I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 508? Dimensionality Reduction Strike Formation

Chapter 508 Dimensionality Reduction Strike Formation
"My lord, there is one thing, I don't know if I should tell you now!"

Shang Yang saw that the people from all major factions had left, so he came in to report the matter.

Ye Qing said: "You tell me."

"My lord, the Fourth Prince Ye Mao was rescued!" Shang Yang said.

Ye Qing was taken aback!
Without mentioning Ye Mao, he almost forgot about this person.

His own deadly enemy at the beginning.

Because of the change of status, he didn't pay attention to Ye Mao anymore.

And after Ye Mao was imprisoned, no one mentioned it.

"When did it happen? Who saved it!" Ye Qing asked.

Shang Yang replied: "It was the time when Empress Xiongyue took control of the imperial palace and the eastern and western cities.

At that time, she quietly issued an order to have Ye Mao pardoned, and sent someone to take him out of Chang'an to Lantian Valley! "

This time, Ye Qing's breathing became heavier.

There was a killing intent in his eyes.

"What a Xiongyue, he actually played a trick to cover Chen Cang in the dark, and he still has a hand in preparation." Ye Qing couldn't help feeling emotional.

This woman really has means.

Ye Cai is in the light, and Ye Mao is in the dark.

Grab with both hands.

Although Ye Mao is ineffective, he is of the blood of the Ye family's royal family.

If it fell into the hands of Chuyue Kingdom, there would be a lot to do here.

Shang Yang said: "My lord, what I am most afraid of now is that the Chuyue Kingdom supports Ye Mao as a false emperor, and then uses this to invade our Great Zhou territory. Even if they are defeated and retreat, they can still use Ye Mao to interfere with disgusting my dynasty!
This child needs to be removed! "

Ye Qing would not kill the other princes.

Strictly speaking, it's all just to fight for the throne.

When it comes to the Great Zhou, Jiangshan, and Ye's righteousness, they can still stand up and contribute their efforts.

But Ye Mao is different.

The royal blood of Chuyue Kingdom is of no benefit to Da Zhou.

"In this matter, after defeating Chuyue Kingdom and becoming the throne, we will plan in detail. It is estimated that Ren Yijing has been sent to the capital of Chuyue Kingdom. It will be difficult to kill him!" Ye Qing stood up and asked:

"Then how is Ye Cai?"

Shang Yang thought about it, and replied: "Ye Cai's expression is in a trance, a little unstable, and he often laughs. We will send more people to detain him alone. Outsiders can't get in touch with him. If spies from Chuyue Kingdom want to rob prison, unless Send two sixth-rank experts."

"Oh! The place where he was detained was set up?" Ye Qing was a little surprised.

My Da Zhou's prison is so strong, there are no masters sitting in it.

Shang Yang replied: "My lord, the place where Ye Cai is imprisoned is controlled by Dong's family. There is indeed a large poverty formation inside, guarded by Dong's formation!"

"Go, show me there!" Ye Qing walked out of the hall, and when he was about to leave, he said:
"Call Kong Ming and come with me to have a look!"

I had already guessed that there must be a magic circle built in Chang'an City.

I just didn't expect it to be used in a prison.

"Master, why don't you call the people from Qishan Pavilion? There may be magic circles in other places in the city." Shang Yang said:

"I'm thinking, why not build a protective formation for the entire city of Chang'an, so..."

"No money!"

Ye Qing directly interrupted Shang Yang's good wishes.

Only after buying the materials did Ye Qing know how expensive the materials for the magic circle were.

The things used are extremely hard to find in the world, and if they can be found, they are all extremely expensive.

If you want to build a large formation that can protect Chang'an, it is estimated that you will not be able to get the materials after selling it for a long time.

It is also!

Although Dazhou Qishan Pavilion assisted, he couldn't complete all the checkpoints.

In addition, Qishan Pavilion is one of the six major sects after all, and it is impossible for the imperial court to really trust it.

Even if the military expenditure is not enough, how can there be any money to repair some protective formations.

No money, very realistic and helpless answer.

Come to prison soon!

Crouching Dragon Zhuge Liang nodded, but did not use the black iron card.

"My lord, this is a single magic circle, which is a restrictive magic circle. Looking at these inscriptions, it should be forcibly suppressing the warrior's strength to three levels of strength." Crouching Dragon Zhuge Liang explained:
"If the sixth rank comes, you can only display the strength of the third rank, and if the third rank comes, you can only display the first-class strength. On the contrary, the strength of the unqualified ones will not be affected here, so as long as there are more warriors and ordinary soldiers who have not entered the rank, It is completely capable of guarding people below the sixth rank from breaking into prisons to save people!"

After listening to Wolong Zhuge Liang's explanation, Ye Qing and Shang Yang understood the working principle of this magic circle.

At the same time, Ye Qing's eyes lit up.

Quite interested.

This is Jiang Wei's attack, a good thing for the weak to defeat the strong.

"How much is the production cost and difficulty?" Ye Qing asked again.

Crouching Dragon Zhuge Liang looked away: "Need to open the cards to watch the stars."

Speaking of going to Wolong, Zhuge Liang wanted to do it.

Ye Qing grabbed him, shook his head and said: "No need, you were seriously injured in the battle yesterday, you have vomited blood several times in this month, you are extremely weak, don't use your inner strength if you have nothing to do.

When I have time, I will ask the people in Qishan Pavilion? "

"It's the new king!" Crouching Dragon Zhuge Liang moved back.

Ye Qing cherished him, which made him very moved.

After many doorways, Ye Qing finally saw Ye Cai who was locked inside.

A pair of shackles were locked on Ye Cai's body.

The boa robe was taken off long ago, and even the jade crown was taken off.

With loose hair, sitting on the ground paved with straw.

"Ye Cai, the new king has come to see you, why don't you get up and kneel down to welcome the new king!"

The guarding general shouted at Ye Cai inside.

The title was taken away, and Ye Cai became a commoner.

Generally, people who enter here basically have no possibility of going out.

So the guard will not be polite to Ye Cai.

Naturally, he tried his best to curry favor with Ye Qing.

Ye Qing waved his hand to let him go down.

At this moment, Ye Cai raised his head slowly, saw Ye Qing, and stared at him for a long time.

He muttered in his mouth: "You won, how many troops of Chuyue Kingdom died?"

"I heard that the man is crazy, let me take a look." Ye Qing took a step forward, and then said: "Decree, change all the things here, and prepare a dormitory for him according to the marquis' treatment!"

The guard who heard it outside went down immediately to do so.

Ye Caiwen was stunned for a moment, the expression on his face was still in a daze, but there was some light in his eyes.

Standing up, he muttered: "How many people died in Dazhou, and how many people died in Chuyue Kingdom?"

Ye Qing looked at Shang Yang.

Shang Yang replied: "Chuyue Kingdom's casualties reached 23 people, the head coach Jing Tian was beheaded, four of the sixth rank died, and one was seriously injured and escaped."

After a pause, Shang Yang continued: "I, Da Zhou, suffered 3 or [-] casualties, half of them were civilians, and two-thirds were recruits!"

"It's okay, it's okay! The vitality of the Great Zhou Dynasty is still there, the Hedong Army is here!" Ye Cai walked slowly, but lowered his head:
"Big brother and third brother, they all returned to Beijing?"

"Hadong army is as high as [-], and the army of Chuyue Kingdom temporarily retreats to Lantian County. The king of Xiliang led the team to arrive ahead of time. In time for this battle, the third prince sent troops into Guanzhong symbolically!" Shang Yang replied.

He knew that Ye Qing did not intend to hide it from Ye Cai.

Ye Cai nodded: "What is Xin Jun going to do with me?"

"How do you want me to deal with you?" Ye Qing asked.

Ye Cai smiled wildly and looked up: "Kill me, you can't become an emperor, let alone contribute to the Ye family, what's the use of keeping it, anyway, you are not an indecisive and hesitant person.

And he is not a person who needs to torture and belittle his opponents to gain self-satisfaction and vanity! "

(End of this chapter)

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