I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 511? The Dilemma of Lantian Valley

Chapter 511 The Dilemma of Lantian Valley

"Okay, since the majority think it's feasible, then carry out water attack. I will ask Li Bing and Li Chun to provide you with a feasible plan."

Ye Qing made a final decision on the matter.

Guo Jia said: "Didn't the Demon Empress Xiongyue transfer 5000 people from Qinling to Lantian Valley? Why don't we take advantage of this and send a team to Shangluo City.

Use a capable army, paired with masters, to attack Shangluo and isolate Qu Chen from Chuyue Kingdom. Even if Qu Chen's army is still alive, it will be difficult to escape to Shangluo! "

"I'm afraid that the Chuyue people will also guard against our surprise attack on Shangluo. They will definitely deploy troops on the small roads. It will be difficult to kill them." Xu Shu said: "If I can bring back the Lantian Valley, I think it will be a great achievement." a good idea?"

Instigate rebellion against Lantian Valley.

The crowd fell silent for a while.

Is Lantian Valley still trustworthy?
Pin your hopes or plans on a traitorous sect.

Great risk.

"It will be a bit risky to do this. There is no one in Lantian Valley who has any contact with us, and Lu Guan of the seventh rank died at the hands of our Xiaoyao Mansion. This knot cannot be untied." Li Ruyao is not optimistic.

Zhang Yidao: "There is no absolute thing in the world. They used to be enemies, but not now. There are no permanent enemies in the world, only permanent interests. I agree to win over Lantian Valley. After all, its head is also named Ye, and the people in the door are all my elders." Zhou Renshi.

Now that Lu Guan is dead, Lantian Valley may not be valued by Chuyue Kingdom.

The treatment must have plummeted. Let's send someone to contact him and see his reaction first. "

"Even if we can't win him over in the end, we can...hehe, drive a wedge between him and Chuyue Kingdom."

Seems to make sense.

After listening to Zhang Yi's words, everyone also felt that this was a solution.

Get in touch first, and you don't really want to trust Lantian Valley.

Ye Qingdao: "Then make three preparations. One is to divert water to break the embankment, the other is to send experts to contact the Lantian Valley, and the third is to open up the Qinling trail."

"At the same time, the Ministry of Rites sent people to the east to contact South Korea and ask South Korea for help, increasing the pressure on Nanyang and Runan of Chuyue Kingdom;

Send another group of people to the East China Sea State and tell them that the Chuyue State and the Huai River are empty, and hope that Da Zhou will reach a strategic cooperation with the East China Sea State. "

"It's the new king!"

Then Ye Qing found Lu Ban again, continued to use the power of the state, and added trebuchets and crossbows.

Since Qu Chen didn't take the initiative to attack, Da Zhou's war machine could be at full power.


Basket Valley!
Ye Zhu has lost weight recently!

The elders under the name, the deacons and the owners of the valleys were called together.

"How's it going?"

"Back to the head, Commander Qu of Chuyue Kingdom wants to build a checkpoint in our Blue Sky Valley. It seems that he intends to defend Ye Qing's army with 47 soldiers!"

Hearing such a result, Ye Zhu felt a pain in his head.

Others also started talking.

"During the Great Zhou Dynasty, Guancheng was not built here. It maintains the independence and privacy of our Lantian Valley."

"That is, once the Guancheng is completed, our Lantian Valley will be divided into two halves. Should we move to the north or the south?"

"I'm afraid that our Lantian Valley will no longer exist, Chuyue Kingdom will not allow a sect to control their Guancheng.

It is estimated that we have to move to the mountains of Shangluo Ximen, and choose a random address to settle down! "

"Without the seventh-rank martial artist, we are no longer the six major sects. With our current strength, I am afraid that we will become a second-rate and third-rate sect."

Every word you say to me, everyone reveals disappointment and worry.

Lan Tiangu rebelled against Zhou, and now he has become an existence that grandma doesn't love and uncle doesn't love.

The lair will be occupied by people.

There is dissatisfaction from the top to the top.

However, the 47 troops of the Chuyue Kingdom are right in front of them, and there are countless masters transferred from the country.

Lantian Valley, which doesn't even have a sixth-rank martial artist, is no longer qualified.

"If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't have betrayed Zhou. Now, not only do I have to bear a lot of infamy, and I'm poked in the back, but I also have to suffer from this kind of taint!"

Someone complained.

Where there is one, there are two.

Then someone said: "Why don't you... contact Da Zhou, if you can help Da Zhou get back the lost land and checkpoints, our Lantian Valley will not save Da Zhou again, and then Lantian Valley will be able to return to its former heyday. "

These words are very touching.

However, he was immediately reprimanded by several elders.

"Don't say this again. Be careful that walls have ears. If the people of Chuyue Kingdom listen to it, I'm afraid it's as simple as moving our house, but moving our heads."

The meeting was depressing.

Nothing substantial.

The meeting ended soon, and everyone went back to their respective places.

Ye Zhu did the same, returning to his head's wing.

He opened the door and just closed it when suddenly his ears moved and he wanted to pull it out.

"Don't move, you will die if you move, your life is yours from the moment you come in, if you don't believe me, you can wipe it!"

The voice behind him sent chills down Ye Zhu's spine.

It made him more nervous.

Although he is also a master, but at this moment he really dare not move.

Because he can feel that the opponent is very strong.

So strong that he couldn't fight back.

"Your Excellency broke into my Lantian Valley, aren't you afraid that you won't be able to get out?"

"I haven't seen your face, and I don't know your appearance. If we go our separate ways, it's as if Ye has never been here. As long as you like things, you can take them away."

"What if I say... I'm looking at your life?"

Footsteps approached behind him, and they walked casually and easily.

It seems that he is not afraid of running away at all, let alone fighting.

Ye Zhu became uneasy and swallowed a few times.

"Your Excellency is really good at telling jokes. If it is my life, Ye Mou has no reason to stand here and talk."

"Hahaha, Master Ye is worthy of being Master Ye, a person who has seen the world and experienced wind and rain!"

Li Xun Huan opened the curtain, stopped, and said with a smile, "I, Li Xun Huan from the Xiaoyao Mansion of the Great Zhou Dynasty, came here at the order of the new Lord...to find you for tea!"

Have tea!

drink your sister!
Li Xun Huan, that was one of the people who beheaded the commander-in-chief among the thousands of troops.

Rank-[-] expert.

He was one of the people who killed Lu Guan.

Ye Zhu turned around.

What I saw was a handsome face.

This man has peach blossom eyes and a charming smile.

Although these are beautiful things, Ye Zhu is even more afraid, a little scared.

"I don't know what orders the new lord has?" Ye Zhu asked tentatively.

He knew that Li Xun Huan's visit might not be easy.

It can't be said that he came to instigate himself.

"Xin Jun asked, how is Master Ye doing? Lan Tiangu betrayed Da Zhou, are you happy?" Li Xun Huan asked with a smile.

Ye Zhu replied flatteringly: "Back to Daxia Li, Lantian Valley is still the same as before, and Ye Mou has no quarrel with the world, and keeps quiet and does nothing."

"Hahaha, Master Ye doesn't believe me, he even lied to himself." Li Xunhuan sneered and said:
"Could it be that Sect Leader Ye is forgetful? I forgot what I said in the conference hall so soon, so should I help Sect Leader Ye remember it well?"

After saying that, Li Xun Huan raised his right hand.

The flying knife flew out instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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