there be?
Empress Xiongyue and Ye Cai were even more astonished.

I saw Cao Zhengchun walking out slowly.

Then stand among the steps.

Then he took out a scroll of imperial decree from his sleeve.

Then he opened it and said: "Recently, I have been suffering from many illnesses, and I have found nothing to be found... I feel that time is running out and I will be poisoned by a traitor. I hereby make this will. After my death, Cao Zhengchun will take it out and announce it to the world. .

Now I will bestow the title of Xiaoyao Wang Ye Qing, and my six sons will be crown princes. After my death, I will allow him to inherit the great rule and belong to the Great Zhou Dynasty. Seeing this edict is like seeing me. All civil and military officials, princes and nobles should follow it. "

"No! That's impossible. Didn't he make Ye Yu the crown prince? Didn't the imperial edict be torn up by me?"

Empress Xiongyue screamed.

The reason why he was able to seek the throne for Ye Cai.

It is because there is no edict.

The reason why he was able to control the court of the Great Zhou Dynasty was to control hundreds of officials.

Or because there is no edict.

No one can make trouble if there is an edict.

No matter who Ye Zhen passes on to, as long as there is an edict, everyone has to shut up.

Fame and righteousness are in hand.

No one can disobey.

This is the rule.

This is a common rule for all.

"Empress, the one you destroyed is a fake. Otherwise, how can we keep the real edict." Cao Zhengchun accepted the imperial edict, and then slowly walked towards Ye Qing.

Submitting it over, he said: "In this life, this old slave will only help the real King of Zhou to the dragon chair."

Ye Qing took the imperial decree, and then pulled it away to take a look.

His face was expressionless.

The decree is of course false.

But it was written by Cao Zhengchun himself, so it is true.

And it also covered the jade seal of Da Zhou.

The emperor's true edict was also written by Cao Zhengchun.

It's just that it was Ye Zhenben who stamped it.

False is true and true is also false!
What's more, the true imperial edict was destroyed by Xiong Yue.

Ye Qing turned around and pulled the imperial decree away.

Announcement to all officials.

Dong Huang walked over, read it carefully, then knelt down and said: "This is the real imperial decree, my minister Dong Huang pays homage to the new emperor!"

All the officials bowed down one after another.

"Meet the new king!"

Only then did Ye Qing put away the imperial edict in satisfaction.

Cao Zhengchun said: "Xinjun, please take the throne!"

"Welcome to the new king!"

Ye Qing stretched out his hand and placed it on Cao Zhengchun's arm.

Cao Zhengchun carefully waited on him as he walked towards the dragon chair.

Li Bai and Shi Potian went up and dragged Ye Cai and Xiong Yue aside.

Only then did Ye Qing sit on the dragon chair and look down at all the officials.

His eyes were like a knife, and he glanced over.

The feeling of looking down on the world comes from the heart.

Today, he, Ye Qing sat on the dragon chair, and he is the emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

He is the ruler of the Great Zhou.

Life and death are all in one thought.

"Everyone lives!"

"Thank you Xinjun!"

All the officials got up.

Now Ye Qing has not officially ascended the throne, so he can only be called the new emperor, not the real emperor yet.

Ye Qingdao: "I pass on my order to push the Demon Empress Xiongyue out of Zhuque Street and behead her, take Ye Cai into custody, and search the Palace of the Prince of Chu."


Immediately, the army from Xiaoyao Mansion came in and put the limp Ye Cai in prison.

Pull the insane Xiong Yue out and behead him.

Then Ye Qing said to the officials in the hall:

"The state is urgent, so I will briefly explain a few points.

One: The Ministry of Rites takes the lead in choosing posthumous titles and temple names for the late emperor, choosing auspicious dates, and preparing for the burial.

Two: The Ministry of War, mobilize all the people in the city, actively recruit troops to form a new army, open the arsenal, and transfer all the weapons.

Three: The Ministry of Households, organize people's power, repair the east and west cities, consolidate the city defenses, open the granary, and ensure sufficient food supply in the city.

Four: The Ministry of Punishment, to investigate the chaotic party of the Chuyue Kingdom that conspired with Queen Xiongyue to poison His Majesty, and at the same time control and control the law and order in the city.

Five: The Ministry of Officials, contact the counties and counties near Chang'an, and order the counties and counties from all over the country to send people to the king of Jingqin, and at the same time get in touch with the king of Xiliang.

Six: The Ministry of Industry, from now on, the Ministry of Industry will obey the instructions of Xiaoyao Mansion, and Lu Ban will be responsible for building everything.

Seventh: In the name of the Great Zhou court, the Qishan Pavilion, Tumen Town, Xiaolongmen, and Huashan faction were sent to Beijing to help in the war.

Alright, that's all for the time being, I will make another order if there is something to do, and I will leave it to you to deal with here! "

After speaking, Ye Qing stood up and walked towards the outside of the hall.

The officials retreated again.

"Congratulations to the new king!"

Ye Qing came out of the main hall, stopped suddenly and said: "The important part of the harem is now in charge of the old empress dowager. Don't let the harem be in turmoil. All ministries still perform their duties. The vacant posts of the Imperial Army and Habayashi Guards will be replaced by the original lower officials. Those who are missing will be replaced by lower officials."


Wait for Ye Qing to take the people away.

All the officials breathed a sigh of relief.

"What should we do now? The army of Chuyue Kingdom is about to kill them?"

"According to the new king's orders, the national crisis is at the forefront, we have no choice in the scriptures, if the Chuyue Kingdom breaks Chang'an, everyone is finished!"

"At the moment, keeping Chang'an is the most important thing. Once Chang'an is broken, everyone, we have nothing. Don't expect the people of Chuyue to be kind!"

"Go away, go away!"

Fufeng King Ye Tao, Luoyang King Ye Mu, and Wucheng Hou Ye Miao were dumbfounded the whole time.

Whether it's Xiong Yue or Ye Qing.

Never took them seriously.

I didn't look directly at them, let alone ask them.

This battle for the throne seems to have nothing to do with them.

Now that the dust has settled, the officials have no time to pay attention to them.

The three stood there like idiots.

Wait for all the officials to leave.

Looking at the empty throne.

The two felt bitter from the bottom of their hearts.

"Two brothers, how do you feel?"

Losers have no future.

Luoyang King Ye Mu and Wucheng Hou Ye Miao looked at each other.

Then they said at the same time: "Second brother, why bother to ask so much, there is nothing we can do about it, if sixth brother sits on the big treasure, at least we are still princes.

If we can keep Chang'an, our Ye family will still be saved. If Chang'an is broken, our Ye family will be uprooted by the Chuyue Kingdom, and we will never recover. "

Ye Tao took a breath, and smiled with difficulty.

"so what?"

"So, we will fully support the sixth brother in defending Chang'an, and all our governments will contribute their efforts. Only a country can have a family. I bid farewell to the second brother!"

Ye Mu, king of Luoyang, and Ye Miao, Marquis of Wucheng bowed their hands and resigned.

The two of them were born the latest and were the latest to be knighted.

The weakest.

There was no qualification to compete.

Now their only appeal is to live.

Then gain a firm foothold in Ye Qing's dynasty.

Gain power and continue the lineage.

Besides, the two departments of them already had some relationship with Xiaoyao Mansion, so it was somewhat related.

The days to come should be better.

(End of this chapter)

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