Chapter 495
The 5000 Chinese cavalry guards roared out of Nancheng!
Swallowing thousands of miles like a tiger, the ground shook so much that it seemed to change color.

The [-] Chuyue army who had not set up camp suddenly panicked.

"Don't be afraid, line up for me, thousands of cavalry are here, this is Da Zhou's temptation!"

As he spoke, Huang Biao drew his sword and went down to fight with his hands.

There were no formalities, no pre-battle ceremonies.

Under the leadership of Li Cunxiao, the Zhongqiwei rushed forward.

"Front Arrow Array!"

Five thousand cavalry can be regarded as old-fashioned.

So I spent a lot of time with Li Cunxiao.

The cavalry team changes, the front is small and the back is big.

Flying like an arrow.

"Shield! Quick!"

"Long gun! Long gun!"

"Archer, archer come forward..."

Although Chuyue Kingdom didn't panic, it was difficult to build a line of defense amidst the panic.

After all, they didn't expect that Da Zhou would dare to go out of the city to fight.

Moreover, there were too many troops from the Chuyue Kingdom, and they had been traveling for a whole day and a half, so they were exhausted.

At this time, it is a bit hasty to want to use the best state to build a defense line against Da Zhou's iron cavalry.

"Fire arrows!"

On the side of the Zhongqiwei, Li Cunxiao raised his bow and set his arrows.

A command.

Five thousand riders fired their bows one after another.

Thanks to Ye Zhen, all the cavalry in Dazhou have been changed.

All have the three treasures of the horse as standard.

The fighting power of all iron cavalry has already jumped upwards.

On horseback, steady shooting.

Five thousand arrows were shot.

It fell like rain on the front team of Chuyue Kingdom.


Countless Chuyue soldiers fell to the ground.

"Raise the shield, air defense..."

The army of Chuyue Kingdom is also an elite, not a recruit.

The generals immediately ordered the defense.

But after one wave was shot, another wave of arrows came.

The interval is very short, and the intensity is far beyond imagination.


"Be careful, Da Zhou's arrows are coming again!"

Huang Biao frowned at the position of the Chinese army.

As a well-known general of the Chuyue Kingdom, Da Zhou's abnormal combat power still made him aware of something.

"Why Zhou Qi shoots so fast on the horse, press this to charge, you can shoot one more round!"

Ordinary cavalry can shoot up to three rounds after charging, but the performance of the middle cavalry can shoot four rounds in a row.

You must know that every additional round will bring a big difference in casualties and morale.

"According to the information sent back by the eldest princess, it seems that the cavalry of Dazhou is equipped with something different."

Someone replied.

Huang Biao was quite dissatisfied: "What is different? Let me find out what it is. In the future, Chuyue Kingdom will take over Guanzhong, and we will also form a large number of cavalry. We need to deal with the Turks in the north. We also need these equipments. .”


Those who receive orders go down.

Huang Biao and others continued to focus on the center cavalry guard who was coming from the opposite side.

I saw that after four rounds of arrows had been shot, the Dazhou iron cavalry replaced it with a long blade.

In front of the horse, one of them held the horse lance fiercely, and with a wave of the horse lance, he split the shield soldiers blocking in front.

The faces of Huang Biao and others changed slightly, and a fierce light shot out of their eyes.

"Not good, our formation has been broken by the opponent, I'm afraid it has the strength of the third rank!"

A military general of the third rank, a master of masters, and the ace of war generals.

Huang Biao knew that he had met his opponent.

"General, please step back, this person is probably coming towards the general!"

The generals below persuaded.

Li Cunxiao brought five thousand cavalry and killed them by the scriptures.

None of the generals of our side blocked along the way are opponents.

So Huang Biao's men were a little worried.

Huang Biao sneered, drew his sword and pointed at Li Cunxiao and said, "Siege and kill him, I only want his head in this battle."

Come to me, just right, I also want your head to sacrifice the flag.


Will order.

Everyone also knew Huang Biao's temperament.

So one after another went down to control the generals and mobilized the strongest soldiers over.

The guards beside Huang Biao were also full of fighting spirit.

Holding the sword and knife in his hand, he stared at Li Cunxiao firmly.


Li Cunxiao led his men to rush all the way, as if entering no one's land, they completely broke through the defense line of Chuyue Kingdom's army.

But when he was about to approach the banner, he suddenly turned around and turned the other way.

Following him, Li Bai and Shi Potian pretended to be small soldiers, but just waved their weapons casually, beheading the soldiers of Chuyue Kingdom who rushed up.

Did not show the real strength.

His target was the masters around Huang Biao.

The hole cards are slowly left behind for use.

No one wants to expose the truth.

"General, the enemy general turned to the right, and did not continue to come towards our flag!"

The main general's yellow banner is the most eye-catching target.

But Li Cunxiao didn't kill him immediately.

Instead, he chose to rush and consume the soldiers of Chuyue Kingdom.

This made Huang Biao a little surprised.

But soon he understood.

Try it out!

The opponent is here to test the strength.

You don't have to kill yourself.

Therefore, Li Cunxiao focused on wasting his own vitality.

Use the mobility and speed of the cavalry to disrupt your own army, and then the driver moves.

If you don't act, you can finally return with a full load.

There is no disadvantage left or right.

"What a cunning fellow!"

Huang Biao is such an arrogant person, how could he allow Li Cunxiao to succeed.

So Huang Biao moved, urged Ma Jian to point at Li Cunxiao, and intercepted him.

"Quick! Protect the general and stop the enemy general."

Li Cunxiao saw Huang Biao's commander's flag moved, his face beamed with joy, and he roared angrily:

"Come with me, kill Huang Biao!"

After finishing speaking, Li Cunxiao turned to the left again, turning to meet Huang Biao coming out.


The middle cavalry guards held their weapons tightly in their hands, slashed left and right, and hacked and killed the Chuyue soldiers on both sides.

Soon Huang Biao's personal guards collided with the middle cavalry guards.

"Zhou will die!"

"Huang Biao is dead!"

Huang Biao and Li Cunxiao each found each other, and then a long sword swung towards him. Li Cunxiao's weapon was longer, and he stabbed at him.

Huang Biao could only retract his sword, then leap forward and stab from above.

Li Cunxiao put his legs on the stirrups and stood upright.

Swing the horse lance and block from left to right.

Then lightly swipe towards the yellow mark that is about to fall nearby.

Huang Biaoshou had been stunned long ago, even though they were both rank three generals.

But after a few simple fights, he knew that his strength was not as good as Li Cunxiao's.

So a mid-air spin avoids the past.

At the same time, Hengbiao's guards also flew off their horses one by one and charged towards Li Cunxiao.

"Fourth Grade!"

Seeing this warning, Shi Potian leaped over, and with left and right palms, he knocked back the sword and saber that were attacking Li Cunxiao.

"Fifth grade! Damn it!"

"General be careful!"

A group of fourth-rank warriors in the direction of Chuyue Kingdom were shocked.

A third-rank military general actually accompanied a fifth-rank master as a guard.

Who is this great enemy general?

Before they could think too much, Huang Biao stepped on the ground, jumped up, and kicked an ordinary cavalryman of Da Zhou after landing.

to take his horse.

Just sitting down, I felt a little happy in my heart.

Da Zhou's war horse was indeed equipped with good things.

But soon a strong wind hit the ears.

Huang Biao was frightened for a while, and bent down to avoid it.

Then let go, and kicked up with the right foot.

(End of this chapter)

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