Chapter 497
A battle of offense and defense unfolded fiercely.

Arrows flew up and down the city.

The army of Chuyue Kingdom did not intend to destroy the city.

Instead, it consumes the defense force.

At the same time, fill in the moat to prepare for the general attack of the army tomorrow.

Fight till dusk.

The army of Chuyue Kingdom under the city began to retreat.

Leaving corpses all over the place, they were all evacuated with a whimper.

"Stop shooting and rest."

"Let the people come up, clean the city, gather the wounded soldiers, and bring up all the supplies."

Ye Qing glanced outside the city, and estimated that after an attack in the afternoon, there would be about [-] casualties in the Chuyue Kingdom.

There are countless corpses.

"Xinjun, the moat has almost been filled by the Chuyue army. Tomorrow will definitely be a tough battle, and you need to be more careful in defending the city!"

Ye Qing nodded and walked out of the city gate.

"Can you sneak attack the enemy camp tonight!"

All the military commanders looked forward to it.

Especially Zhao Yun and Lu Bu.

For a sneak attack, the cavalry is definitely the first choice.

Guo Jia shook his head and said:

"I don't think it's possible for the new king. Today, the Chinese cavalry guard Yijing rushed past the enemy's formation. Huang Biao's death will definitely put the Chuyue army on guard. If they attack at night, they may be ambushed!"

Li Rudao: "Xinjun, the enemy's commander-in-chief's banner is the word Jing, and according to Ru, it should be Jing Tian from Chuyue Kingdom."

"Jing Tian is a veteran. He has always been known for his calmness. He is good at attacking cities. He will have a method in marching and deploying troops. He will not let us have a chance to attack."

"From this point of view, we can only fight him head-on tomorrow, and the outcome will be determined by the strength of our will and strength!" Ye Qing said with a wave of his hand:
"Then go down and rest, but tonight, we still have to beware of the other party's night attack and steal the city!"

"It's the new king!"

As soon as I got down to the inner city, a rider came running on the street.

"Report to the new king that the army of the king of Xiliang has come to the west bank of the Weishui River, requesting to enter the capital, to be loyal to the country, and to kill the enemy!"

Ye Yu has returned to Beijing!
Everyone looked at each other.

Ye Yu is a sensitive person.

Unlike any prince.

Ye Qing smiled and said: "Okay, the fact that the elder brother can come back shows that my Dazhou Ye family has the power of cohesion, it shows that my Dazhou has won the hearts of the people and the army, and it shows that our Chang'an can be defended."

"Order to repair the pontoon bridge immediately and let the troops brought back by the eldest brother enter Beijing."


Someone is going to pass the order.

It should have been led by Lu Ban from the Ministry of Industry.

But Ye Qing called Li Chun's name.

Li Chunben is a bridge expert.

It is not easy to build a pontoon.

Of course, Ye Yu didn't have to wait until the pontoon bridge was built to cross the river with the army. He took a boat to cross the river first, and then went to Ximen.

Outside the west gate.

Ye Qing waited for Ye Yu with the important officials in the court.


Under the night, several torches appeared within sight.

From far to near.

Soon came to the west gate.

The imposing Ye Yu led his confidants off the horse one after another.

"My minister Xiliang King Ye Yu has met the new king!"

"I will pay my respects to the new king!"

Ye Qing walked over, helped Ye Yu up, and looked at Ye Yu with the torch.

"Brother Huang, you don't have to be polite, welcome back Brother Huang and the soldiers of the Great Zhou Dynasty from Liangzhou!"

Come back home!

Two short words.

How much information was revealed.

It also warms the heart.

There is a kind of tears.

A man of iron, who has been in the border town for a long time, cannot come back without orders.

How much lovesickness is sent from afar.

All the grievances at this moment are worth it.

Even Ye Yu was taken aback.

After that, I felt something in my heart.

"Xinjun's attitude is not as good as my brother's!"

"Brother Huang, don't say that. My family is talking about different things." Ye Qing held Ye Yu's hand and said:
"Brother Huang came to the city with me, today I want to have a few drinks with Brother Huang."

"The new king please first!"

Seeing the harmony between the two brothers.

The officials of the Great Zhou Dynasty were also full of emotion.

I thought it would be a tense situation.

The result is so harmonious.

For the throne of the Great Zhou Dynasty, the two most competitive princes did not have any conflicts.

It's really weird, people can't understand it.

However, defending the city now needs such an atmosphere even more.

Ye Qing did not hold a banquet in the palace.

Before he ascended the throne, he was not going to enter the palace.

Just set up a banquet in Xiaoyao Mansion to welcome Ye Yu.

All important officials from the DPRK and China have come.

Even Ye Tao, Ye Mu, and Ye Miao were invited over.

And a separate table is set in the hall.

Everyone else is outside.


"Come on, royal brother, let's finish this glass of wine." Ye Qing raised his glass and swallowed.

Except for Ye Yu, the other three were a little embarrassed.

What does Ye Qing mean today.

Clean up the dust for Ye Yu, entertain him, and bring us too.

Ye Yu was also forthright, drinking first.

Ye Mu and Ye Miao stood up and said, "Thank you, Xinjun!"

The three of them drank, Ye Tao drank it perfunctorily, and then sat down silently.

"Two imperial brothers, two imperial brothers, today's banquet is not only for the joy of my eldest brother's return, but also I have some heartfelt words to chat with you!"

Ye Qing glanced at the four of them.

Then he picked up the chopsticks and folded them lightly, and the two chopsticks broke.

The four looked at each other.

What's the meaning.

Then Ye Qing picked up another pair of chopsticks.

It took a little effort and it snapped.

"This is the new gentleman?"

Ye Yu seemed to understand something.

"Brother Huang has seen it. A pair of chopsticks is easy to break, but a pair of chopsticks is not easy to break."

"This great week is like these chopsticks. If there are few brothers, it is easy to lose if brothers are not united. If there are many brothers, if brothers are united, the country will be strong."

"Succession is not my will. I hope Hai Bo is safe. I am under great pressure to accept the order in the face of danger, because the burden of Da Zhou rests on me alone, and the future of Da Zhou is even more on my shoulders!"

"Fortunately, big brother is willing to share the pressure, and everyone is willing to bear it with me."

Speaking of which, Ye Qing's eyes turned to Ye Tao, Ye Mu, and Ye Miao.

The intention is obvious.

Ye Mu and Ye Miao stood up again and clasped their fists together and said:

"Xinjun, my younger brother is also willing to share the country's worries and be loyal to the country like the big brother!"

"Okay! With two younger brothers, I think Da Zhou's future is more hopeful." Ye Qing poured wine for himself, and filled the wine for the four of them after pouring.

Ye Mu and Ye Miao were a little flattered.

Ye Yu remained calm.

Ye Tao looked suspicious.

I don't know what Ye Qing wants to do?
"Chang'an must be defended. This is our most basic consensus. I think all the royal brothers understand that no matter who is the master of the Great Zhou, the Great Zhou cannot be destroyed, and Chang'an cannot be lost.

This is the root of our Ye family and our destiny.

Only with Chang'an can there be a great Zhou, and only with a great Zhou can there be a Ye family. "

Ye Qing raised his head and drank another cup.

Then he said: "Let's pay attention to the post-war affairs, because the victory must belong to us, but the post-war affairs are related to the future of the Great Zhou, and also to the interests of me and the royal brothers! "

Finally got to the point.

Except for Ye Yu, the other three were more concentrated.

"Longteng Continent is very large, and there are many territories outside the Great Zhou. There are many tribes with different clans and origins from our Central Plains. Therefore, the future of our Great Zhou is unlimited. If we ascend the throne, we need to clean up our internal affairs and develop The economy requires the expansion of armaments, and all of this requires the cooperation of the royal brothers!"

"Correspondingly, I feel that money cannot be earned by one person, nor can power be obtained by one person. Dividends should be enjoyed by everyone. Collaborative development is the future trend. I hope that when Dazhou becomes stronger, the Ye family can also become stronger.

The royal brothers and brothers can also become stronger. The clan is always the foundation and cornerstone of our Ye family. If an empire has no clan and the clan is weak, it can only become the plaything of the family or the officials. The imperial power should always be above the family. above the official. "

(End of this chapter)

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