Chapter 498 Persuasion
The four of them understood what Ye Qing wanted to do.


If you want a high degree of centralization, you can't take back all the power in the hands of the aristocratic family and the civil and military.

Be a real emperor.

An empire has only one will.

That is the will of the emperor.

At the same time, in order to fight against the family and officials.

He can also strengthen the clan, with the clan as the backing, to establish the unchallenged hegemony of the emperor or the Ye family.

Like Ye Zhen's dynasty or previous generations.

The Ye family's clan is not strong.

The imperial power loves all kinds of constraints.

What the Yellow Emperor did and what orders he gave would be constrained.

"What exactly is the new king going to do?"

Ye Tao asked.

If it is a strong clan, it at least shows that Ye Qing will not kill donkeys and get rid of them after the war in Chang'an is over.

Or weaken them and drive them into exile.

Instead, it will be reused and given certain rights.

This gives them some security.

It's just the power and benefits that Ye Qing said, how much the empire can give.


Ye Qing simply spit out two words.


Ye Qing is willing to share the land with them?

Let them build their own country?
This temptation is quite big.

"Where is it sealed?"

This time it was Ye Yu who asked.

Cao Zhen sent someone to pass the letter to him according to the scriptures.

I know that Ye Qing has mentioned this matter.

Ye Qingdao: "I sent people to explore the scope of Longteng Continent and search for information about barbarian countries in four directions. In principle, the countries and regions we are familiar with should belong to the Great Zhou. There can be kingdoms under the Great Zhou. The kingdom is The children of the royal family were established, semi-independent outside the scope of what should belong to the Great Zhou Empire."

"Names can be given to you, support can also be given, soldiers and horses can be borrowed, but you need to fight and conquer by yourself, and how much you can conquer is your own.

It's just that it also belongs to the Great Zhou in name.

The kingdom has the obligation and responsibility to worship the empire. No matter how weak the empire is or how strong the kingdom is, it will be clearly stated in the law and patriarchal law that the suzerain will never change. "

It is really possible to build a country!
The name is given, how big a country can be built, and it can be fought and conquered by itself.

If you have no strength, you can still borrow from the central government!
Don't be too good this year.

Although everyone understands that borrowing is definitely not in vain.

There is a price to pay.

But if you want to be trapped in the country, you can go outside to develop and have support. Anyone with a little ambition and aspirations will be tempted.

Can't refuse.

Ye Qing is really famous.

One move solved all the contradictions within the Ye family.

The clan is strong, so it is such a powerful law.

Power can be achieved internally, and a country can be strengthened externally.

Gather strength internally and expand territory externally.

"How about it, brothers and sisters, I am quite satisfied with my sincerity!"

Ye Miao and Ye Mu hurriedly said: "Thank you Xinjun, my younger brother is willing to swear allegiance to the new monarch!"

Ye Qing looked at Ye Tao and Ye Yu.

Ye Yu nodded with a smile.

Everything is in the wine, take it up and drink it up.

He was one of the first to enjoy this policy.

Suddenly, he felt that his uncle Cao Zhen was unnecessary.

Ye Qing's vision and mind were not in Dazhou, let alone in the East, but in the entire Longteng Continent.

The pattern is far better than anyone.

Ye Tao was still a little puzzled, and asked, "Why did you do this? Do the third and seventh children also enjoy this kind of treatment?"

"Why, because I don't like internal fighting, and I don't like family fighting even more. I think it's not worth it at all to fight to the death for such a petty profit instead of putting my strength at home."

Ye Qing said confidently:
"As for the third child and the seventh child, I naturally treat them equally. Of course...the premise is that they can wake up in time and are willing to contribute to the future of the Great Zhou. The empire only needs builders, not destroyers."

"If I find out that there is a Destroyer, I will definitely not be soft-hearted and strangle him to death. Before the righteousness of the country, let alone brothers, even if they are heirs, they must be killed!"




Ye Tao knew where he lost.

Standing up, he said, "My Lord Fufeng County is willing to devote himself to the Great Zhou. The Ye family is not only yours, but also our own. From now on, the Fufeng County King's Mansion is willing to obey the new king unconditionally!"

"Hahaha, good! Brothers are united, their benefits cut through gold, and the emperor's brother will do it!"

"Did the sixth brother (sixth brother)."

Ye Qing was overjoyed and very satisfied with everyone's performance.

Continue to pour wine for everyone:
"Brothers who have crossed the calamity wave are here, and when we meet and smile, we will wipe out our grievances and enmity. In the future, the Great Zhou Zhen will work hand in hand with all the brothers..."

Brothers are here after crossing the catastrophe, laughing at each other and obliterating grievances!

What a poem!

This made the four of them filled with emotion and admiration.

And the officials who were attending the banquet outside.

I don't know where it happened.

Because the Modao team stood outside the hall, covering their faces tightly.

Can't hear it at all, can't see it.

But soon came the sound of laughter from inside.

Then the five of them laughed in unison.

Then the hall door opened, and five people walked out with their arms around their shoulders.

All the officials were stunned.

What's going on inside?
Five people are so close.

Hugging each other, each face is ruddy.

With a smile in his mouth.

"Brothers are of one heart, work together to break gold, from now on, my big week will surely usher in a new life!"

"Everyone, I will definitely win the battle tomorrow. I hope everyone will be present at the celebration banquet!"

All the officials looked at each other, wondering if Ye Qing and the others had drunk too much.

Going drunk.

How can the five of you be so harmonious.

It's because we drank too much.

"Congratulations to Da Zhou!"

Everyone in Xiaoyao Mansion stood up and bowed to congratulate.

Then one by one secretly admired.

Still the hero is great.

With one banquet, the four princes were settled.

There is courage in such a method, which has never been seen before.

All the officials had to stand up when they saw it: "Congratulations to Da Zhou!"

"All gentlemen, there will be a hard battle tomorrow. Everyone, go back and have a good rest. The most important challenge of our Great Zhou is about to come. I hope that all your gentlemen can be like our five brothers, and we will survive the calamity. Brothers are here and meet again Smile and wipe away all grievances."

"We can all unite with sincerity and overcome difficulties together!"

Brothers are here after crossing the catastrophe, laughing at each other and obliterating grievances!

Very fitting verse.

Xinjun is really great.

"It's the new king. We are willing to be with Chang'an, and we are willing to live and die with Dazhou. We are waiting for Dazhou. If Dazhou dies, we will not live!"

All the officials dispersed, and Ye Yu and others also left one after another.

At night, Ye Qing had another brief meeting with everyone in Xiaoyao Mansion.

The morning star was obscured by the morning mist.

The sky is bright.

The sun rises from the direction of Mount Li.

The inside and outside of the city woke up and began to make noise.

Cooking smoke rose slowly.

Had breakfast.

The camp gate of Chuyue Kingdom outside the city was opened.

Then the army slowly came out.

Line up on the open land in the south of the city.

An army of 27 was overwhelming.

There seems to be no end in sight.

The flag is like the sea, and the waves are rolling.

The breath of new life in early spring also disappeared without a trace in this massacre.


Today's battle is the official start.

Jing Tian sent envoys according to the etiquette of the country.

The envoy came to the city with a team of ten people and a scepter in hand.

Just a stone's throw away, it stopped.

(End of this chapter)

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