I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 505? It's Jing Tian's Head

Chapter 505: It's Jing Tian's Head

Booming, at this moment, it is almost impossible for the army of Chuyue Kingdom to rush to meet the laziest to stop them.

They were scattered and defeated almost instantly!

Zhao Yun's [-] generals rushed in, dashing left and right, with incomparable bravery.

None of Xiang Yang's men could stop Zhao Yun's fierce generals.

Even those master guards couldn't get close to the cavalry army.

He could only passively protect Xiang Yang.

When Zhao Yun's cavalry rushed over, Xiang Yang gathered the soldiers and wanted to fight and retreat.

But at this time, Li Siye, who was following Zhao Yun, arrived with his troops again.

As a new force, it has never been on the battlefield and has not consumed any energy.

At this time, they met the Xiangyang tribe who had been fighting for most of the day, and the elite Erqian Modao team blocked the retreat of the Chuyue army.

"Stand up! Enter!"

The two thousand Modao team lined up in several rows, shouting in unison.

There are 2000 recruits behind, although they are still unable to use the Modao proficiently, but they are brought by [-] people in front.

The same big drink, the momentum is not diminished.

"Looking for death, rush to kill me!"

The Chuyue army rushed towards the Modao team blocking the way.

Li Siye looked resolute, without squinting.

Only when the enemy soldiers approached, did they roar!


One order!
The soldiers in the front row waved their swords together!


The soldiers of the Chuyue Kingdom who rushed forward were chopped into two pieces one after another.

Whether it is a weapon or a body.

It was broken at the sound.

The power is great, the bloody and sharpness of killing the enemy.

Even the soldiers of Chuyue Kingdom who rushed up were stunned.

"Enter! Cut!"

However, Li Siye didn't care about such things at all, he only had one thought, one step at a time, one step at a time!

Following an order, the soldiers of the Modao team in the second row behind took a step forward.

Then they swung their knives and slashed down.

Those in the third row followed, raising their knives behind them.

"Enter! Cut!"

With another order, the people in the third row also took another step forward, walked to the front of the second row, and then swung their knives to chop.

It doesn't matter what kind of enemy is on the other side, or whether there is an enemy.

Anyway, Mo Dao must be swung down.

It is as fast as the wind, as slow as the forest, as plundering as fire, and as immovable as a mountain.

There are many swords and walls, and those who cut them will die.

Don't give the opponent any chance of luck at all.

After the third row finished cutting, the third row also raised their knives and followed behind.

"Enter! Cut!"

Very rigid and conservative, but that's it, step by step.

The people of Chuyue Kingdom were all killed to the point of numbness.

Can't rush through at all. ,
They rushed up and were cut in two.

That sharp long knife.

Strength is terrifying.

And that wall-like formation of knives is simply a steel fortress.

"Go! Keep going, don't stop, don't be afraid!"

As a famous general of the Chuyue Kingdom, Xiang Yang couldn't think of any good way to break through the interception of the Modao team.

I can only issue a death order and order the soldiers in front to continue to attack.

It is said that as many as they rushed up, they were beheaded by the Modao team.

Step by step, there were corpses on the ground, and none of them was intact.

At this moment, Zhao Yun led the cavalry to cross in two, crossing from left to right.

"Out of town, attack!"

Upstairs at the west city gate, seeing such a good opportunity, Ye Yu didn't want to miss it, so he led people to open the city gate to hide and kill him.


In the dark night, the soldiers of the Great Zhou Dynasty were like a rainbow, killing the people of Chuyue country frantically.

The army of Chuyue Kingdom was defeated and had no fighting spirit, and fled towards the two wings.

Even Xiang Yang and the others were unable to command and dispatch the ignorant army in this dark night.

Can only break out to one side.

Here at the East Gate!
The situation is similar.

First, the Chuyue Kingdom attacked fiercely, and the city was in danger.

Chang Wu sent a sixth-rank master to attack and kill Yu Jin, Lu Bu and others.

But Ye Qiu, who was guarding the city gate tower, made a move and intercepted this sixth-rank Chuyue expert.

Soon Li Cunxiao also led the cavalry guards to kill the Chuyue army under Chang Wu's army.

Shouting while rushing, four sixth-rank realms in the south gate of Chuyue Kingdom were killed.

The news that the coach fled and the main force of the Chuyue Kingdom's army was defeated.

Tang Wu and the others didn't believe it at first, but soon they had to accept this fact.

Because if there is no accident in Nancheng, it is impossible for Da Zhou's cavalry to surprise them from outside the city.


Chang Wu also withdrew quickly, and there was no heavy infantry like Modaowei to stop him, so the withdrawal was relatively smooth.

Li Cunxiao just chased and hacked for a while, then withdrew his troops and entered the city.



With Jing Tian's withdrawal, Ye Qing and the others finally showed a gratified and bright smile.

The offensive and defensive battle that lasted for almost a whole day was finally over.

The two cavalry rushed to kill, leaving at least [-] soldiers in Jingtian.

"Look, Xinjun, the people of Chuyue Kingdom seem to be going to attack the city again!"

Suddenly, Kongjian pointed at the Dajun Road chasing from the direction of the camp of Chuyue Kingdom.

Ye Qing was about to order the relaxed generals and soldiers to prepare for the battle.

But the soldiers of Chuyue Kingdom suddenly stopped again.

At this time, everyone took a closer look, and it turned out that there were two cavalry quickly passing through the messy battlefield outside the city.

And the person on the horse is familiar to everyone.

That old man in white, with silver hair and white beard, must be Zhang Sanfeng without a doubt.

And the one who walked in front was probably Li Xun Huan who had never greeted them and only met once.

Soon the two of Li Xunhuan arrived under the city.

Li Xun Huan held up two heads and said, "My lord, please take a look!"

Only then did Ye Qing and the others take a closer look.

"That's... Lu Guan of the seventh rank of Lantian Valley!"

The guy was finally killed.

"Who is the other?"

None of the people in Xiaoyao Mansion knew it.

One of the mid-level military generals who stayed here exclaimed, "It can't be Jing Tian's, it looks similar!"

It turned out that this general had accompanied the officials of the Ministry of Rites on a mission to Chuyue Kingdom.

Fortunately, I met Jing Tian.

"What? Jing Tian!"

Everyone was short of breath.

What a feat it is to behead the enemy's coach.

Zhang Sanfeng explained under the city: "My lord, when the two of us returned, we just found out that Chuyue Kingdom had mobilized experts to attack the city. Seeing that the enemy commander had no experts around him, Sui sneaked in and beheaded the enemy commander!"

It is really Jing Tian, ​​the commander of the 30 army of Chuyue Kingdom.

great merit.

Big win!
Not only did Chang'an be defended tonight, but the army of Chuyue Kingdom was severely damaged.

And also killed the enemy coach.

The Zhou soldiers above and below the city howled excitedly.


Happiness is not enough to express the surging feelings in their hearts.

"Congratulations to the new king! Great Zhou Wannian!"

"Congratulations to the new king! Great Zhou Wannian!"

Although all the soldiers were exhausted, they were like a holy baptism at this time, possessing infinite power.

A loud shout resounded through the sky.

Greatly defeated the main force of the Chuyue army, saved Chang'an, and beheaded the enemy's commander.

Chang'an is safe.

Ye Qing's position as emperor was completely stabilized.

Ye Qing himself was full of pride.

Clenched fist in cuff.

After the soldiers shouted for a moment, they raised their hands and nodded.

Facing the inner city: "All the soldiers of the Great Zhou, you have worked hard, our Great Zhou is still there, our Great Zhou is wonderful because of you, and it is destined to prosper because of you. The Great Zhou is the life of all the people of the Great Zhou Great week, ten thousand years! Ten thousand years!"

(End of this chapter)

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