Chapter 512

Waiting for Ye Zhu to react.

The small knife pierced into his hair crown with a flying shot.

He is also a master of hidden weapons.

But Li Xun Huan's quick technique made it so natural and unrestrained, Ye Zhu thought it was impossible.

Ye Zhu's eyeballs moved upwards.

You can clearly see the handle of the knife hanging over the forehead.

He didn't dare to move.

Because this is Li Xun Huan's warning.

Next time it will not be inserted in the hair crown.

But on the forehead or chest.

"Thank you, Daxia Li, for your mercy!"

Ye Zhu felt a little wronged, but he had to admit it.

Perhaps he is the most aggrieved to be the head of the six major sects.

Lantian Valley is not the leader.

After its strength, there are many elders.

He's more of a titular mascot.

"If your surname is not Ye, Yijing is dead!" Li Xunhuan said coldly:
"Xin Jun asked me to ask you, does Lan Tiangu want to return to Dazhou?"


Ye Zhu fell into deep thought.

Go back, want to go back, but it's hard to go back.

"If you don't want to, I'm leaving now!"

"There is only one chance. The new king said that it is not too late. Da Zhou does not need half-hearted people!"

After speaking, Li Xun Huan turned around and wanted to leave.

Ye Zhu hurriedly said: "Wait, Daxia Li, if you return to Dazhou, Your Majesty can really let go of the past."

Half of this crisis was caused by Lantian Valley.

Lan Tian's crime is serious.

It is inevitable that they will be settled by Qiuhou.

"You think that the new monarch is just as petty as you, and he messes around when he is aggrieved. The new monarch has a huge capacity. The princes in the court were at odds with him before, but now they are all reconciled and united.

Even the Seventh Prince was newly crowned King of Chuyue. "Li Xun Huan glanced at Ye Zhu with contempt.

Ye Zhu was a little surprised!

A big sinner like Ye Mao can still be crowned king.

Ye Qing is too generous.

But it's right to think about it again, the current big week is windy and windy.

There is a possibility of overturning at any time.

It is also possible to be generous and offer high rewards to show sincerity.

The Lantian Valley is also valuable.

Ye Zhu rolled his eyes and asked, "Hero Li, I don't know what kind of reward His Majesty is willing to give to Lan Tiangu!"

"It's too risky to return to the Great Zhou Dynasty. Now the Lantian Valley is full of Chuyue's army, and our every move is also under their surveillance!"

Li Xun Huan looked directly at Ye Zhu, the smile on his face became stronger, but even more cold.

It made Ye Zhu feel a little hairy.

"Xinjun will form the Dayan Wu Division after the war is over. The Dayan Wu Division is an organization that specializes in managing and handling affairs in the Jianghu. It is not only organized by the director, but also managed by the elders.

Only those who have strength and contribute to the Great Zhou can become elders. "

"The head of the six factions can directly become the elder of the pavilion. As for other rewards, they will naturally be settled according to the merits. The new king has always been rewarded and punished!" Li Xunhuan finished.

Before Ye Zhu showed the corresponding sincerity, he would not talk to him about any substantive things.

Dayan Wusi!

Ye Qing wants to bring the Great Zhou Rivers and Lakes under the jurisdiction of the government.

Monitor even if you don't care.

It is necessary to unify the court and the rivers and lakes.

Great ambition, strong ambition.

To do what any previous generation of Great Zhou emperors could not do!
Ye Zhu thought for a while, and then said: "Yes, I, Lan Tiangu, am willing to return to Dazhou. What does His Majesty need us to do?"

"Don't do anything for the time being. Just disclose the specific information about the Chuyue Kingdom to the new king. The new king won't put you in danger unless it is absolutely necessary!" Li Xunhuan gave Ye Zhu one last look.

Turn around and leap away from the window.

Until Li Xunhuan left.

Ye Zhu breathed a sigh of relief.

Slowly pull out the knife on the hair crown.

Countless broken hairs fell from below.

Look at the sharp edge of the knife.

Ye Zhu's eyes shone with complicated light.


at the same time!

Da Zhou's Suzaku Army began to advance in Lantian County.

Come outside the north gate.

The construction of the camp began, and the Suzaku Army divided into three battalions.

The two camps are on the highlands in the northeast of Lantian County.

There is another camp due north.

County government office.

After reading the imperial decree sent by the emperor, Qu Chen gently put it down.

Glancing at the crowd waiting for the result.

He smiled slightly and said: "Your Majesty is wise, he said that we will leave the decision on the battlefield to us and not interfere from the rear.

Allow us to establish a stable pass first, and plan Chang'an's plan! "

"Your Majesty Shengming!"

All the generals of Chuyue said one after another.

Then Qu Chen said again: "Right now, Dazhou is also building a camp outside the city as we expected. They have no choice but to attack us. Now it's our turn to defend the city. They are attacking. All ministries are ready. This time we You must also teach Da Zhou a severe lesson!"

"It's Qu Shuai!"

In a few days!
Three large camps rose from the ground.

The [-] Suzaku Legion were stationed in the three battalions respectively.

Then the siege equipment was transported from Chang'an one after another!
"Not good! Da Zhou's army is about to attack the city, hurry up and notify Qu Shuai!"

"Okay! Da Zhou is finally going to attack, it's our turn to kill Zhou people!"

Soon Qu Chen brought Sun Tao, Xiang Yang, Chang Wu and others to the North City Gate.

I saw only an army of less than [-] outside.

Can't help but wonder.

"There are only so few people, and they want to attack the city, what are the people of Zhou doing!"

"That's the point, two charges will be exhausted, Zhou people are too arrogant."

"Maybe it's a test attack. I want to see how our city defense is?"

Qu Chen asked: "Did you find that the troops in Chang'an City came out of the city to these three camps!"

"Return to Qu Shuai, not yet." Xiang Yang said: "I haven't seen any Da Zhou's troops leave Chang'an City during the day, but I don't know at night, because Da Zhou's cavalry is quite tight in controlling the surroundings.

It is difficult to get close to Chang'an. "

"It seems that the new king of the Great Zhou is planning some big conspiracy!" Qu Chen watched the soldiers of the Great Zhou slowly advancing, feeling a little uneasy.

Sun Tao said: "Qu Shuai, Da Zhou probably sent envoys to South Korea and Donghai Kingdom to ask for help, with the intention of interfering with the northern border of our Chuyue Kingdom."

"Or... I am here to disintegrate our interior!"


It is expected that Da Zhou asked for help from South Korea and the East China Sea.

But to disintegrate one's own interior, this is something that people don't understand.

Qu Chen turned around and glanced in the direction of Lantian Valley to the south.

His eyes narrowed.

His face was a little dull.

"If someone is half-hearted, it's useless to keep it, just kill it!"

Just as everyone was talking casually, Da Zhou's [-] troops stopped.

Then the team separated and pushed out strange things from the position of the central army.

"What it is?"

"Like a carriage, but without a canopy!"

"What are people in Da Zhou doing?"

"Not good! It's a stone bullet, it's a stone bullet, avoid it!"

Xiang Yang, Chang Wu and the others had been hit by trebuchets before, so they knew how powerful this thing was.

His eyes were full of fear and fear.


A stone bullet drew an arc in the air, made a sound of breaking wind, and hit the city wall the next moment.


(End of this chapter)

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