I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 500? Fierce fighting, how many casualties

Chapter 500 Intense battle situation, how many casualties

The general in command at the front line turned back and ordered to intensify the onslaught.

The army of Chuyue Kingdom rushed towards the city wall with stone bullets and bed crossbows.

"Kill! Kill and go in, there will be rewards!"

"My father crashed, smashed through the gate of Dazhou, rushed in, and did not seal the sword for three days!"

The soldiers of Chuyue Kingdom rushed forward even more frantically under the sound of urging orders and heavy rewards.

As the casualties increased, the soldiers of Chuyue Kingdom also became angry.

His eyes were already red, and he only had one thought, and that was to break through the South City Gate.

On the city!

The morale of the soldiers of the Great Zhou was even higher.

With the support of many advanced and powerful ordnance.

More and more Chuyue people were killed.

It has never been possible for the Chuyue army to climb the city wall.

So also more confident.

However, as the archers of the Chuyue army outside the city exerted their strength.

The number of casualties in the city also began to increase.

"However, the enemy army is going to climb the city wall, and I'm sending a centurion up here."

"Golden juice, burn it for me!"

Min Zhuang poured the dung and water roasted on the fire into the city one after another.

The hot golden juice poured down from the sky.

The soldiers of Chuyue Kingdom who climbed were scalded and fell down screaming.

Those outside the city were not spared either.

The same is rolling to the ground screaming.

The shrill sound was endless.

"檑木, give me a hard hit..."

Even more tragic offensive and defensive battles broke out in various sections of the entire southern city.

The fighting was fierce.

The army of Chuyue Kingdom rushed one by one.

The Great Zhou soldiers in the city also changed batch after batch.

Group after group died.


Suddenly, at the gate of the city, Chuyue Kingdom's battering ram rushed up and slammed into the gate.

"Stone, hit me!"

All of a sudden, huge stones fell from above the city.

The soldiers of Chuyue Kingdom who were wearing shields were smashed until they vomited blood and fainted.

Then more Chuyue soldiers made up for it.

Provide cover for the wrestlers below.

"Hot oil, pour it down for me!"

Seeing stones doesn't work.

The well-guarded generals began to direct the soldiers to pour down the boiling hot oil.

Oil can damage one's skin more easily than water.

After a few pots of hot oil went down, both the soldiers with shields and armor and the wrestlers below were scalded until they screamed again and again.

The ramming hammer fell helplessly to the ground.

"Smash the oil tank!"

The big Zhou guards in the city ordered their men to throw the oil tank down.

Then throw the torch down the city.


The city gate and cave city where the oil was splashed suddenly burst into flames, and the fire raged and devoured all around.

Smoke billows.

"Ah! Help...help me..."

In the future, the Chuyue soldiers who had to flee in a hurry, or whose bodies were covered with oil, were ignited by the fire.

Then one by one the firemen rolled on the ground screaming.

Wait for the fire to disappear.

A new wave of siege hole special forces from Chuyue Kingdom began to attack the city again.

The generals of the Great Zhou who defended the city followed the same pattern, and staged an offensive and defensive duel with the soldiers of the Chuyue Kingdom.

Fight till noon!
The flames of war in Nancheng remained the same, and the army of Chuyue Kingdom also changed batch after batch. The new forces continued to invest in the siege of the city, and the remnants who were evacuated gathered back to the camp to rest.

Watching the siege go nowhere.

Jing Tian's counselor said: "Commander, if you attack the city like this, I'm afraid you won't be able to take it down today. The defenders of Dazhou are very tenacious, and their weapons are stronger than ours. They will lose their strength and attention."

Jing Tian nodded slightly, and then said: "Xiang Yang, you lead an army of [-] to attack the west gate of Chang'an! Chang Wu, you lead an army of [-] to attack the east gate."

All of a sudden, a [-] army was divided.

Attack on three sides!

The two tiger generals immediately came out to take orders and said, "No!"

Each led an army of [-], and then attacked the east and west gates separately.

On the upper floor of the South City Gate.

Guo Jia, who put down the binoculars, said: "Xinjun, the Chuyue Kingdom has divided its troops, and it seems that they are planning to attack both the east and the west at the same time!"

"The king of Xiliang listened to the order, you lead 1 people from the headquarters to guard the west gate, and I allocated [-] strong people to you, adding [-] trebuchets and [-] bed crossbows!"

"Yu Jin and Lu Bu listen to the order. You two will each lead 5000 people from the headquarters to guard the east gate. I will allocate [-] men and strongmen to you two. There will also be [-] trebuchets and [-] bed crossbows!"

Ye Yu, Yu Jin, Lu Bu and others came out to take orders.

Then he went down to the city to take over the defense of the east and west gates.

The ordnance has been prepared long ago, and it has been placed in the direction of one or two city gates.

Not long after, the two city gates also fought.

The fighting situation is equally fierce.

An hour later, Cao Zhen came to report: "Xinjun, Xicheng is in a hurry, and the troops in Xiliang have suffered a lot of casualties. I'm afraid they won't last long!"

"Does the King of Xiliang ask for help?" Ye Qing asked.

The crowd shook their heads.

Cao Zhen explained: "The king of Xiliang was stubborn and refused to ask for help. His ministers came to ask for help from the new king privately. The new king, the king of Xiliang only brought two thousand generals from Liangzhou, and the other eight thousand were from cities along the way. The county soldiers and Qin Wang Minzhuang who were temporarily recruited have no fighting power, so they won't last long."

Ye Qing thought for a while and said: "King Fufeng, King Luoyang, and King Wucheng brought your family and soldiers to support Ximen, and told elder brother to notify me in time when support is needed. I not only want the city to be defended, but also elder brother to live! "


Ye Tao, Ye Mu, and Ye Miao took orders to go down.

Each of the three kings has thousands of soldiers at their disposal, and together they are quite a force.

In addition, when they move, the civil service departments attached to them, as well as the Wei Guo and Korean departments will also send troops to support them, and they can pull out more than 1 troops no matter what.

"Cao Shilang wait!"

Ye Qing suddenly stopped Cao Zhen and said, "Let your Cao family go to Ximen!"

Cao Zhen was shocked.

There was a look of surprise on his face, and a touch of surprise.

"Xinjun, what about you?"

Cao Cao's seventh-rank strength is lurking nearby.

He didn't show up because he was afraid that among the Chuyue army that was besieging the city, some supreme powerhouses of the sixth and seventh ranks would suddenly attack the city.

Cao Cao is gone, who will be responsible for Ye Qing's safety.

Ye Qing said with a smile: "It's okay, Jing Tian of Chuyue Kingdom still wants to save face, he won't send sixth- and seventh-rank powerhouses to attack the city so easily, if he really wants to send, at least it will be soon after dark, go!"

Chang'an cannot be attacked by normal means, so the second choice is to attack the city gate with masters.

Cao Zhen clasped his fists and bowed to retreat.

Seeing that he had left the city, Ye Qing looked at Crouching Dragon Zhuge Liang and Yuan Tiangang who were silently sitting in the corner behind him.

"If Cao Zhen doesn't leave, how could Chuyue Kingdom send masters over here? Whoever plots who, wait for Jingtian!"

Chang'an was attacked on three sides. Once the battle broke out, the whole city was shrouded in the sound of shouts of killing.

Unknowingly, the battle reached dusk.

The army of Chuyue Kingdom still did not attack the city once decently.

The three Chengmen were firmly controlled by the generals of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

He looked up at the setting sun.

Jing Tian, ​​who had been silent for a whole day, finally spoke:

"How many casualties are there in our army?"

It was the first time he had asked about the casualties since the fighting started today.

The generals looked at each other.

A logistics official stood up and said, "Return to Commander, the casualties in the east and west cities have reached more than [-], and our south city has also reached [-] casualties."

(End of this chapter)

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