I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 492: Eight Guardians

Chapter 492 Eighteen Guards

Seeing the two leave, Ye Tao closed his eyes, and after a long time, he staggered towards the outside of the hall.

After leaving the hall, the guards stepped forward one after another.

"My lord, what should I do now?"

"Go back to the palace first."

Ye Tao simply said.

The subordinates immediately carried Ye Tao out of the palace.

The Taiji Palace, which was flying like dogs and dogs, quickly quieted down. The harem, which was originally a mess, quickly settled down under the action of Queen Mother Dong.

Ye Qing took the man back to Xiaoyao Mansion. Although he was not in the palace, the control of Chang'an is now in his hands.

On the way back, the people of Chang'an learned about it through scriptures.

Knowing that he inherited the throne of the Great Zhou Dynasty, they all shouted for ten thousand years and ten thousand years.

Ye Qing greeted the people along the way.

Back to the mansion.

Huanhuan, Wu Linglong and the others greeted them with scriptures.


"His Majesty!"

The second daughter rushed forward, and Ye Qing hugged the two of them.

He walked back to the mansion intimately.

"Linglong, I haven't ascended the throne yet, so I can just use the original name!"

"It's the new king!"

Wu Linglong is not stupid.

Ye Qing had no choice but to pat the shoulders of the two of them.

"You guys go down first, I have something to discuss with Feng Xiao and the others, and I may not be free for a few days."

"Don't worry, Mr. Xin, we will take care of ourselves. It's important that you are busy with state affairs."

In the hall!
On both sides of the civil and military sub-stations of Xiaoyao Mansion.

Ye Qingdao: "Now we only have one thing to do, which is to defend Chang'an and wipe out the invading Chuyue army under the city. What do you think?"

"My lord, it will take at least three days for the Hedong army to reach Chang'an, so we must hold the Chuyue army for at least two and a half days." Guo Jia stood up and said:

"Based on the marching speed of the Chuyue Kingdom, they only have two days to attack the city, so as long as we can survive for two days, there will be a turning point."

"As my lord deduced at the beginning, Chuyue Kingdom will attack Chang'an from the south, so our south city gate has been reinforced, and the cement is extremely strong. The next step is to strengthen the walls and clear the fields, and vacate the outside of the city." Li Ru continued. road:
"It's spring now, and heavy rain will come at any time. I think we should make first-hand preparations and send troops to sneak up in the mountains upstream. If the city cannot be defended, the embankment will burst and the army of Chuyue Kingdom will be destroyed by flooding."

Break the embankment!

It's so poisonous!

Everyone took a deep breath.

It took us one autumn, winter and half spring to build the reservoir. It has not yet been put into production and construction, so is it going to break its embankment and destroy it?

Li Bing was the first to stand up and object: "My lord, it is not easy to build the reservoir. If the embankment breaks and the reservoir is destroyed, Nancheng will really be destroyed, and it will be very serious."

"It's not a last resort, of course you can't move, but if it's really a chance of survival, it's okay to use it!" Shang Yang nodded, indicating that it is feasible.

The Chuyue Kingdom's 30 troops attacked Chang'an, and there may be more troops in the future.

If you don't use a huge account, terror is very difficult to win.

Ye Qing looked at Guo Jia.

Guo Jiadao: "War serves politics, people's livelihood serves war, and then politics serves people's livelihood."

"Zhang Fei, you take 1000 people to hide in the Qinling Mountains, watch the reservoir, and don't move without orders!" Ye Qing said:

"No matter what, keeping Chang'an should be the top priority. If we have the ability to build it the first time, we will be able to build it the second time."


Zhang Fei took the order to go down.

Then Ye Qing said again: "From now on, adjust the military deployment and structure of Xiaoyao Mansion. The Modao team will be changed to Modaowei, and the number will be increased to [-]. Those who are insufficient will be selected first from the strong and strong in the city. The guards will be led by Li Siye."

"Promise!" Li Siye stood up and took the order.

Now the Ministry of War is mobilizing to recruit the people in the city, and Xiaoyao Mansion already has data on strong labor such as building reservoirs and dams.

As long as there is authorization, Modaowei can be recruited soon!
"In addition, set up a regular ten guards, divided into front, rear, left, and right middle infantry guards, and front, rear, left, and right middle cavalry guards."

Ye Qing focused on looking at the generals and said: "Each guard has 5000 troops, a total of 5 horses? In addition to the regular ten guards, there are additional special guards, such as Modao Guards, Euphorbias, Trapped Camp, Xuanwu, Suzaku, White Tiger, Qinglong Wait, 5000 guards are the benchmark!"

"The rate of Yu Ban's front infantry, Cheng Yaojin's rate of rear infantry, Zhang Fei's rate of left infantry, Guan Yu's rate of right infantry, and Tai Shici's rate of middle infantry."

"Ma Chao is the rate of the front cavalry, Zhao Yun is the rate of the rear cavalry, Lu Bu is the rate of the left cavalry, Huang Zhong is the rate of the right cavalry, Li Cunxiao is the rate of the middle cavalry!"

"Zhang He led the Euphorbia Army, Gao Shun led the Enveloping Camp, Zhang Liao led the Shenji Battalion, Di Qing led the Suzaku Guard, Xue Rengui led the Xuanwu Guard, Han Xin led the Qinglong Guard, and Zhou Yu led the Dajiang Fleet. Form an army!"

Not counting Zhou Yu, Ye Qing formed seventeen guards in one go.

Zhang Yi asked: "My lord, what about the rate of the White Tigers?"

Xu Huang, Han Shizhong, Wang Ping and others who were far away in Bashu were among those who couldn't read their names.

Ye Qingdao: "The White Tiger Guard will be headed by the King of Xiliang, and other troops will be added after the eighteen guards are full."

There are five thousand guards in one guard, and a total of 9 guards in eighteen guards.

It gets full easily.

As soon as the Hedong Army arrives, the eighteen guards will be fully occupied immediately.

It seems that Ye Qing wants to reward the addition of new guards, to see which unit in this war department can perform outstandingly.

to motivate the armies.

"Before the arrival of the Hedong Army, the capital's soldiers will be given priority to fill in the names of the guards in Beijing."


Next, Ye Qing and a group of civil and military officials began to discuss the details of taking over the military and political power in the city and preparing the defense deployment.


Han Zhan and other troops retreated to Chang'an City one after another.

You have to know that Ye Zhen died.

According to the will, Ye Qing took over Da Zhou.

Even Cao Zhen had no choice but to say nothing.

"Chen Han Zhan (Cao Zhen) pays homage to the new king!"

All the generals of the Ministry of War met Ye Qing one after another.

Ye Qingdao: "You came back in time, with more than 2 more soldiers, we are more confident in defending Chang'an. I won't say more about it. The city is in Dazhou, and everyone will be rewarded for defending it.

If we can't hold on, I don't think we have the strength to worry about other things. The focus of this battle is solidarity and unity. I hope that everyone will abandon the past, and we will stay calm after everything is over after this battle is over! "

"That's right, I'll wait for the new king!" Han Zhan was the first to express his opinion.

Other generals also echoed.

Ye Qing saw Cao Zhen who didn't reply.

Cao Zhen greeted Ye Qing's eyes and said, "How does the new king plan to deal with the King of Xiliang!"

Others dare not look directly at Ye Qing and ignore the conditions directly, but Cao Zhen dares.

Because the Cao family also has a Supreme with the strength of the sixth and seventh ranks.

This is the confidence of the Cao family.

Ye Qingdao: "The king of Xiliang is my elder brother, so he is naturally the king of Xiliang of my great Zhou Dynasty, Liangzhou. This king still needs him to guard. There are countless countries next door to the vast west of Liangzhou. The world is so big. Enough for us brothers to fight for points!"

(End of this chapter)

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