I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 501: Night Battle Ye Qing, You Surrender

Chapter 501 Night Battle Ye Qing, You Surrender
Seventy thousand!

This casualty is not small.

Adding the other two, this is [-].

Of the 27 troops, 18 were gone, leaving only [-] troops.

Seems like a lot.

But it doesn't appear to be much.

Jing Tian just frowned slightly, and didn't have any opinion.

He asked again, "How many casualties did Da Zhou have?"

How many people were killed and injured in Dazhou.

Who can know this.

Da Zhou won't tell us either.

However, his confidant counselor guessed: "Based on the number of times Da Zhou supplemented the general's visit to the city, there should be between 2 and [-] people in Nancheng!"

"And Ximen and the others may have lost a lot. I heard from the Xiang family that the defenders are not very elite. They have changed several batches. The loss of the Zhou people should be around [-]!"

"East Gate is estimated to have only half of the 4000 people!"

"Between [-] and [-]!"

Jing Tian pondered for a while, and then said: "Prepare for the night battle, dispatch expert guards, and raid the gate tower of the North City. I'm sure Ye Qing must be there!"

"Commander, I'm afraid it won't work. There are still Cao Cao and Ye Qiu in the city, and they will definitely protect Ye Qing. Unless we send out all the six and seven Supremes, otherwise..."

Before the counselor finished speaking, Jing Tian said: "Then send them all out, we must attack Chang'an tonight, and before dawn, I will go to the Great Zhou Palace for tomorrow's breakfast!"


Upstairs at the South City Gate!
Ye Qing was also asking about the specific number of casualties.

But the situation is still very good.

Far lower than Chu Yueguo's inference.

"Xinjun, there are not many people killed in our army, but there are a lot of wounded. If you are injured, you will be sent to the city for treatment immediately, so our army replenishes more frequently!"

Ye Qingdao: "It's better if there are fewer deaths in battle. The wounded soldiers are the best soldiers in the empire, because they are all experienced soldiers. If they are cured and survive, they will be precious veterans in the future!"

"It seems that Chuyue Kingdom is planning to fight at night, and they don't want to stop!"

Ye Qing asked: "Can you infer the number of casualties in Chuyue Kingdom?"

"My lord, I thought it was almost a hundred thousand?" Guo Jia deduced:

"There are almost [-] to [-] people outside the South City Gate, and the accumulated corpses are almost ten feet high."

"One hundred thousand, that means there are still 17 people, and there are still many. It seems that there is still a hard fight tonight!" Ye Qing jumped out of the city and said:

"Rotate soldiers, eat and drink, try to let the soldiers who fight at night have more rest, and send someone to check the number of arrows in the city, especially crossbow arrows.

In liquid warfare at night, the consumption of crossbow arrows will be even higher! "

At night, the power of trebuchets and bed crossbows will be reduced.

The only thing that has a strong deterrent power is the Liannu.

The battle did not end after dark, but became more intense.

With the cover of twilight, it was easier for Chuyue's army to rush under the city wall.

Then the two sides lit torches and continued to fight by the light of the fire.

After several hours of continuous fighting, the battle soon reached midnight.

Just when both parties are exhausted.

Ye Jing finally sent all the masters to join the attacking team.

Launched a fatal blow.

Not only were masters added, but even the siege team was Ye Jing's personal guards, with Jing's generals acting as the assault vanguard.

Almost in an instant, the army of Chuyue Kingdom killed the city with the help of ladders.

"No, the enemy army is stronger this time, and the generals and soldiers have changed!"

"The enemy has dispatched a master, strike the gong to remind everyone!"

The gong struck.

Even the tired Ye Qing and the others were shocked.

"Where is the emergency!"

Ye Qing went straight to the door.

At this time, a general came over and said, "Xinjun, the Chuyue Kingdom has sent masters, and the new monarch must not go out!"

"Xinjun, Chuyue Kingdom has sent the most elite soldiers, and many sections of the city walls have been killed by the enemy. Our soldiers are fighting hard."

"Ouyang Feng, Xie Xun, you two bring the Tiandihui to support the lost city section, don't be reckless when you encounter warriors above the third rank, you can retreat!"

"No!" Ouyang Feng and Xie Xun led the masters of the Tiandihui and the gang to support them.

Ye Qing said again: "Li Yuanfang, Li Bai, you two are fast, find an opportunity to attack and kill the masters of Chuyue Kingdom!"

The two are assassins, more suitable for raids.

It is more advantageous in this kind of melee.

Li Bai had already changed into a black suit and went out at the same time as Li Yuanfang.

Soon the two launched raids and killings in various parts of the city.

"Wenyou, call Jinyi up to help!"


A non-military force was sent up.

Not only Ye Qing's, but also diners from various mansions of Baiguan's family were recruited.

Join the counterattack in each city segment.



Chuyue Kingdom's battering hammer became active again.

Under the heavy impact, the thick city gate was crumbling.

There are also sandy places on the upper floor of the city gate.

The rubble trembled, as if it would fall at any moment.

"Feng Xiao, you take all the people who don't know martial arts and return to the inner city."

Ye Qing drew his sword himself, as if he had sensed something.

Even Wolong Zhuge Liang finally opened his eyes and stood up.

Guo Jia knew that the real crisis was coming, so he hurriedly left the city gate with all his burdens and retreated towards the inner city.

There are not many generals and military capitals guarding Ye Qing here, only a dozen or so.

And there is no one of the sixth grade and above.


Finally, after a loud bang, the city gate was broken.

The Chuyue people shouted excitedly, it turned out that there were a lot of masters among the wrestlers who hit the city gate.

And the strength is above the third rank.

Such a combination of forces hitting the city is so huge.

But they were not happy for a few seconds when they broke through the city gate.

They were all dumbfounded again.

There is more than one city gate.

The last bronze door is broken.

But there is still a stone in it.

To be precise, it was a moving door made of cement steel.

The door is thick as a whole, and can be moved into the wall, so it is usually hidden.

I didn't know that Nancheng designed it, and I didn't even know that there was such a stable stone gate.


The battering ram hit.

There was a muffled sound, without a trace of wavering.

Hit three times in a row, still the same.

"No, I don't know what magic method Da Zhou used to build a stone gate. It's impossible to get in from the city!"

"Abandon plan A and implement plan B!"


Immediately, everyone let go of the battering ram and tore off their coats.

Show off your original clothes.

Then he took a leap and climbed up to the city.

With one or two breaths, hundreds of masters jumped up one after another.

The Da Zhou soldiers who defended the city were beheaded and knocked down by them one after another.

This group of people, one by one, like a tiger joining a herd.

Then rushed into the gate tower.

The gate tower of Nancheng was built like a palace.

Grand and spacious.

Kong Jian, Shi Potian, Li Cunxiao, Li Siye, Guo Xiang, Yu Huatian and more than a dozen people in the gate tower protected Ye Qing behind him.

"Ye Qing, the new Lord of the Great Zhou Dynasty, is indeed here!"

"Jie Jie, the commander-in-chief knows things like a god, it seems that the battle of Chang'an can be over!"

"Ye Qing surrender, you can't escape!"

(End of this chapter)

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