I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 499? Catapult and Bed Crossbow

Chapter 499 Catapult and Bed Crossbow
"I am the emissary of General Jing, the commander of Chuyue Kingdom who defeated Zhou. Today I have a question, why did the new king of Zhou Dynasty kill and usurp the throne, kill the empress of Emperor Yezhen of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and behead my Royal Highness, Princess Chuyue. To be fair, as long as Ye Qing goes out of the city and surrenders, my hundreds of thousands of troops can stop fighting, and we can reconcile with Da Zhou..."

On the city, the soldiers and generals of the Dazhou defenders were all blown up.

It's a good one who turns black and white, tells right and wrong, and talks nonsense.

It's a good hand to fight back.

Obviously you invaded my Da Zhou.

Murdered our late emperor and attacked our Wuguan.

Win over Lantian Valley.

It's time to talk nonsense.

"The new king, I invite you to fight, kill this beast!"

"The new king, I also invite you to fight..."

Ye Qing waved his hands, stared at the outside of the city with a sneer, and said, "Don't worry, gentlemen, what's black can't be white, and what's white can't be black, as long as we know the facts, we don't have to argue with mad dogs to explain, because that will only drag down our IQ." To the level of Mad Dog!"

"Hahaha, the new king is right, it's us Meng Lang!"

Only then did everyone in the city smile heartily.

Get rid of depression.

"Listen to the mad dogs outside the city, tell your commander Xiao Tiantian, wash your neck and send 27% of the army to die, my Da Zhou's swords, guns, arrows and crossbows are too hungry and thirsty!"

Holding a broad ax in his hand, Cheng Yaojin stood on the wall, pointing to the envoy of Chuyue Kingdom outside the city.

Mad dog!

Sweet and handsome!
Chu Yuelai's envoy was taken aback.

Immediately ashamed and angry.

"Hahaha, I still know how to speak, how come I didn't expect Chuyue Kingdom to send out handsome Xiaoxiaotiantian!"

"Little little little little lick sweet handsome!"

The envoys of the Chuyue Kingdom outside the city were so angry that they almost vomited blood.


"Great Zhou Xinjun, you will regret it, today you will destroy Chang'an and wash the city with blood, don't blame me for not giving a chance..."

After speaking, the envoy of Chuyue Kingdom returned to report to Jing Tian.

After listening to the messenger's report.

Jing Tian was also furious.

Draw the sword and guide the city road: "Beat the drums, attack, and demolish Nancheng for this commander!"

"Dong dong dong..."

The drums of war are beating!

The army of Chuyue Kingdom began to move, pressing towards the south gate.

The army of Chuyue Kingdom formed countless phalanxes.

Shouting the sound of killing, killing and moving forward.

The killing sound shook the sky, and the momentum was majestic.

It seems to be able to shake the south city wall.

"Tell the soldiers that once the enemy army attacks the city, give Zhenzhen a severe blow, use all the weapons that can kill the enemy, and try to give me the arrogance of Chuyue Kingdom in the first wave of attack as much as possible. Hit it."

"It's the new king!"

The decree passed on.

Ministries acted immediately.

"Two thousand steps!"

"Eighteen hundred steps!"

"One thousand five hundred steps..."

"A thousand steps..."

"The enemy army has begun to charge!"

Outside the city, the phalanxes of the Chuyue army began to sprint and run.

Shieldmen are ahead.

Followed by the troops carrying the ladder.

In the back came the archers, followed by the battering wrestlers. Hundreds of people rushed forward pushing the battering rams under the protection of layers of armored soldiers.

"Trebuchet throw!"

On the empty flat ground in the inner city, there were trebuchets made from Xiaoyao Mansion.

Order the flag officer to wave down the green flag.

At present, the soldiers of the Great Zhou Dynasty will be excited.

Immediately, stones weighing more than a hundred kilograms were thrown out one by one.

Draw a beautiful arc from the top of the city wall.

Then fell outside the city.

The sound of the stone bullets breaking through the wind made the soldiers of the Great Zhou Dynasty in the city a little horrified.

Look up, what a big guy.

It was able to fly.

Then it smashed heavily into the phalanx of Chuyue Kingdom charging outside the city.


When the stone bullet fell, it instantly smashed the soldiers of Chuyue Kingdom into meatloaf.

After landing, the power of the stone bullet remained undiminished, and it rolled on the ground several times.

Wound the soldiers of Chuyue Kingdom around them.


The falling stone bullets shattered the imposing Chuyue Kingdom phalanx into pieces.

"This is……"

Chu Yue's charging soldiers were all terrified.

The deterrent power of stones falling from the sky is too strong.

When it fell, people were bloody and bloody, turning into a pool of rotten flesh.

Let me ask who is not afraid to see it.

Who is not scared.

This unpredictable stone may fall on top of his head next time.

Even Jing Tian and other generals behind were a little confused and stunned.

"How did Da Zhou do it? The stone can be thrown so far!"

Many generals' scalps were a little numb.

Although they all have martial arts.

And not low.

But just think about it, if such a large rock hits you, even if you have high martial arts skills, you will be injured.

This stone bomb not only deters ordinary soldiers, but also deters them.

Jing Tian's face darkened, and he didn't say a word.

The siege continued naturally.

No one will give up a prepared siege because of these stone bombs.

The stone bullets kept falling, which quickly disrupted the rhythm of the attacking Chuyue army.

However, Chuyue Kingdom had too many troops after all.

The dense crowd is still rushing towards the city wall.

"Bed crossbow, release!"

At this moment, a single-bow bed crossbow and a double-bow bed crossbow were also launched from the top of the city.

This was guided by Ye Qing and improved by Lu Ban.

Like the trebuchet, it has always been used as a big killer and has not been made public.

If it weren't for the attack of the Chuyue army this time.

Ye Qing is still planning to cover it for a year and a half.

At this time, the bed crossbows on the top of the city shot out arrows one after another, and the arrows that were the size of javelins were astonishingly powerful.

The shot directly pierced the shield in the hands of the Chuyue soldiers who were holding the shield.

Shoot and kill the person holding the shield.

Even if it didn't shoot through the wooden shield, it would knock down the person holding the shield.

And it's even worse without a shield.

The long crossbow went straight through, killing two or three people with one arrow.

The power can be imagined.

The soldiers of Chuyue Kingdom who charged were shocked again.

Each scalp is a little numb.

Terrified and trying to escape.

"Raise the bow and throw!"

On the top of the city, the soldiers of the Great Zhou Dynasty began to raise their bows and shoot at an elevated angle.

These archers are in the direction of the city.

You don't need to aim at all, and you don't need to care about how many Chuyue soldiers are under the city.

Just send the bow and arrow out.

will be able to shoot the enemy.

After all, there are too many enemy troops in the outer city.

The soldiers of the Great Zhou Dynasty who leaned towards the outer battlements finally started to fight.

Picking up the crossbow in his hand, he shot and killed the Chuyue people who were close to the city wall.

Before the people of Chuyue could get close to the city wall, countless casualties were caused by this round of blows.

"Don't be stingy with the arrows, let me shoot them hard. Under the dispatch of the Ministry of Industry, the people in the city are doing their best to make them for you. You just need to shoot well and let me kill the enemy."

The commanding generals in the city continued to instill this message into the soldiers.

Sure enough, the crossbowmen in the city were not polite and shot even more fiercely.

"Marshal, it is extremely difficult for our soldiers to get close to the southern city wall of the Great Zhou. The defenders of the Great Zhou counterattacked too violently, and the casualties of the soldiers are a bit heavy..."

The front-line commanders will report back.

Jing Tian stared at the battle place on the city wall.

Just spit out four words coldly: "Continue to attack!"

(End of this chapter)

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