I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 493 Ye Qiu's Niuwei

Chapter 493 Ye Qiu's Qianniuwei
"The new king is generous and courageous, Cao Zhen is willing to listen to the new king's orders!"

Cao Zhen knew Ye Qing's attitude after hearing Ye Qing's promise.

agree with this approach.

Ye Yu is still the king of Xiliang and can command troops.

This is the best result.

After all, the throne was a step behind.

If there is no Ye Qing, Ye Yu's Xiliang King will not exist.

And from Ye Qing's meaning, he understood the implication.

The outside is very big, and Ye Yu can be allowed to venture outside.

It depends on your ability, if you have the ability to expand, you can go outside to fight.

"Okay, Cao Shangshu understands the truth, and the king is not hypocritical anymore. All the returned soldiers and horses are now all incorporated into the Eighteen Guards, and the generals of the Ministry of War will be assigned to the lower-level generals of the guards according to their merits and abilities." Ye Qing directly road:

"Cao Shangshu invites Chi Shangshu to be the minister, Li Ru will be the minister, and the general will be in charge of food and grass."

Everyone was stunned.

This military power was won so quickly and thoroughly.

The general and the minister of the Ministry of war dismissed get out of class directly.

All the soldiers and horses of the Ministry of War were merged into the newly established Eighteen Guards.

Swallow it clean, leaving no residue.

All the generals in Xiaoyao Mansion have become the backbone and upper echelons of the Imperial Army.

The military power is grasped with one hand.

Too tough.

However, neither Han Zhan nor Cao Zhen objected.


Facing the 30 troops of Chuyue Kingdom, to be honest, they didn't have any confidence and confidence.

Leave everything to Ye Qinglai for the united front.

Instead they breathed a sigh of relief.

Next, Ye Qing was not polite, and directly released 5000 people from the trapped camp in the system, including Gao Shun.

Busy until midnight!

Guo Jia and others came to report the statistical results.

"My lord, the Modao team, the trapped camp, the forward infantry, the rear infantry, the left infantry, the rear cavalry, the left cavalry, and the middle cavalry are all fully recruited. The eight guards total 4 people."

Ye Qing said: "Which other troops in the city are not incorporated?"

"Those who have not been included in the establishment are the imperial guards, the imperial forest army, and the six thousand tiger guards in Qin Hu's hands." Guo Jia then added:

"There's also Qianniuwei, which we don't have specific information about!"

"Qianniuwei? Who is the commander?" Ye Qing asked.

Qianniuwei is Ye Zhen's most elite officer corps.

This power must be mastered.

Guo Jiadao: "The commander in chief is the late emperor. Once the late emperor dies, unless they find the lord, they won't be able to find their hiding place. It's scary that the lord will only find out after he officially ascends the throne."

"No! I think there is someone who knows that as long as this person appears, Qian Niuwei will easily come out to help the Lord!" Li Ru stood up and looked deeply.

Zhang Yi said: "Who is it?"

"Ye Qiu!"

Li Ru explained: "Ye Qiu guards the palace, he must know how to contact Qianniuwei, and I even suspect that Qianniuwei was trained by him."

"But Ye Qiu was chased out of the city by Xiong Beggar and others, and he hasn't returned to the city yet."

Just when everyone was talking.

Shi Potian said outside: "Master, Master Ye Qiu, please see me!"

Everyone looked at each other.

Really say Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here.

Ye Qing got up in person and went out of the study to meet him.

Whether it's Ye Qiu's strength or seniority, it's all there.

Ye Qiu fell from the roof.

He bowed to Ye Qing and said, "Does the new gentleman know what I mean here?"

Is this considered elegant?
Ye Qing replied: "Qianniuwei!"

Ye Qiu smiled, and nodded with satisfaction on his face: "As expected of the candidate chosen by the will, he is smart enough."

Ye Qing blushed.

I feel that there is something in the old man's words.

The candidates selected by the imperial edict were not chosen by the first emperor.

I'm afraid this old man knows something tricky.

"Okay, let me make a long story short. Qianniuwei's headquarters is in Xicheng, and there are only 400 people. Without the emperor's order, most people can't be transferred. In view of the urgency of the situation and the urgent need to follow the power, you let people take this thing, and they will obey you right now." As for how to use it, that's up to you." Ye Qiu threw out a token, and jumped onto the roof.

"There is me in the palace, you can rest assured, if Chu Yue doesn't call out the powerhouses of the sixth rank and above, don't look for me!"

After speaking, the figure disappeared in place.

Only echoes of idle chatter remain.

Ye Qing checked the token, it was a token made of pure gold.

On the front is a leaf character.

Instead, it is a dragon, and the dragon has only four claws.

"Li Bai, you have the order to call Qianniuwei out, and recruit them all to Xiaoyao Mansion!"


That's done.

Ye Qing led everyone back to the study.

Then he said: "The Imperial Guard Army and the Imperial Forest Army were integrated, renamed the Imperial Palace Guard, and still guard the imperial palace."

"The Tiger Ben Guards were changed to Fa Guards, with a number of [-], a mixture of infantry and cavalry.

It is divided into military law guard and political law guard.

Qin Hu's team led, Xu Huang led the military and legal guards as the deputy team, and Shang Yang led the political and legal guards as the deputy team. "


The name sounds unusual!

Not only did Xu Huang get in, but Shang Yang from the Ministry of Punishment also got a military post in it.

Seeing everyone's doubts, Ye Qing explained: "Fawei is responsible for the inspection, evidence collection, and interrogation on the surface.

The military law guard mainly supervises illegal inspections in the army, and the political law guard mainly supervises illegal inspections by government officials. "

It turned out to be the case.

Now everyone understands.

Ye Qing wants to participate in legal supervision in both the military and government.

Formed two systems with Jin Yiwei, one light and one dark, and firmly controlled Da Zhou.

"So, there are ten guards in the city, and fifty thousand soldiers to fight." Guo Jia said: "According to the number of people mobilized by the household department, there are now fifty thousand civilian husbands, which means we have one hundred thousand guards!

Should last for two days. "

"It's up to you, everyone, go down and rest, after dawn tomorrow, the army of Chuyue Kingdom will arrive!"


Fufeng County!
Martial arts city!
Ye Yu, king of Xiliang, has just arrived with two thousand soldiers.

"Report! Urgent report from the capital!"

"Tell me, what's the matter?" Ye Yu asked directly.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty has passed away!" The visitor reported truthfully.

Ye Yu and a group of Liangzhou generals stood up one after another, their eyes widening.

"what are you saying?"

Someone shouted immediately.

The person who reported the letter knew the result would be like this, and explained: "Queen Xiongyue poisoned Her Majesty, took control of Chang'an's soldiers and horses, and attempted to force all officials to support the king of Chu as the throne.

But King Xiaoyao suddenly returned from Nancheng, and got the support of Qin Hu's Hu Benwei.

Anti-kill the Chu and Yue kingdoms, break into the palace, take Xiong Yue, and behead him on Zhuque Street. "

So bloody, such a bizarre reversal.

What a bloodbath.

The civil and military people in Liangzhou were a little dumbfounded.

This is changing so fast.

"What's next?" Ye Yu asked.

After the previous things have happened, it is not important.

The visitor replied: "Eunuch Cao Zhengchun took out His Majesty's will. The content of the will is to make King Xiaoyao the crown prince. If His Majesty dies, King Xiaoyao succeeds to the throne. Now all officials will support King Xiaoyao as the new king!"

Ye Yu staggered after hearing this.

Lost and fell backwards.

"How could this happen? Your Majesty is obviously going to call the prince back to the capital to enshrine the crown prince. How could it be replaced by Xiaoyao Wang?"

"Isn't the Xiaoyao King dead? How could he appear in Chang'an, how could he inherit the great rule!"

Not to mention Ye Yu, the civil and military people in Liangzhou are also a little confused.

One by one felt cool.

Such a result is unacceptable.

(End of this chapter)

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