I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 507 Lecture Hall and Dayan Wusi

Chapter 507 Lecture Hall and Dayan Wusi
As for generals, there is nothing to choose.

The generals of the former Xiaoyao Mansion have all become the chief generals of the eighteen guards.

Fortunately, you can choose a partner strategist.

Di Qing swept towards Guo Jia, Xu Shu, and Liu Ji, and finally landed on Liu Ji!

"Mr. Roberwin has taught me!"

Among all the advisers, he only dealt with Liu Ji.

Others are not familiar with it.

I have only heard of big names, but have little friendship.

Liu Ji also expected such a result, stood up with a wry smile and hugged: "Di Shuai is polite!"

"Okay, then you two are partners for the time being, I'm giving you Li Bai, Ding Chunqiu, and Kong Jian!" Ye Qing saw that the two had no objection, so he generously gave the three masters to control the situation.

Li Bai has three people, one is the main killer, the other is the main poison, and the other is the main defense.

It's also a match.

"Thank you Xinjun!"

The two were overjoyed.

Although Li Bai is arrogant, his force is really good.

Next, in addition to the Suzaku army training integration in Baqiao.

Other ministries belonging to the Eighteen Guards, including Zhang He, Zhang Liao, Xue Rengui, Tai Shici, Guan Yu, and Huang Zhong, all entered the city.

At the same time, various factions on the rivers and lakes also arrived in Chang'an one after another.

Ye Qing invited several sects into Xiaoyao Mansion.

Lan Dong from Xiaolongmen, Lu Lian from Tumen Town, and Hua Bei from Qishan Pavilion all rushed over.

"Everyone, when Chang'an is in trouble, you can come here with the enemy. On behalf of Da Zhou, I thank you all."

Ye Qing stood up more politely, and clasped his hands to everyone.

Lan Dong's face was full of red light.

I am happy in my heart.

His investment was right.

The winner in the end was Ye Qing.

It is true that he did not offend and use force at the beginning.

The head of Qishan Pavilion nodded slightly.

They don't care who will be the emperor in Dazhou.

Because whoever becomes the emperor, Qishan Pavilion will be reused.

In addition, Ye Qing and Bu Xiaofan have a bit of an affair, Ye Qing is the emperor, it seems that Qishan Pavilion will not suffer.

Tumen Town, which has always been indifferent to world affairs, is now relatively indifferent.

Lu Lian turned his face to one side, and murmured coldly: "His Royal Highness Xiaoyao Wang seems to have not ascended the throne yet, so it's too early to thank you!"

Everyone's eyes turned to Lu Lian in an instant.

Ye Qing raised his eyebrows slightly.

Lu Lian murmured again: "I don't know what to do with the major sects after King Xiaoyao ascended the throne!"

Deal with, not dispose of.

The faces of people from all walks of life froze.

This is a bit overdue.

But everyone also wanted to know how Ye Qing planned to deal with Jianghu.

After all, destroying Mount Taihua came first.

Ye Qing doesn't seem to be friendly to Jiang Hu.

Will you kill the donkey and clean up the court after this crisis?

Ye Qing glanced at everyone and sat back down.

Then he said: "After the war, I want to establish two institutions in Chang'an, one named martial arts hall, which is specially prepared for warriors. Warriors from all over the world can be admitted to this school. The school will teach all knowledge about the military. Zhou's army sent out generals."

"Of course, you can also study martial arts and improve your own strength in it, but the school is very strict, with wide entry and strict exit. If you enter this door, you will be subject to this rule!"

Lecture hall!
School of warriors.

This... is really a blessing for warriors.

When will warriors be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with literati.

The completion of the martial arts school will greatly increase the status and influence of the martial arts.

There was a lot of discussion among the people, and they were too excited to join in right away.

But there are also cold eyes, pondering.

The army is the most well-behaved, with strict discipline.

If you don't move, you will beheaded, and if you don't obey orders, you will be hit with a board.

This is for people who like freedom and don't want to be restrained.

The invisible quilt was covered with a magic spell.

Not very popular with such people.

"I don't know what the second institution Xinjun is talking about?" Lan Dong is an old Jianghu, and he finally welcomed people, so he took the initiative to send Ye Qing up the steps.

Ye Qing glanced at him one more time, smiled slightly, and said, "The second machine shop is called Dayan Wusi!"

Dayan Wusi!

"Listening to the name, it seems to be related to us."

"It has nothing to do with us, and Xinjun won't mention it in front of us."

"Oh, really!"

Ye Qing explained: "Dayan Wusi can also be called Wusi, and it is an institution used to restrain the Jianghu of the Great Zhou. This institution does not belong to the government, but it is directly linked to me and can talk to me.

At the same time, it can also deal with the affairs of the Jianghu in the Great Zhou Dynasty. The main purpose is to be fair, just, and open, and to resolve or resolve disputes in the Jianghu.

Personnel from major factions or one of the strongest forces in the Great Zhou will serve as directors and elders. "

Gather rivers and lakes.

Such boldness.

What a big appetite!

"Sure enough, the new monarch is going to integrate the forces of the Jianghu. Although Dayan Wusi does not belong to the imperial court, there must be rules and regulations. If you want to mess around in the future, you will have to weigh it!"

"I really think it's good. There is a place for reasoning and judging about matters in the world, so it can be regarded as someone making decisions."

"That's right, although Jianghu is not an imperial court, there must be certain uniform rules. You can't kill me every day, and I will kill you. When will the grievances be repaid in the end!"

As soon as Dayan Wusi came out, there were naturally some people who agreed and some people who opposed it.

The discussions were the most intense.

Even Lu Lian from Tumen Town had to think about it.

The six factions are balanced and broken.

It is impossible to maintain the original position.

Now Ye Qing's court has four masters above the sixth rank.

Overwhelmingly facing the original six factions.


Enter Dayan Wusi.

If you don't compromise, I'm afraid you will follow in the footsteps of the Taihuamen after the war.

But if they compromise, Tumen Town will not be able to be the director, and may at most compete for the title of elder.

"It's feasible, then let's form the Dayan Wu Division. I, Tumen Town, want a veteran qualification, and at the same time retain the right to fight for the director!" Lu Lian gave the answer immediately.

This was beyond everyone's expectations.

You were obviously the first to question Ye Qing just now.

Now he is the first to agree.

How many people think.

But soon they understood.

Tumen Town doesn't care about the affairs of the rivers and lakes, and belongs to a salted fish that doesn't care about world affairs.

The original intention was a dispensable attitude towards Dayan Wusi.

Now take the initiative and take a Ge Lao.

Guaranteeing one's own superiority and status is a real act.

Lan Dong was very annoyed.

I was still hesitant, I gave Conglong Dagong to Tumen Town for no reason.

So he hurriedly said: "My Xiaolongmen also supports the new monarch, and the establishment of the Dayan Wu Division will not compete for the director. If you want to compete for the position of the old man, everyone, let me go!"

Lan Dong's posture is very low.

Nothing like the original six big pies.

Ye Qing said directly: "Tumen Town and Xiaolongmen were originally my big Saturday school, so we can directly get the position of a pavilion elder, the same as Qishan Pavilion!"

Hua Bei in the direction of Qishan Pavilion nodded: "Thank you, Xinjun."

There are not many words, but the attitude is obvious.

The other factions are the younger brothers of several major factions, so no one dares to object.

Similarly, no one dared to fight for the position of elder.

Lan Dong of the fifth rank only said to give me a reward, and they, the juniors of the fourth rank, should not be ashamed of themselves.

"Okay, since everyone agrees, then the preparations will be handed over to the heads of the various factions to discuss and decide. After the battle of Chuyue Kingdom is over, everyone will vote for any one of the martial arts competitions. !" Ye Qing is confident that his own people can get the director, so he is quite generous.

Knowing that Ye Qing's Great Zhou court had appointed a director, everyone was still very happy.

At least Ye Qing didn't overbearingly announce the candidate directly.

This time the style of pie is also very gentle.

Everyone still has the right to discuss preparations.

The rules and regulations of the Dayan Wusi can be determined through collective efforts.

(End of this chapter)

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