Chapter 494
"This matter is absolutely true. Although I don't know where King Xiaoyao came back from, it is indeed King Xiaoyao who entered the palace."

The hall suddenly became quiet.

Ye Yu supported his forehead and rubbed his temples.

The civil and martial arts sect in Liangzhou is also a headache.

One step too late!

In one day, they arrived in Chang'an.

Why does His Majesty make such an arrangement.

To hell your Majesty.

He was poisoned to death by the demon queen.

"My lord, what shall we do now?"

someone asked.

At this time, whether to retreat or advance.

Ye Qing's name is determined, and it is difficult to change it.

But Ye Yu has the support of the Cao family, so he might not be able to compete with Ye Qing again.

"By the way, Your Highness, the Chuyue Kingdom attacked Wuguan, Lantian Valley colluded with the Chuyue Kingdom, and now the Chuyue Kingdom's 30 troops are rushing to the city of Chang'an."

This is another breaking news.

It can be regarded as thunderous to everyone.

Chuyue Kingdom took Wuguan.

Lantian Valley mutiny.

Bad situation.

"Is this true?" Ye Yu stood up again, gritted his teeth and asked.

His face was covered with frost.

The visitor nodded and replied: "I am convinced that it is true. King Xiaoyao withdrew his troops back to Chang'an with the general and Cao Shangshu, and mobilized the people in the city with the Ministry of War and the Ministry of Households, and ordered troops from all over the country to assist the king to rescue the capital."

"Damn, how could this be?"

The civil and military personnel in Liangzhou stomped their feet angrily.

You know, many of their relatives are in Chang'an.

This is more serious than the battle for the throne.

Destruction of the country will destroy the family.

If there is no skin, there will be no hair.

"Send an order back to Liangzhou, transfer 1 people to the south, immediately!"

Ye Yu clenched his fists and hit the wooden pillar with a heavy blow: "Da Zhou can't perish. They all come to Beijing with me. The sixth brother will fight. It should be possible to mobilize the Hedong Army to return to Guanzhong. It will take two to three days. As long as you carry it In two to three days, Chang'an City will be able to be preserved."


All the civil and military people clasped their fists together.

Only one confidant counselor said with great concern: "My lord, this is only the 30 army of Chuyue Kingdom in the early stage. I am afraid there will be a steady stream of troops in the future. King Xiaoyao can stop the next 30 troops, but he may not be able to stop the second one." , the third 30 army!"

"Chuyue Kingdom has been planning for so long, and they must want to succeed in one fell swoop. They will not give us a chance. If the battlefield is set in Chang'an, I am afraid... all the power of our Great Zhou will be wiped out by it. Its soldiers and horses can stop it."

Ye Yu frowned slightly.

"What do you mean by that?"

The confidant counselor said: "If you don't want to go back to Liangzhou, it will be decided when the time comes.

If Chang'an is defeated, you can gather the scattered army of Dazhou, regroup, set up the main banner of Dazhou, and use the land of Liangzhou to deal with Chuyue Kingdom, looking for opportunities to return to Chang'an and regain the lost ground! "

The suggestion of the confidant counselor is undoubtedly a strategy that is advisable to advance or retreat.

For Ye Yu now, it is a good way to turn passive into active.

The civil and military people in Liangzhou suddenly became eager.

"No! It can't be like this. Liangzhou's land is small and barren, and it can't afford to support a large army. Without Guanzhong and the support of Dazhou, we will not be able to defeat ourselves for a long time." Ye Yu said righteously:

"I'm the royal family of the Great Zhou Dynasty, the prince. I stayed away from watching such a crucial battle. How can I win the hearts of the army and the people? Even if I survived by chance, do you think you still have the face to stand up and carry the banner?"


Everyone was ashamed.

Their faces turned red with embarrassment.

"Let's go! Let's go immediately and arrive at Chang'an as soon as possible. This king will defend the city with all the brothers and fight side by side to resist the invasion of Chuyue Kingdom!"

Just when Ye Yu received the news in Wugong.

The army of Chuyue Kingdom in Lantian Valley also received the news.

"The eldest princess failed!"

"It's not considered a failure. At least, it helped us open the southern gate to Da Zhou."

"It also helped us win the Lantian Valley. Now that Chang'an is right in front of us, let's take it ourselves!"

The Chuyue army continued to advance northward.

When arriving in Lantian County.

stopped again.

"General, this is the fourth prince, Ye Mao. The eldest princess sent him out of the city immediately. I hope we can bring him back to the capital?" Someone reported to the pioneer general of Chuyue Kingdom:
"Now Chang'an Yijing is controlled by King Xiaoyao of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and King Chu has been imprisoned. It is impossible to save King Yijing of Chu!"

Looking at Ye Mao, who was full of playboys, scared him into a panic.

The vanguard general of the Chuyue Kingdom waved his hand and said, "Allow them to have a team of 200 people, send them back to our capital of Chuyue Kingdom, and hand them over to His Majesty."

The blood of the Ye family can be used.

After Ye Cai was no longer a candidate, Ye Mao was also a good puppet candidate.

Ye Mao didn't know that he would be imprisoned and guarded, and he was still grateful for his escape from Chang'an.

the next day!
The vanguard of the Chuyue army with 5 horses marched to the south gate of Chang'an City.

"General, it seems that the state of Zhou has cleared the country with strong walls. We need to cut down trees to build camps and build siege equipment!"

The vanguard general of the Chuyue Kingdom looked up at the gate of the south city and said, "It's really beautiful. I heard that the south city was built last year. It belongs to Nancheng County. King Xiaoyao was a county magistrate. He really is a good prince. He spent all his money on it." On the blade, don't underestimate it!"

"Come on, set up camp, don't need to investigate the attack, just wait for the commander to arrive!"


Hearing that the army of Chuyue Kingdom was coming, Ye Qing led a group of civil and military personnel to the south gate of the city.

Look at the [-] Chuyue army that arrived first!

Ye Qing put down the binoculars and said:

"Who is in charge of the Chuyue Kingdom!"

Li Rudao: "There is a saying in the state of Chuyue that there are three clans and five nobles. The three clans are the Zhao, Qu, and Jing clans, and the five nobles are the five clans of Huang, Xiang, Chang, Sun, and Gou.

The coach should be a member of the three clans, and the yellow character written on the vanguard banner should be the five noble Huang family. "

Guo Jiadao: "The most famous general of the Huang family should be Huang Biao. Since they are attacking our Great Zhou and taking my Guanzhong, the vanguard must be Huang Biao."

"What is Huang Biao's strength?" Ye Qing asked again.

The Chuyue Kingdom was more feudal than the Dazhou Dynasty, and the power was divided among the eight tigers. Among them, the Sanlu was the most vicious, followed by the Wugui.

Other aristocratic families cannot compare with these eight families at all.

Therefore, the court of Chuyue Kingdom is basically determined by these eight families.

But what is interesting is that Sanlu Zhao, Qu, and Jing are close to the royal family, and their ancestors have the same ancestors.

The same is true for the Huang family among the five nobles.

Only Xiang, Chang, Sun, and Gou are not from the Xiong family, but they are close relatives married, and their blood also has a strong and diverse royal blood.

That's right, the Eight Tigers firmly consolidated the military and government of Chuyue State, stabilized Chuyue State, and allowed it to continue to grow and develop.

Li Rudao: "According to Jin Yiwei's secret report, Huang Biao's strength should be a general of the second to third rank!"

"It is usually surrounded by guards with a strength of more than four ranks. It is not easy to assassinate it!"

Ye Qingdao: "Jingsi led the cavalry to attack, harass him a little bit, and wipe out the color. Shi Potian and Li Bai followed, and see if Huang Biao has any warriors of rank six or above?"


Li Cunxiao, Shi Potian and Li Bai took orders.

(End of this chapter)

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