I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 506: Southern Theater, Suzaku Group

Chapter 506 Southern Theater, Suzaku Group
Ye Qing's words are still so contagious!
The soldiers above and below the city burst into tears when they heard this.

No emperor has ever said that the Great Zhou belongs to the people of the Great Zhou.

is their own.

Although Dazhou is their home country.

But ordinary people are just people.

Only nobles can regard Da Zhou as theirs.

"Enter the city!"

Ye Qing turned around and said to Zhang Sanfeng and Li Xunhuan.

The city gate opened slowly.

All the soldiers looked over, with deep respect in their eyes.

My heart also began to be proud.

Da Zhou has two more sixth-rank powerhouses, and Da Zhou is even stronger.

The more powerhouses above rank six, the less bullied Da Zhou will be.

Even the powerful Chu Yue did not dare to send troops to attack Da Zhou easily.

Other countries dare not covet it.

Although the army of Chuyue Kingdom was defeated and retreated.

However, Ye Qing still did not leave the South City Gate.

Soon the battle report of the two sects arrived.

"Report! Report to Xinjun, the Xicheng Gate was victorious, the enemy general Xiang Yang led the team to escape, the crisis in the West City was resolved, and countless enemies were beheaded!"

"Report! Report to Xinjun, Dongcheng Gate has won a big victory, the enemy general Chang Wu led the team to escape, the crisis in Dongcheng has been resolved, and countless enemies have been killed!"

Good news came one after another, boosting morale even more.

Ye Qingdao: "Send the good news to the people in the city, let's celebrate together!"

sky!gradually brighten.

All fighting subsided.

However, the murderous intent still lingered in the air.

The sky is bright.

The messy battlefield outside the city was even more shocking.

Da Zhou Minzhuang began to clean up the battlefields outside the east and west cities.

South Gate.

Ye Qing didn't send anyone out, so he just kept it.

He needs to get the specific casualties of Chuyue Kingdom, as well as the news of the retreat.

In the camp of the Chuyue army, all the ministries were gathered back.

One by one was downcast.

There were countless casualties among the generals, and the coach was killed.

They were completely defeated.

It is impossible to fight with the current strength alone.

"How's it going?"

Xiang Yang asked.

Jing Tian's confidant counselor glanced at the crowd, and replied bitterly: "All the ministries gather together... We still have... 2000 people, including [-] wounded!"

30 troops entered Dazhou.

Now there are 7 left.

Another [-] were wounded.

It's too awful.

Losing too much.

Even the Chang'an City of the Great Zhou Dynasty was not attacked.

If the attack goes in, there is still hope for so many casualties.

In the entire military tent, the atmosphere was oppressive and extremely quiet.

After a long time, Chang Wang asked, "Where is Qu Shuai's army? How long will it take to come?"

"The main force of Qu Shuai's army has not yet entered the pass, the vanguard should have entered Wuguan!"

The official in charge of contacting the rear replied truthfully.

"That is to say, there are at least two days before we can reach Chang'an."

A large army marches no faster than a small army.

Can't get up at all.

"Let's retreat for the time being. Before noon, Dazhou's Hedong Army should arrive. With our current morale, we will not be able to stop the opponent's attack by then!"

"Yes, I agree to withdraw troops to Lantian County, with Lantian Valley as our back. As long as we maintain the momentum of deterring Guanzhong, Chang'an will still belong to our Chuyue Kingdom sooner or later!"

At this moment, someone came in and said, "The armed forces of Dazhou Hongnong County are here. They are all Jianghu forces, mainly Huashan faction!"

This time, the generals of the Chuyue Kingdom had no objections.

So they pulled out their camps and withdrew to the south, all retreating to Lantian County.

"Xinjun, the Chuyue army has retreated!"

Ye Qing looked at the Chuyue army that was slowly retreating, his eyes darkened.

"The second wave of troops entering the customs from Chuyue Kingdom must be two days later, and there is not much time left for us."

"Here's an order for the army to rest. Min Zhuang goes out of the city to clean up the battlefield and clean up the corpses. All people from the Chuyue Kingdom should be burned outside the southern city to avoid plague!"


After giving the order, Ye Qing led everyone back to Xiaoyao Mansion.


There is good news from outside the city.

The Hedong Army finally arrived.

One hundred thousand Qin Wang's army appeared in Dongcheng.

Joining the army did not directly enter the city.

Ye Qing didn't let them all enter the city, but stationed at Baqiao and set up camp.

Generals such as Di Qing, Huang Zhong, Xue Rengui, and Xu Huang, as well as Xu Shu, Liu Ji, and the chariot general Deng Tao all went to the city to have an audience.

Seeing that all the generals and counselors are here.

Ye Qing felt more at ease.

"Did it go well when I came here? I haven't seen you in a few months. Have the soldiers' training been lax?"

"Returning to Xinjun, it is troublesome to cross the Yellow River. It takes a lot of time to rely on the ferry. It would be great if there is a bridge." Deng Tao, the chariot general, replied.

Xue Rengui said: "The training of all the ministries has never stopped, even after the arrival of the chariot general, they are still training hard.

The soldiers are all vying to serve the empire and win battles for the country, so they march very fast! "

"So it seems that the military spirit is available."

Ye Qing nodded and said: "Before the second batch of Chuyue Kingdom's army attacks, everyone hasten to set up a new battle order according to my newly promulgated organizational system."

Xu Shu said: "My lord, the battle order you have newly planned is only 6000 guards, with a total strength of [-] troops, but we have [-] soldiers from Hedong.

Chang'an originally had ten guards, and its strength was no less than [-]. "

Others also looked puzzled, why not expand the number of guards.

"I thought what was the matter, it turned out to be like this." Ye Qing smiled:
"Didn't you realize that the last four guards used the names of the four beasts?
The four beasts dominate the four directions, and I want to use these four guards to expand into four war zones, each war zone is responsible for one direction, whether it is defense or offense, the four war zones will be responsible. "

Where did the name of the Four Divine Beast Guard come from?

There are four theaters, and each theater is responsible for one direction.


This approach is more conducive to the cohesion of the army.

And it is more defensive and offensive.

Instead of the original way, scheduling comes and goes.

Make a mess.

"The Suzaku is in the south, so now the Suzaku Guards have expanded into the Suzaku Army, and the Suzaku Battle Banner is given. The Suzaku Army is divided into one to ten regiments, each regiment has 2000 people.

When it expands to more than ten regiments, it is promoted to a group, and the group army can have up to 25 regiments, that is, [-] soldiers! "Ye Qing said with a smile:
"Is the preparation just finished now!"

Everyone's eyes lit up.

A well-analyzed military system.

A group army of 5 people is enough to defend one side, and it is almost the same whether it is offensive or defensive.

Da Zhou didn't want to be like Chuyue Kingdom, who sent 30 troops for one trip, and hundreds of thousands for the second trip.

Fifty thousand soldiers, for Da Zhou, the Yijing is very much.

"Thank you Xinjun!"

Di Qing was overjoyed and immediately came out to thank him.

The Suzaku Army, because of this war, was the first army formed.

How could he not be excited.

The first commander who can command and dispatch [-] soldiers.

He Di Qing is almost equivalent to the Great General of the Great Zhou.

A great honor.

Others are also envious.

In the southern theater, the Suzaku Legion was ordered in a critical situation, and it will inevitably become a major part of the empire's grand plan of meritorious service.

"Because the Suzaku Army is extremely important, I allow you to select and recruit generals to form the backbone of the Suzaku Army besides the other eighteen guards!" Ye Qing emphasized: "The counselor can also choose one person!"

(End of this chapter)

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