Chapter 510 Killing the Messenger Plans to Exterminate Qu Chen

Mention the last battle!
Xiang Yang, Chang Wu and others were a little embarrassed.

The generals bowed their heads in shame.

"Come here, send envoys to Chang'an to find out the details of Chang'an. By the way, Ye Qing will be provoked and let him attack us!"

Looking in the direction of Chang'an, he was always blocked by the distance.



"Xinjun, the second batch of troops from Chuyue Kingdom has arrived in Lantian County!"

Guo Jia sent the received information in time.

Ye Qing asked: "How many soldiers and horses?"

"It is estimated to be 40. The coach of the team is Qu Chen of the Qu family. He is good at defense and has a conservative personality. He is now in Lantian County. To attack, wait for us to attack." Guo Jia analyzed:

"It is almost impossible to lure him to attack the city. There is also a strategist named Sun Tao by his side. His ancestor is Sun Kong, the famous God of War in the Chuyue Kingdom. The Sun family is best at strategic strategies.

Qu's Legion originally guarded the Huai River area, mainly defending South Korea and the East China Sea.

The terrain along the Huai River is flat, and there are no mountains that can be used as passes.

Thanks to the defense lines built between the river and the cities, Donghai Kingdom has been unable to advance an inch for more than ten years, firmly guarding the northern border of Chuyue Kingdom.

So once Qu Chen and Sun Tao are established in Lantian County, it will be difficult to take them down in the future! "

Ye Qing said with a smile: "So, if we don't attack, we can maintain a long-term tacit understanding and peace with them!"

"Ah! Xinjun, you can say that, but it's better to pull out this nail as soon as possible. According to Yijia, there will be a third batch of troops behind Chuyue Kingdom, which should not be less than 30!" Guo Jia reminded road:

"In fact, Jia is even more afraid that he will also build a pass in Lantian Valley. It will take too long and it will be bad for us."

Ye Qing nodded, of course.

If you can't defeat the army of Chuyue Kingdom earlier and drive them out of Wuguan.

Da Zhou's governance will not be stable.

The morale of the army and the people will be chaotic.

And Ye Qing's prestige will be greatly frustrated.

"My lord, the envoy of the Chuyue Kingdom, please see me!"

Zhang Yi walked in from the outside.

"Qu Chen sent it!" Ye Qing asked.

Zhang Yi nodded and replied, "That's right, it was sent by Qu Chen, the commander of the second batch of Chuyue Kingdom's army."

"Kill it!" Ye Qing said directly: "Send a team of cavalry out of the city and kill him directly."

Zhang Yi was taken aback!
So capable.

When the two armies are at war, they have never been beheaded.

"My lord, isn't it inappropriate to do this!"

Now Zhang Yi is an official of the Ministry of Rites and still pays attention to etiquette.

Ye Qingdao: "There is nothing wrong with it. Qu Chen is not qualified enough. Let the emperor of Chuyue Kingdom send normal envoys to come over to make amends. Otherwise, he will kill as many envoys from Chuyue Kingdom as he comes. Don't worry about so many!"

"I think what Xin Jun said is right. Now that the two countries are at war, and the Chu and Yue kingdoms are trying to seize our Great Zhou, there is no need to treat them as normal kingdoms, unless the other party comes to ask for surrender." Guo Jia said:

"On the contrary, Qu Chen sent an envoy with malicious intentions.

One is to inquire about our situation, and the other is to influence the morale of our people and the army. At that time, the spies of Chuyue Kingdom in the city will take the opportunity to fan the flames and help Chuyue Kingdom, which is not good for our great Zhou! "

"Go ahead and invite everyone tonight. Let's hold a meeting to deal with Qu Chen's 40-odd army."


out of town!

Qu Chen's envoy, who was waiting to enter the city to inquire about the news, waited for the moment when the city gate opened, but the one who came out was not from the Ministry of Rites.

But a cavalry team.

The cavalry charged forward, and before they could react, the shuriken dropped.

A group of Chuyue people fell into a pool of blood one after another.

Only one soldier survived, standing there in a daze.

"Go back and tell Qu Chen that he has no qualifications to talk to the new emperor of our country, and let the emperor of Chuyue come to apologize in person!"

After finishing speaking, a group of soldiers picked the head of the messenger on the ground and threw it into the city.

People in the city put their heads in visible wooden boxes and hung them on both sides of the city gate.

The soldier who survived by luck immediately fled to Lantian County.

"Damn it, Ye Qing, you really think you are the emperor!"

"How dare you break the rules!"

Qu Chen really didn't expect Da Zhou to dare to kill the envoy.

He didn't give Chu Yueguo any face at all.

"Don't be angry, commander. This is Ye Qing's method of provoking generals." Sun Tao reminded.

Qu Chen sat back angrily and said, "I know it's a way to provoke generals, but Ye Qing is too cunning to dare our people to enter the city. Now I can't do it even if I want to investigate the situation in the city."

"Forget it, no matter how many guests there are, wait for the new instructions from the country!"


at night!

Ye Qing gathered all the advisers.

Asked: "Now Qu Chen has arrived with the second batch of troops from the Chuyue Kingdom. Adding the original strength, the entire Lantian County has nearly 47 troops. Qu Chen intends to use defense as an offense, and wants to build a stable bridgehead first. What are your strategies for defeating the enemy?"

Everyone already knew about this.

Li Ruxian stood up and said, "In my opinion, when the spring rains flood, let's burst the embankment and flood Lantian County!"

It's a dead end again.

Li Ru, be yourself!
Everyone can't help but slander.

This is not bad for other countries, but this is Dazhou.

Flooded is also our territory.

It's a good thing that Li Bing is not here, otherwise I will fight you hard again.

Guo Jiadao: "If you want to decide to enter the Bashui, and then cause the Bashui to rise, thus impacting Lantian County, the main method is feasible, but the operation is a bit difficult!"

"Those who know me will be filial piety!" Li Ru did not refute, but instead smiled.

"We have trebuchets, so we can attack from the front. Since Qu Chen wants to defend, it means that he is still a little afraid of fighting with us. After all, our cavalry has an advantage, so I think we can fight against Lantian County with a halberd." Xu Shu suggested.

With siege equipment, there is no need for the defense of the Chuyue army.

Li Rudao: "The catapult attack will undoubtedly use fire attack, which will also destroy Lantian County, and the people of Dazhou inside will not survive a few. It is not as clean as water attack, and it can also destroy 40 of them in one fell swoop. Thousands of troops, save trouble!"

With determination in mind, Ye Qing looked at Shang Yang, Zhang Yi and others.

Shang Yang said: "It turns out that the flooding of Jingtian is the cause of the flooding. I just agree with it, because the reservoir is destroyed, and the reservoir is not easy to repair, and the disaster is all the land outside the city of Nancheng County, and the economic loss is a bit big.

It is very bearable, but if it is Yanlantian County, I think it is completely acceptable.

One is that the population of Lantian County is not large, and the land there is relatively barren. At worst, it will be recultivated in the future, and the people on the land will be exempted from taxes for ten or eight years! "

"Water attack is the fastest way to deal with the 40-strong army. If it is more beneficial to the country than harmful, it can be used." Zhang Yi said: "At the same time, we can't just use water attack. We should also cooperate with other plans. Flooding Lantian is also a test and trouble for us to advance troops, and it may not be able to wipe out its more than 40 troops in one fell swoop!"

(End of this chapter)

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