I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 503? Kill all 6 ranks

Chapter 503 Killing all six ranks
"You two little thieves, just use whatever you have!"

"I thought it was the head of your Qishan Pavilion who had gone down the mountain, but it turned out to be just two first- and second-rank juniors!"

Wolong Zhuge Liang and Yuan Tiangang looked at each other.

Well, these four people treat people as Qishan Pavilion.

The two of them kept silent and focused on trapping the four of them.

At this time, the four are living targets.

Although it is a sixth rank, it is difficult to kill in one go, but if it is exhausted, the four of them will not last long.

"Let me wipe it off."

Shi Potian didn't know when he walked into the formation.

Then move the strength with both hands, one hand is Yang, and the other is Yin.

The yang turns into a dragon, and the yin turns into a tiger!

The dragon and the tiger gather and gradually grow stronger.

"What kind of martial arts is this?"

The four people of Chuyue Kingdom were stunned.

"Arhat's magical skill of subduing demons is being added to the heroism, Shi Potian is going to try a new way to kill the enemy!"

Ye Qing, who was familiar with Shi Potian, recognized him at a glance.

Although Shi Potian is at the fifth rank, he does not show weakness to the upper sixth rank.

He also killed the six heads of Baibo Valley.

"Dragon and Tiger Fight, go!"

Following Shi Potian's low growl.

The dragon and the tiger intertwined together, and then flew towards the six masters of Chuyue Kingdom.

The roar of the tiger and the roar of the dragon filled the entire formation.

"It's so strong, block it!"

Four people feel the crisis.

This is the first time since becoming a sixth rank that he has such a strong sense of crisis.

The four mobilized all their strength at the same time, and they all raised their palms to resist.


A loud bang.

Like thunder, the surroundings exploded.

The gate tower of the entire sea of ​​flames was directly razed to the ground.

And everyone in the formation vomited blood and were shocked back.


The surrounding people were also affected.

Especially the masters of Chuyue Kingdom who wanted to go in to fight the fire.

They were blown away one after another and fell into the city.

Four sixth-rank masters from the Chuyue Kingdom were knocked against the wall one by one, and their bodies were wounded everywhere.

His face was extremely pale.

Eyes with fear.

A fifth-rank unexpectedly defeated four of their sixth-rank at the same time.

Tell it, no one will believe it.


It was too late to say it, and then it was too late, Ye Qing made the first move by himself, and didn't give the four people any reaction at all.

Seriously injured rank six can be killed!

As soon as Ye Qing charged, Zhao Yun, Li Cunxiao, Guo Xiang, Kong Jian and others behind him also rushed forward.

At this time, the person's eyes widened, and he wanted to stand up, but at this moment, he felt weak all over his body, and his four feet were broken, so he couldn't move flexibly.

"Overlord Slash!"

Ye Qing swung his sword and slashed hard.

As soon as the skill is blessed, the target is instantly cut in half.

utterly dead.

"Sky Soaring Dragon!"

Zhao Yun also used a nirvana, following behind Ye Qing.

One shot locks one person, one hit kills.

Guo Xiang also followed closely behind, with one palm and one sword, he made a move with the other and killed him.

Kong Jian punched and stopped the one who was about to escape.

Then counter tricks with it.

At this time, Zhao Yun turned around quickly and stabbed the man with a Qipanlong spear.

Only then did Kong Jian use his dragon claws to lock the throat of this sixth-rank wounded man from Chuyue Kingdom and pinch his neck.


The masters of the Chuyue Kingdom who had not fallen into the city saw each other with expressions of fear.


All four rank-[-]s were killed, and the warriors around Emperor Da Zhou were a little bit tricky.

The huge explosion just now made them feel terrified.

So one by one jumped off the wall and escaped.

"Zilong! Jingsi, lead the two cavalry guards out of the city and trample the enemy!"

"Send the order, Gao Shun leads the camp to attack, rush through the Chuyue army at the city gate, and clear the roadblocks for the two cavalry guards!"

Zhao Yun and Li Cunxiao were ordered to go down to command the two cavalry guards.

Gao Shun also slowly opened the city gate with the trapping camp he had prepared.

Originally, they were planning to go up the city wall to support the head of the city.

But now they have a new mission.

Get out of town.

Undoubtedly a bold order.

"What's going on, the South Gate Tower is on fire!"

"It should be our people who succeeded, Ye Qing was killed!"

Jing Tian was also a little excited when he saw the gate tower of the south city on fire.

He also thought that his assault vanguard team had succeeded.

So he drew his sword and said, "Head the order, the whole army will attack and capture Nancheng!"


The generals of Chuyue Kingdom were very excited, and then went down one after another to lead the attack.

This is the total attack.

Take Chang'an tonight.

The Great Zhou Dynasty belonged to Chuyue Kingdom.

All the troops of the Chuyue Kingdom were thrown in, and then pressed towards the south city.

But halfway through, there was a sudden loud noise.

The entire battlefield, regardless of the enemy or me, was shocked.

After a brief astonishment, they started killing each other again.

However, doubts arose in each of them.

The city gate tower was razed to the ground.

What happened to the people on both sides there.

"what happened?"

Jing Tian felt uneasy.

There was something unusual about the explosion.

Killing Ye Qing, why make such a big noise.

Four people can't make such a big commotion.

Sure enough, the roars and shouts of the soldiers of the Great Zhou came from the gate of the city!
"Great Zhou Wannian! New King Wannian!"

"Kill! The sixth-rank powerhouse of Chuyue Kingdom will die, kill!"

Right here, the city gate suddenly opened.

The stone gate moves left and right.

Then one by one, armies armed with large shields, heavy hammers, large axes, and long spears rushed out of the city.


This detachment rushed out, hacking anyone they saw, and the corpses were swept to both sides.

No survivors or corpses are left here.

The Chuyue soldiers who wanted to take the opportunity to rush into the city were cut and swept back again and again.

"The ambition to fall into the battle, there is death but not life, kill!"

Five thousand fell into the camp, stabbing out like a sharp sword.



All of them were killed to open up a path, Gao Shun gave an order, and the trapped army was divided into two and widened to both sides.


The rear cavalry also rushed out, along the middle road, all rushed out of the city.

Then he chased down the soldiers who retreated southward to Chuyue Kingdom.

The cavalry charged, almost unstoppable.

The soldiers of the Chuyue Kingdom howled and evaded in horror.

Behind the rear cavalry guards, there is also Li Cunxiao's middle cavalry guards.

Two cavalry, a total of [-].

Jump into the entire battlefield outside the southern city.

Ten thousand fine cavalry.

The soldiers of the Chuyue Kingdom were unable to form an interception trend at all, and the entire siege army was rushed to pieces and collapsed.


Da Zhou in the city will take the opportunity to fight back.

All the troops of the Chuyue Kingdom on the city were expelled from the city. "

"This..." Jing Tian spat out a mouthful of blood.

His face turned pale in an instant.

The eyes are a little distorted.

Four sixth-rank masters were unexpectedly...

The assault vanguard was almost wiped out by Da Zhou.

The masters at all levels who fled back in panic talked about the situation of the gate tower.

Jing Tian's subordinates were also ashamed.

The four sixth grades were all killed by others.

And there is no sixth-grade master present in Da Zhou.

"Withdraw! Withdraw..."

Even though there were 1 people unwilling, Jing Tian gritted his teeth and gave the order to retreat.

The subordinates also sighed again and again, seeing the cavalry of the Great Zhou who kept rushing towards them, they had no choice but to ask Ming Jin to withdraw.

(End of this chapter)

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