I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 502 4 pieces of 6 product

Chapter 502 Four Six Grades
Looking up, there was a vast expanse of darkness outside, all blocked by the masters of Chuyue Kingdom.

Looking at the past, the entry level alone accounted for more than half.

There are many third and fourth grades.

There are also five products!

"It's not enough, if you don't have the Supreme of the sixth and seventh ranks, don't talk nonsense in my big week!"

Ye Qing stood up with his sword: "The store can't kill me with you, and you don't even have the qualifications to touch me!"

"What an arrogant tone, Ye Qing, you only have a fifth-rank, a fourth-rank, and a few third-ranks around you, and you are only a third-rank yourself. Where do you get the confidence!"

"Kill! Huo Ti is talking nonsense with him, he is delaying time!"

The warriors of Chuyue Kingdom didn't hesitate any more, they rushed towards Ye Qing with a loud shout.

Suddenly, when Ye Qing raised his head, some alert Chuyue warriors looked up.

I saw the colorful powder scattered all over the sky.

Immediately enveloped the heads of the crowd.

Then all parts of the body are contaminated.

"The Great Law of Transformation!"


"Ah! My hands, my eyes..."

"No, it's poison..."

The warriors of the Chuyue Kingdom were hit by the trick one after another, and their faces turned pale with shock.

No matter how strong a warrior is, they are afraid of poison.

As long as you haven't reached the Supreme Ninth Rank, no one can escape the vulgarity, and there is a risk of poisoning and death.

"It's itchy, scratch me, scratch me quickly."


Ding ChunQiu succeeded in releasing the poison from above, Kong Jian, Shi PoTian, ​​Li CunXiao, Li SiYe, Guo Xiang, Yu HuaTian and more than a dozen people who had taken the antidote took action one after another.

Kill toward the other side.

Only Wolong Zhuge Liang and Yuan Tiangang were behind Ye Qing.


Although there were many masters in the Chuyue Kingdom, they were plotted against, and they were beaten back by the Xiaoyao Mansion.

There were many casualties.

The sixth-rank masters and seventh-rank masters lurking outside were also slightly surprised.

Seeing that so many masters were beaten out by others.

Then, he flew towards the city gate tower.


Zhuge Liang, the crouching dragon behind Ye Qing, suddenly shouted.

Ye Qing hastily retreated three steps.

Kongjian, Shi Potian, Li Cunxiao, Li Siye, Guo Xiang, Yuhuatian and others who chased them out of the city gate also formed an array to protect themselves and retreated.

The next moment, all the upper and upper doors of the city gate that was about to be closed were smashed into countless pieces.

Looking fixedly, there is an old man in his 50s and [-]s standing in front of each door.

A group of four people!
All surpassed the sixth grade!

The powerful breath made people feel a little breathless.

"Four masters above the sixth rank still want to sneak around, for fear of being killed by my Da Zhou's masters, tsk tsk, Chuyue Kingdom dares to attack my Da Zhou with this little courage!"

The faces of the four masters of Chuyue Kingdom twitched unnaturally.

One of the white-bearded old men snorted coldly: "Da Zhou Xiaoyao King, you are really eloquent, but it's a pity that your military strength and your Da Zhou's strength are not as good as your mouth."

"Tell me, Ye Qingren, how do I want to die, the four of us make a move, it's enough to kill a dozen of you ten times!"

Another younger man without left ear sneered.

Ye Qing shook his head and said: "I have never thought about how to die, but only thought about how you will die!"

"Hahahaha, I'm still stubborn when I'm about to die, look at my Boruo palm... palm... palm..."

Four fighters of the sixth rank and above from the Chuyue Kingdom were rushing towards Ye Qing.

All of a sudden, I felt that the surrounding environment changed.

The gate tower has not changed.

In its place is the moon in the sky, and the stars are shining brightly.

There is also empty land under the feet, and the abyss cannot be seen at a glance.

"This is where!"

The four of them panicked.

His face changed slightly.

"Look at the celestial phenomena tonight, and know the major events in the world!"

Suddenly, the four of them saw a man in white clothes with a jade face appearing in front of them. The man held a feather fan, smiled slightly at them, and then gently shook the feather fan.

"The flames of the sky are raging, burning up your body. Come down!"

Seeing the man spit out lightly, the four of them felt dizzy and fell down.

At this time, fireballs also appeared in the sky, hitting them.

They dodge left and right.

Fire dragons also rose from the ground.

All around is raging fire.

Surround them.

"Illusion, break it!"

"Back to back, swing the blade casually, break the formation with the blade!"

The four are worthy of being the supreme strongmen of the sixth rank.

Well-informed and experienced.

Immediately judged that he was hit by the confusion technique of the formation.

Quickly guarding his mind, he swung the air blade around with his weapon.

However, the air blades flew out one after another, like entering a mud marsh.

"What's the matter, man!"

"This illusion is too strong."

"I'm afraid that the sixth-rank master from Qishan Pavilion is coming, we are still careless!"

The white beard master's eyes darkened.

Then a flash of inspiration said: "Everyone hit one point with all our strength, I don't believe that with the strength of the four of us, we can't defeat a small formation supported by one person!"

"it is good!"

The other three replied in unison.

Then they clapped together and blasted straight ahead.

Sure enough, this joint blow made a loud noise.

Surrounded by the original sky illusion.

burst open.

However, the upper and lower flame arrays and fire balls were replaced by surrounding fire balls surrounding them.

The entire city gatehouse was engulfed in flames.

The fire even burned his own clothes.

Smoke sadistically.

Ye Qing and the others could not be found at all.

"Ahem, let's go!"

The four of them slapped the fire ball on their clothes, holding their breath and practicing exercises to rush out of the sea of ​​flames.

"Your scheme has been seen through!"

"Those who dare to enter this formation, prepare to face the power of heaven and earth!"

Crouching Dragon Zhuge Liang's voice sounded one after another.

The four of them suddenly felt a little overwhelmed.

I'm a bit annoyed by this sound.

Because of this sound, there will be a vision immediately.

Sure enough, the next moment, the front of the four of them was blocked by an invisible wall.

Then I saw an old Taoist holding various yellow and yellow charms!

"Arriving, soldiers, fighting, people, all, array, column, in, in front!"

Yuan Tiangang drew his sword and thrust it into the ground, then twisted it hard.

The four Chuyue people immediately stood back to back.

Then pay attention to the feet, the stone bricks are cracked with countless lines, which are getting wider and wider, extending towards the four people.


Yuan Tiangang swung his sword, a stream of sword energy divided into lines along the lines, then surrounded the four people, and then shot at the four people's weak spots in unison.

"Mere sword energy, I will block it!"

The four shouted coldly and waved their weapons to block.

Originally full of confidence, but also somewhat contemptuous.

A second rank also wanted to hurt them with sword energy.

Not self-sufficient.

But at the moment of contact, a huge ability blasted.

All four bumped into their backs.

"Puff puff……"

Then countless sword qi raged endlessly.

The flying shots hit the bodies of the four people.

The originally mediocre sword energy cut countless bloody holes in the bodies of the four of them.

The four of them were in pain, and kept waving their weapons to block the continuous attack.

Never expected that the other party could discover their respective weaknesses.

This is a bit weird.

However, the four of them are at the sixth rank, and it is not a serious problem to suffer a little injury.

Where the realm is, where the foundation is.

They didn't believe how much inner strength Yuan Tiangang could release with a second rank.

When manpower is limited, a mere second grade can do nothing for me.

(End of this chapter)

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