I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 504? Jing Tian's death

Chapter 504 Jing Tian's Death

He heard the sound of Ming Jin withdrawing troops.

The army of Chuyue Kingdom collapsed even faster.

They flocked towards the barracks.

The cavalry of the two guards of Dazhou charged left and right, constantly rushing.

Headed towards the banner of the coach to kill.

But when rushing past, Jing Tian retreated to the barracks because he was covered by someone.

Zhao Yun and Li Cunxiao had no choice but to cut down his banner, and then intercepted and killed the Chuyue army on the left and right, instead of pursuing in the direction of the camp.

"Quickly, go and inform Xiang Yang and Chang Wu who know the two cities in the east and west, stop the siege and withdraw the troops."

Seeing that the Zhou cavalry did not come after him, Jing Tian breathed a sigh of relief, and then ordered his subordinates to inform the other two armies.


Suddenly, the men guarding Jing Tian noticed something strange in the surroundings.

I saw two companions suddenly fell down.

A figure floated by.

Everyone was alert, holding their weapons and facing outside.

Even Jing Tian's hairs stood on end, and a sense of crisis crept up on his head.

Losing four sixth-rank masters, his safety is worrying.

"Kill your people!"

Suddenly, an old man in white clothes and silver hair stood on a horse, and the original owner of the horse disappeared.

Probably killed by the old man.

The generals and warriors around Jing Tian looked puzzled.

It seems that there is no such master in Dazhou.

One person dares to come to the army to attack and kill the coach.

Without the fifth and sixth ranks, they would never dare to do such a thing.

Now he still dares to stand so clearly and stand out from the crowd.

This depends on how high one's own martial arts is to dare to do so.

"Your Excellency, do you really think that the army of Chuyue Kingdom can come and leave whenever they want?"

"If you want to kill us, old man, you may have lived enough. Even if you have high martial arts, can you stand up to our wheel battle?"

The generals of Chuyue Kingdom quietly said to Jing Tian:

"Marshal, wait until you find a chance to hide, this old man is weird!"

Before Jing Tian could speak, a cold voice came.

"Who said he only has one person! I'm such a big living person, you didn't realize that my damn handsome face will be forgotten!"

Li Xun Huan stared coldly at Jing Tian and his subordinates with those charming eyes that could electrocute people.

Only then did everyone realize that there was also a man standing on a horse behind him.

Men are so handsome that men are jealous and women are fascinated.

A small knife is clasped in the right hand and placed in front of the eyes.

He holds a head in his left hand.

If you look carefully, you will find that it is Lu Guan, the owner of the Sutra Pavilion in Lantian Valley.

It turned out that when Li Xunhuan and Zhang Sanfeng came back from chasing and killing Lu Guan, they happened to see the Chuyue army attacking the city.

So a total of simply to do a large vote.

"Pretend to be a ghost, come and kill me if you have the ability!" Jing Tian is also a handsome man, he shook off everyone's cover, and pointed his sword at Li Xun Huan.

"Okay, the old man will see you off!"

Zhang Sanfeng waved his sword.

The blade flew over.


Two first-class masters from Chuyue Kingdom fell to the ground.


The warriors and generals of Chuyue Kingdom rushed up one after another.

Zhang Sanfeng swung his sword left and right.

Fight with it.

Zhang Sanfeng's swordsmanship is light and elegant, and his strokes are soft and graceful.

With one move and one sword strike, the warriors of Chuyue Kingdom who rushed forward were killed one after another.

On this side, Li Xun Huan flicked the knife he was holding.

The rank three general standing in front of General Jing Tian screamed and held his neck.

Unstoppable blood gushed out.

Then fell to the ground.

"Xiao Li Feidao, the example is not in vain!"

Li Xun Huan jumped forward, and both of his knives flew out in mid-air.

The people of Chuyue Kingdom still don't understand what's going on.

If he was hit by the knife, he would either die or be injured.

In the next moment, Li Xun Huan rushed to Jing Tian with a distance of less than ten feet.

Jing Tian swung his sword and slashed.

Li Xun Huan moved his body, and flicked his backhand.


Jing Tian was stabbed in the forehead.

He didn't even understand how he died, so he lost consciousness.

Li Xun Huan grabbed the sword and slashed with his backhand.

The blade is sharp.

Heads fall.

After taking the head, Li Xun Huan stepped back and flew back to the original horse.

It all happened so fast, so smoothly.

Wait until Yang Yueguo's generals or warriors react.

Jing Tian died, and the family was separated.

"Let's go, old man!"

After Li Xun Huan finished speaking, Cui Ma left without looking back.

He has never been interested in killing soldiers.

Seeing this, Li Sanfeng also accepted his childlike innocence, and stopped playing with the juniors of Chuyue Kingdom.

With a kick, Duoma also headed towards Nancheng.

The people of Chuyue Kingdom wanted to chase after him, but Yijing had no chance.


West City!

Xiang Yang of Chuyue Kingdom also directed the army to kill the city.

Ye Yu led his men to stand firm and fought bloody battle with Xiang Yang's men.

The two sides are shopping.

Hitting Xiang Yang and pointing at Ye Yu, who took the lead, said: "That is the King of Xiliang in the Great Zhou Dynasty. If you kill this man, you can break the Ximen Gate. Please take action, Mr. Xu!"

Elder Xu, a sixth-rank martial artist.

It turned out that Jing Tian had brought six grade-[-]s here, except that four were released from the south city, and one from the east and west cities.

It was to deal with Ye Qiu and Cao Cao.

"Okay! I'll go!"

This is a sixth-grade martial artist known as Xu Lao, with a ghostly figure.

With the cover of our own soldiers, we quickly climbed to the top of the city.

When he was approaching Ye Yu, he suddenly swung his sword and stabbed him.

His sword is as fast as lightning, swift as the wind.

In an instant, he arrived at Ye Yu's side.

Ye Yu hasn't noticed the crisis yet.

At this moment, there was a loud shout.

"Qiang!" sounded.

Xu Lao's sword deviated from the past and was knocked out by a flying sword.

Old Xu took a look.

A black shadow rushed over.

The familiar breath of a strong man surged in.

Mr. Xu swung his sword and struck each other.

The two turned to one side and started fighting.

"You are Cao Zhen!"

"No prize for guessing right, suffer death!"

Cao Zhen shouted angrily, and hit Elder Xu's chest with a bang.

Ye Yu is also belated.

It was only then that he discovered that a rank-six powerhouse attacked him just now.

The ancestor of the Cao family saved his life just now.

"Isn't he at the sixth brother's place? Why did he come to West City!"

But at this time, Yijing has no time to think about Ye Yu's bloody battle again.

All the support arrived.

It quickly helped to stabilize the situation in the city.

"How's Nancheng?"

Ye Yu finally had time to take a breather and rest, and asked Ye Tao, Cao Zhen and others who came over.

"No worries for now!"

Elder Xu and Cao Zhen fought continuously, fighting from the top of the city to the bottom of the city, and directly left the place where the soldiers were fighting.

Not long after, a strong earthquake was suddenly felt from the south of the city.

A cavalry came rushing.

"That's... our cavalry!"

"Nancheng fought back. That's great. It seems that Nancheng killed Chuyue Kingdom. The new king and the others should have seized the opportunity. Chang'an will not be broken!"

The soldiers of Chuyue Kingdom saw the Da Zhou iron cavalry rushing towards them.

Also confused.

There was no rush to react at all, and they didn't know what happened in Nancheng.

Hastily send people to stop, where is the opponent of the Great Zhou cavalry.

One by one was assassinated and slashed.

"Damn it, what's going on, why did Da Zhou's cavalry get behind us?"

"Withdraw! All withdraw, don't attack the city!"

Xiang Yang also decisively gave up the siege.

Try to intercept Zhao Yun and other ministries.

(End of this chapter)

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