I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 496 I Didn't Expect Them To Capture The City Gate

Chapter 496 I Didn't Expect Them To Capture The City Gate
Above is a man in white, holding a long sword.

suddenly disappeared.

Huang Biao's eyes widened.

but soon realized
Seeing something, he was terrified and wanted to get away from the horse.

But a long sword pierced in from below.


Huang Biao's body shook, and he turned his head to look down.

"What a quick movement!"

"Li Bai kills, fast!"

Li Bai smiled slightly, then drew his sword and swung his body around it.

With a wave of his right hand, the blade of the long sword reached the back of Huang Biao's neck.

A bloodstain was revealed as the sword left.

Huang Biao slowly lost consciousness.

Then the body fell to the ground.


It all happened so fast.

There is no room for thinking and embarrassment.

Huang Biao's men and guards cried out.

One by one, Li Cunxiao and Shi Potian left and ran towards the place where Huang Biao fell.


Li Bai returned to the cavalry, and nodded towards Li Cunxiao and the two of them.

Li Cunxiao roared angrily: "The enemy will kill you, let me kill you, step on me!"


All the soldiers were even more excited as if they had been beaten with chicken blood.

After attacking and killing the enemy general, morale soared.

Kill more excitedly.

They rushed left and right with Li Cunxiao one after another.

For a while, it raged in the army of Chuyue Kingdom.

After rushing for a while, seeing that it was almost done, he rushed out of the enemy army.

Back to town!

In Nancheng!
Ye Qing had a great time waiting and watching.

Everyone praised it one after another.

Five thousand fine cavalry disrupted the enemy's army.

Just don't know the outcome.

When the three of Li Cunxiao went to the city, Ye Qing finally said: "I respect you for your hard work, this fight is not bad, let alone kill [-] enemies!"

Li Cunxiao replied: "Xinjun, we killed Huang Biao in this battle, and Taibai did it himself!"

"Oh! Kill Huang Biao." The smile on Ye Qing's face grew stronger.

In fact, he saw it with a telescope just now, but because he couldn't see the specific person's appearance clearly.

Not sure if the one who died was the yellow label"

Because Li Cunxiao and others did not cut down the banner of the other party's chief general.

Li Bai said: "Xinjun, Huang Biao's guards are all in the fourth rank. Brother Shi restrains these people head-on, so I have a chance to attack and kill Huang Biao."

"Hahaha, good, the first battle is won, the enemy's general is killed, the enemy's spirit is frustrated, and those who fight, all deserve rewards!" Ye Qing smiled generously.

What the defender lacks most now is confidence.

The enemy's 30 troops attacked like Mount Tai.

The defenders in the city were overwhelmed.

Now win first.

Greatly boosted morale.

On the side of Chuyue Kingdom, there was a lot of mourning.

The yellow label is a little overstated.

Being killed by Da Zhou brought a huge loss to Chu Yuelai.

"What should we do now? We didn't take good care of General Huang, and the soldiers lost more than [-] soldiers. When the news comes back to the capital, there will be an uproar."

"What else can I do, report it to the commander-in-chief first, you can't hide it!"

"That's right, report it first, even if there is a mistake, in the next battle, we will do more to make up for it!"

"That's all it takes!"

Two hours later, the main force of the Chuyue army arrived.

I heard the news of Huang Biao's accident.

Coach Jing Tian was furious.

"What are you doing? The [-]-strong army actually let the opponent's [-] cavalry rush in. All the fighting skills for so many years have been handed over to the sow!"

Huang Biao's generals did not dare to breathe.

One by one stood aside with their heads bowed.

"Rest for an hour and attack the city!"

Jing Tian immediately ordered: "Huang Bao, you take over Huang Biao's position and lead the rest of the army to attack, and you are not allowed to retreat without orders!"


I saw a person with a face somewhat similar to Huang Biao stand up.

This is Hengbiao's cousin, although his strength is only one rank.

But fortunately, he is a member of the Huang family.

It is also reasonable to take over the vanguard.

In the Chuyue Kingdom, the higher the strength of the military commander, the higher the level.

Not to mention bloodline.

The Eight Tigers control the military power, and only the children of the Eight Tigers can be the commander.

Otherwise, even if you have the ability and high martial arts, you can only be a lieutenant general.

Therefore, many people in the Vanguard Army who were stronger than Huang Bao did not dare to have an opinion.

The vanguard army, in other words, is the Huang family's troops.

After Huang Bao and others left.

Jing Tian's confidant counselor said: "Commander, the vanguard army has just suffered setbacks. It may be inappropriate to let them attack the city. The morale of their troops is not high, and it may be difficult to capture the city gate!"

"I didn't expect them to capture the city gate." Jing Tian said with a sneer:
"There are also tens of thousands of defenders in the city, and it is impossible to attack today. The leader of the vanguard army will be killed, and he must pay for his merits. It is better to let them attack by force to wear off the hard work, and by the way consume the strength of the Zhou army in the city. Troops and energy and supplies.

Tomorrow is the time for our army to attack. "

Now Jing Tian's subordinates all understood.

Someone must be responsible for Huang Biao's death.

When the news came back, the emperor was bound to be furious.

At that time, the vanguard army will be accused of not being dedicated.

If the vanguard army suffered too many casualties during the siege, it would be difficult for the emperor to find excuses to punish the generals of the vanguard army.

Soon, less than [-] vanguard troops lined up outside the South City Gate.

Jing Tian sent 8 people to suppress the formation.

Rest the rest and continue to build the equipment for tomorrow's siege.

Looking at the sky, Ye Qing said: "The enemy army is here to consume my troops defending the city. Send [-] to the wall, and the rest are on standby to rest."

"Don't use large ordnance for the time being, use more bows and crossbows, and control the use of continuous crossbows."


After receiving the military order, the ministries passed it on.

Only then did the soldiers defending the city put on their weapons again.


The war begins.

The [-] Chuyue army began to attack the city.

It rushed towards the city wall like a tide.

On the city, the defenders of Da Zhou leaned against the walls.

Wait to observe the cue from the soldiers.

"It's close, we're at the moat."

The commanders and generals at each section of the wall drew their swords and pointed to the outside of the city, saying, "Archer, shoot me, shoot these bastards to death!"


Countless arrows were shot, and the soldiers of Chuyue Kingdom who rushed to the moat fell one after another.

However, the soldiers of Chuyue Kingdom did not retreat, and stood in front with their shields.

The soldiers with dustpans behind them poured dirt and stones into the moat.

More is to carry the ladder and put it directly on the moat.

The soldiers who came up from behind rushed across the moat stepping on the ladder like this.

Of course, more were killed by arrows from the city.

Others lost their stability and stepped on the air and fell into the river.

Those who were lucky enough to cross the river immediately rushed under the city wall, trying to climb up with a ladder.

However, he was soon crushed to death by wood and stones from the city.

The continuous crossbows equipped by the soldiers of Dazhou also began to shoot vigorously.

Accurately shoot and kill the Chuyue soldiers outside the city.

You must know that Ye Qing has long ordered Lu Ban and others in the mansion to develop and research Liannu, and to establish an ordnance production in the workshop.

Therefore, it can be put into the upward rack Lianbang at once.

Only a small part is used in the city now.

After all, these equipments were actually equipped for Zhang Liao's Shenji Battalion, but Zhang Liao was still far away in Hedong.

"Archers, suppress the Zhou army in the city!"

Chuyue Kingdom was not bad either, commanding their own archers to stand by the moat and shoot arrows at the Da Zhou defenders on the city.

(End of this chapter)

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