Chapter 514
The soldiers of Chuyue Kingdom rushed in.

Quickly fought and led the front battalion.

Seeing Da Zhou's soldiers fleeing to the rear camp.

They all chased them in.

But soon!

They found something was wrong.

There are not many Zhou soldiers in the whole camp.

And after chasing to the back camp, it was discovered that there was also a door in the back camp.

The soldiers of Dazhou all retreated from here.

With a backhand, he blocked the back camp gate.


Then there were countless shouts of killing all around outside the camp, and countless Dazhou soldiers with flame handles appeared.

They held longbows in their hands, and oilcloths were tied to the arrowheads.

After lighting the torches, shoot arrows into the camp! "

Arrows shot into the camp.

All combustibles in the camp were quickly ignited.

It turned out that the entire camp was full of firewood.

Tung oil was also sprayed.

At one point, the entire camp quickly turned into a sea of ​​fire.

"Damn it, get out!"

Gou Jian saw countless Da Zhou soldiers rushing out all around.

I was horrified.

Knowing that he had been fooled, he quickly gave the order to retreat.

Although he brought [-] soldiers.

But the ghost knows how many Zhou soldiers are around.


Rumbling, the ground shook violently.

Anyone who has fought in battle knows that this is the cavalry rushing.

The soldiers of the Chuyue Kingdom who were already in an ambush were panicked by the scriptures.

So hurriedly retreated first.

Where is the idea of ​​fighting.

Moreover, under the vast night, the cavalry rushed forward, and there was no place to run.

"The cavalry guards arrived in the middle of the week, pick me up, Li Cunxiao!"

Five thousand cavalry guards rushed in head-on.

Li Cunxiao is brave, if he picks left and stabs right, he will never enter the realm of no one.

A pair pierced and killed the past.

He intercepted the Chuyue soldiers entering the camp and blocked them inside.

Those who did not enter the camp outside rushed to retreat first.

Gou Lian originally wanted to save the Chuyue soldiers who entered the camp.

But then another cavalry rushed over.

"Da Zhou's left cavalry guard is here, pick me up from Lu Bu!"

The 5000 left cavalry guards entered from the side again.

Disperse the chaotic Chuyue army.

Under the vast night.

With such a large army, once it is disrupted, it is really difficult to control and command.

There is no way to hook up, so we have to withdraw our troops decisively and give up the rescue.

"Da Zhou's right cavalry guard is here, eat me with Huang Zhong's five arrows!"

Another group of Zhou Qi came out, Huang Zhong bent his bow to the full moon, and shot five arrows in succession.

The five Chuyue soldiers were called one after another.

The arrows were so fast that the generals of the Chuyue Kingdom who wanted to rush down to fight were so frightened that they all avoided.

Ordinary sharp archers are all people with extraordinary arm strength, and none of their martial arts is simple.

Only those with high martial arts have leisure time to practice archery.

So Huang Zhong's Five Star Lianzhu is enough to bluff people.

the other side!
Seeing that the northern camp was on fire and there were endless shouts of killing, Xiang Yang and Chang Wu also launched an attack on the two eastern camps of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

However, when they attacked, they were met with fierce counterattacks from the camp.

Archers and crossbowmen kept shooting arrows, pulling the trigger.

Unleashed the arrow crossbow.

Give Chuyue soldiers a head-on blow.


A group rushed forward, and a group was killed or injured. The soldiers of Chuyue Kingdom couldn't even touch the camp gate.

"Keep attacking, don't stop, charge me!"

Xiang Yang and Zhang Wuben held their breath.

Although Qu Chen said that there is no need to capture these two camps.

But the two still wanted to wipe it off and attack and kill them.

Because the big three camps shared the soldiers and horses.

A camp has a maximum of 2 people.

They have [-] people, and they are still confident in attacking this kind of camp.

So the constant urging, the attack is quite violent.

But soon a general rushed forward behind him.

"There is something wrong with the general, General Gou is in an ambush!"

"What?" Xiang Yang was taken aback.

The visitor replied: "Now General Gou is surrounded by Da Zhou's army, the northern camp is empty, and all our people were burned when they entered!"

Xiang Yang then looked towards Beiying, only to see that the fires there were getting smaller and bigger.

The soaring flames set the entire camp on fire.

The south side of the fire camp is full of human heads, innumerable.

The cavalry rushing back and forth told him all the bad news.

"Withdraw! Stop attacking the camp and withdraw!"

There is no way to fight this battle, and if you are surrounded, there is no point in attacking the camp yourself.

And it was obvious that Da Zhou had guessed their intentions.

set trap.

Can't continue anymore.

Chang Wu is also on the other side.

Unwillingly, he ordered: "Withdraw the troops and turn to the west to save our people!"

The [-] army stormed aggressively, and then withdrew.

Di Qing in the camp drew his sword and pointed at the direction where Chang Wu retreated, saying: "Open the gate of the camp, kill them, and kill the Chuyue people!"


The [-] troops in the camp rushed out one after another.

The troops chasing Chang Wu were cut down.

In Lantian County, Qu Chen and others who were waiting for the good news to come back stood on the north city gate wearing robes.

It turned out that each of them was smiling.

But looking at it from afar, I suddenly noticed something was wrong.

The scope of the battle outside the city is a bit large.

The entire northern camp was on fire.

This is different from what he said.

Soon one of the riders ran back, fell off his horse and fell under the city.

"Report! Marshal, we have been tricked, the northern camp is empty, and General Gou's army has been divided and encircled and crushed, please help!"

Qu Chen, Sun Tao and others were dumbfounded.


"Quick! Send [-] troops out of the city for rescue!"


Why is it [-], because it is [-] for emergency at night.

The rest of the army is still resting in the barracks in the south of the city.

It's too late to gather together.

So we can only send [-] troops to rescue.

Soon all the [-] troops rushed out of the city gate.

But there was a sudden rumble of horseshoes on the left wing.

"The cavalry guards are here after the Great Zhou Dynasty, take a shot at Zhao Yun!"

After five thousand cavalry guards rushed out, they directly blocked the way of the [-] Chuyue army.

The two sides collided with each other and quickly strangled.

"Damn it, hurry up, go and notify the camp outside Nancheng, and send all the troops that can be dispatched immediately!"


There is no way, it is impossible for Qu Chen to watch the army of hundreds of thousands wiped out overnight.

So we had to deploy troops.

However, the soldiers from the barracks outside the city south put on their armor, took up their weapons, and came running over.

The battle outside Beicheng has almost ceased.

Zhao Yun's department, which intercepted the Chuyue army outside the city, suddenly withdrew.

Disappeared in the busy night.

In the dark, Xiang Yang retreated to the north with more than 2 people.

However, Gou Jian and Chang Wu did not come back.

"Marshal, are you still going to save people?"

Qu Chen looked at the Beiying area where the shouts of killing were fading, and clenched his hands into fists.

It took a long time to let out a foul breath: "Everyone retreat into the city, repair the city as soon as possible, and make it at least ten feet taller for me!"

"It's Qu Shuai!"

Everyone replied aggrievedly.

On the side of the Zhou army, the last part of the enemy was eaten, and then one by one gathered the soldiers and horses, and retreated to the two camps in the east.


Ye Qing was also waiting for news.

But compared to Qu Chen, he seemed more relaxed.

"Good news! Good news! The Suzaku Legion has successfully ambushed and killed the army of Chuyue Kingdom!"

"Report! Commander Di Qing wiped out [-] enemies in one battle, beheading his main generals Xiang Yang and Gou Jian!"

From the moment they came in from the south gate, the reporter urged his horse and shouted all the way.

It directly woke up the sleeping people along the way.

"Victory again!"

"The newly formed Suzaku Army became famous in the first battle?"

(End of this chapter)

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