Chapter 509 Chuyue King Qu Chensun Tao
"Hehe, you really know me well!"

Ye Qing smiled.

"While being locked up in the prison, I have never been calmer than before. I can calm down and think about everything."

"I have carefully analyzed you, and now think about it, you are a qualified successor. You can bring the Ye family into a stronger one, and you can make Dazhou stronger."

Ye Mao turned around and went, one step at a time.

"It's a good thing to calm down and think about it. Life requires ups and downs." Ye Qing also turned around, just took a step, and then said:
"Since you are the Ye family, even if you make a big mistake, you should continue to make due contributions to the Great Zhou. From now on, you are the king of Chuyue!"

After finishing speaking, Ye Qing went straight away this time!
King Chuyue!
Ye Mao's body shook.

He... is still king!

Suddenly, he couldn't understand Ye Qing again.

Don't kill him, but make him king.

But soon he also responded.

King Chuyue, this title is a bit special.

"Fate reincarnates, after all, you can't escape your fate!"

"A king locked in a big prison... Hehe, interesting!"


Shangluo City!
The main force of Chuyue Kingdom's second batch of troops entering the Zhou Dynasty had just settled down.

This time the coach is Qu Chen, who was born in the Qu family among the three families of Chuyue Kingdom.

The number of the second batch of troops was 40, which was [-] more than the first batch.

The original intention was to wait for the first batch of troops led by Jing Tian to capture Chang'an, then sweep and capture Hedong County, Hongnong County, and Xihe County, and then guard the three counties.

There will be a third batch of troops later.

The targets of the third batch of troops were Beidi and Guanghan in Liangzhou.

However, the number is estimated to be around 30.

Such 100 million soldiers firmly control Da Zhou.

"Jing Tian, ​​Jing Tian, ​​you have delayed the empire's smooth acceptance of Da Zhou."

At this time, Qu Chen had received the news of the defeat of the first batch of troops.

Can't help frowning.

"30, [-], even a group of pigs didn't die so quickly."

Qu Chen felt the pressure coming.

Originally, his 40 army was going to fight against Da Zhou's Hedong Army in Hedong County.

Now it has been replaced by Guanzhong Chang'an.

It is also necessary to pull out the first strong city of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and the difficulty has risen sharply.

"Where is the Hedong Army of the Great Zhou?" Qu Chen asked.

Someone reported: "Back to Qu Shuai, and even Chang'an, [-] people entered the city, and [-] camped in Baqiao in the east of the city!"

"Which other reinforcements from the Great Zhou have arrived in Chang'an, what is the total strength of the Great Zhou in Chang'an now?" Qu Chen asked again.

The visitor thought for a while and said: "The main force of the Great Zhou Dynasty will not exceed 15 soldiers, and there should be about [-] soldiers from Minzhuang and other counties and counties rushing to help.

Qishan Pavilion, Xiaolongmen, Tumen Town, Huashan faction and other rivers and lakes forces also arrived one after another. "

"There are 20 available people, and experts from all walks of life have also arrived. The best opportunity to capture Chang'an has been missed." Qu Chen waved his hand to let the messenger go, and then muttered to himself:

"It's difficult, 47 vs. 20. Chang'an City is strong and hard to fight, you have to fight in the field!"

Qu Chen's adviser joined the army was the Sun family Sun Tao among the five nobles. The Sun family mainly focused on strategy, and among the five nobles followed the literary way.

Take the auxiliary route.

Sun Tao stood up and said: "Commander, in my opinion, Lantian County should be repaired first, and this stronghold in Guanzhong should be consolidated. With this bridgehead, whether it is to attack Chang'an or maintain a deterrent to Guanzhong, it will be useful. Strategic."

Qu Chen said: "It makes sense, yes!"

Sun Tao knew Qu Chen's habits.

He didn't say much, he must have wanted to hear if he had any other ideas.

So Sun Tao continued: "Commander, in fact, we are not the ones who are anxious now, we have already entered the customs, not only got the Wuguan, but also the Lantian Valley, and have the favorable conditions to change the customs at any time.

What is anxious now is Da Zhou, the newly enthroned Lord Ye Qing. He still needs a big victory to stabilize his position. It is Da Zhou who needs to fight us in a hurry.
We can take advantage of the geographical advantage to defend the wave first and push back. "

Qu Chen nodded, the reason is such a reason.

Although the first batch of Zhou army was defeated.

But Chuyue Kingdom still has a big advantage now.

The knife is still held by Chuyue Kingdom.

Da Zhou is still the meat on the chopping board.

"It's a good idea, and it's also suitable for my army of Chuyue Kingdom. After all, we are all infantry. Jingyang's soldiers are not good at horse fighting, and they can't show their advantages in field battles." Qu Chen rubbed his temples and said:

"I'm afraid that those people in the imperial court of the capital are urging me. With such a good situation, I still have to defend and squat. Someone must be pointing at me behind my back and yelling at me for being incompetent?"

"The commander-in-chief doesn't need to care about these people, as long as he tells His Majesty the situation, when the third batch of troops arrives, gathering more than 70 soldiers and horses, with the momentum of Mount Tai, they will be crushed down, and the Great Zhou and Chang'an will be within reach.

All the forces of the Great Zhou were wiped out in the First World War, and when the time comes, the counties and counties of the Great Zhou can be passed down! "Sun Tuotou said in a straightforward manner.

Win it with great momentum.

If 77 troops can't beat Guanzhong, and Dazhou with 20 troops, then you can really go back to wash and sleep.

Qu Chen thought for a long time before he said: "For the time being, we can pass on this proposal to His Majesty and let him make a decision. When we arrive in Lantian County, we will make plans according to the actual situation!"


That's basically settled.

The army pulls out.

After passing Lantian Valley one day later, we arrived in Lantian County in half a day!
The chief generals of the first batch of generals came to meet Qu Chen one after another.

Qu Chen glanced around, his eyes wandering back and forth between Xiang Yang and Chang Wu.

"What's the situation, can the [-] army still fight!"

Xiang Yang and Chang Wu looked at each other.

They replied at the same time: "Back to Qu Shuai, we can still fight. We still have more than 5 soldiers who can go into battle immediately. They can be the vanguard of defeating the enemy and attack Chang'an."

"Yes, the fighting spirit has not been lost, and the military spirit is still available." Qu Chen urged his horse into the city, and said as he walked:

"There is no rush to attack Chang'an, first consolidate Lantian County, and then either fight with Da Zhou in the field, or hold on and wait for a good opportunity!"

Field battle, stick to it!
Xiang Yang and Chang Wu didn't expect Qu Chen to use these tactics.

This is a conservative policy.

Then ask what kind of military spirit and fighting spirit.

Qu Chen asked all the way, walked all the way, and arrived at the north gate of Lantian County.

Looking at the open land outside, there is no end in sight.

It seems that there is a wild land in front of you, and there is no enemy on the other side.

"Da Zhou's army hasn't come here once, not even a small team? It's too quiet, isn't Da Zhou coming to set up a camp first?" Qu Chenrao asked with interest.

Chang Wu replied: "Back to Qu Shuai, Da Zhou didn't send any troops over, it seems that we have forgotten that we are in its hinterland, and we don't care about it. Instead, we are building the barracks at Baqiao. Ann mean?"

"Confrontation, where is such a method of confrontation, painting the world and Anna is bullshit." Qu Chen said unceremoniously:

"Ye Qing just wants to wait for us to attack, then defend and counterattack, and another battle of attrition under the city.

This commander is not Jing Lao, so he won't be fighting such a meaningless battle. "

(End of this chapter)

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