I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 515? Chuyue National False Emperor

Chapter 515 Chuyue National False Emperor
The good news was sent all the way to Xiaoyao Mansion.

The whole mansion suddenly became noisy.

Everyone has a smile on their face.

"That's right, the Suzaku Army and the Four Cavalry Guards fought well!"

"Tonight's battle completely wiped out the arrogance of the Chuyue Kingdom's second batch of troops, so that Qu Chen dare not send troops out of the city again!"

Ye Qingdao: "Leave two cavalry guards to assist the Suzaku army, block the Chuyue army from leaving the city, and withdraw the others!"


The next day, the Suzaku Legion did not attack.

Chu Yuejun heaved a sigh of relief.

Then continue to repair the city defense.

Qu Chen was also not optimistic about this city defense, and continued to build the city gate in Lantian Valley.

Not only mobilized a lot of people's power, but also sent the idle army to build the city pass.

For three days in a row, there was no movement in Da Zhou.

On the contrary, news came from the capital of Chuyue.

South Korea and Donghai State increased their troops in the northern border of Chuyue State.

Put pressure on Chuyue Kingdom.

"Qu Shuai, it's raining!"

Qu Chen stood up and glanced at the raindrops falling outside.

He smiled and said, "Come here, take the coir raincoat and follow me to inspect the city defense!"

The generals accompanied him to the north city wall.

As we walked around, it was raining harder and harder.

"This rain is really timely and it is estimated that it will fall for several days. Da Zhou's army will not come to smash the city!"

"Notice, speed up the repair of the city defense of Lantian Valley, take advantage of the rain to build the second city gate, even if you lose Lantian County by then, it won't matter."


Just when Qu Chen and the others were happy.


Ye Qing and the others were also looking forward to this spring rain.

"A good rain knows the season. According to Kong Ming and Yuan Tiangang's speculation, the rain will last for several days, and enough water should be gathered!"

"Have you done the preparatory work of running up the water?"

"Returning to Xinjun, the people in Qishan Pavilion have arranged water formations and diversion formations. As long as the river embankment is broken, according to the survey and mapping of Li Bing and others, it can completely impact Lantian County, even the north of Lantian Valley will be affected. !"

Ye Qing looked up to the south and said, "Send a message to Lan Tiangu, saying that we will send people to attack Qu Chen's command in ten days, and we need Lan Tiangu's cooperation!"

"Xinjun, you want to paralyze the opponent! Let them relax their vigilance, and catch them off guard when we attack ahead of time!" Guo Jia nodded and said:

"This method is good, Chuyue Kingdom will definitely take advantage of this time to take a good rest, so that the guards will not be so tight.

In this way, whether it is to attack Lantian County by water to attack Lantian Valley, or to attack Shangluo City by surprise, it will be much easier! "

Ye Qing just smiled and didn't answer.

It's up to man to do what he can do.

Whether the second batch of Chuyue army can be wiped out in one fell swoop, and the west of Wuguan can be taken back, depends on whether God rewards or not.

If not, it can only be a strong attack.

"My lord! There are new news in Chuyue Kingdom!" Zhang Yi hurried in, patting the rain stains on her body.

Everyone stared at Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi continued: "The news came from South Korea that Chuyue State established Ye Mao as a hypocrite of the Great Zhou Dynasty, officially recognized its legitimacy, and submitted an alliance with him.

Ye Mao also sent envoys to South Korea and Wei, expressing his willingness to cede Hongnong County to the two countries, so that they can help him recover the Great Zhou! "

After listening, everyone was instantly angry!


"Damn Ye Mao!"

"Chuyue Kingdom is despicable! Such a despicable act!"

"Give my Da Zhou's land to others, why should they!"

Everyone present was filled with righteous indignation.

Da Zhou is not dead yet.

Ye Qing was not angry, and his mind was calm, he just asked: "How about the attitudes of South Korea and Wei!"

"Wei Guo refused, Han Han's attitude was ambiguous, he didn't refuse, and he didn't agree, he just arranged for Ye Mao's people to stay and treat him with courtesy!" Zhang Yi said:

"By the way, South Korea has withdrawn the additional soldiers sent to the northern border of Chuyue Kingdom."

This time, the generals around jumped even higher, and each one was even more angry!
"Damn, what is South Korea doing? Are they going to break their promise?"

"What is this? South Korea and us are married. There was an alliance against the Chuyue Kingdom, and now it is openly violated."

Shang Yang coughed and said, "Everyone, be quiet and listen to the new king's judgment on this matter. It is not appropriate to judge prematurely!"

The establishment of Ye Mao by the Chuyue State as the false Zhou emperor really gave other countries a loophole.

It brought adverse political influence to Ye Qing in Chang'an.

"The Korean issue is a trivial matter, with or without them, it has no effect on me for a long time, so I can ignore it.

If South Korea supports Ye Mao, it will declare that it is an enemy country and can go to war. "

"Contact Wei State. If South Korea and Chuyue State unite, then my Great Zhou will withdraw all troops from Luoyang City and retreat to Hangu Pass. The territory east of Hangu Pass is willing to be given to Wei State."

"The reason why Wei State rejected Ye Mao is that Wei State does not border with Chuyue State, and is not threatened by Chuyue State. Wei people are not fools. We will give them a gift, and they will gather an army near Beimang Mountain. of.

With Wei Guo holding South Korea in check, South Korea's small tricks will not succeed! "

Ye Qing then sneered and said:
"From now on, Ye Cai is the emperor of the Chuyue Kingdom, and it has been passed down to the eastern countries. The emperor of the Chuyue Kingdom, Xiong Wan, is incompetent and cruel. From now on, I, Da Zhou, will abolish his throne, because the prince Xiong Han is not his own son, but a wild breed. Qualified to inherit the throne, so Yecai, the King of Chuyue of the Great Zhou Dynasty, ascended the throne..."

Everyone was about to laugh and cry.

It turns out that this is how the lord left Ye Cai behind and gave him the title of King of Chuyue.

Chuyue Kingdom wants to set up a false emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty, okay, our Great Zhou Dynasty will also establish a false emperor for you.

It's even more ruthless in the end, and it will hurt Xiong Wan and Xiong Han, separating the relationship between father and son.

Want to make trouble, play with you!
"By the way, the imperial decree of the new Chuyue Emperor Ye Cai is passing on. From now on, Nanyang County and Runan County will be given to South Korea; all counties in Huaidi to the north of the river will be given to Donghai State, and Yangzhou will be given to the various ministries of Dongyue. Its restoration.

Jingzhou was given to the ministries of China and Vietnam, allowing them to return to the country! "Ye Qing didn't think it was a big deal either.

Since you want to do it, then do it more thoroughly and make this unhealthy trend even bigger.

"Hahaha, it's better to be the new king, so that Chuyue Kingdom can be gone!"

"That's how it should be, let the people of Chuyue country also experience what it means to play with other countries!"


Hanzhong County!
Nanzheng County Palace!
It's been a crazy busy day.

On the one hand, the political situation of the Shu Kingdom changed suddenly, and people had to be sent south to support Zhang Ren and take over the military and political power of the Shu Kingdom.

Because of Ye Qing's reasons, the two Ba countries wiped out all the children of the Zhang family in Petalaba.

The Ba Kingdom fought against Shu.

On the waterway, there are no opponents all the way.

Soon captured the southern territory of Shu.

The army of the Ba Kingdom then marched northward, intending to capture the capital of the Kingdom of Shu and disintegrate the regime of the Kingdom of Shu.

In order to restore the trend of baldness in the south.

Hanzhong and Shu had no choice but to open up a second battlefield and jointly attack the west and north of Ba.

However, the war was not very smooth, after all, Pakistan had long been prepared.

The war was stalemate for a while, and the two sides maintained the current situation.

"My lord, the Chuyue Kingdom sent envoys to cooperate with us. The new ruler Ye Mao promised to allow our Zhang family to establish a state in Hanzhong. From now on, Hanzhong will no longer belong to the Great Zhou Dynasty!"

(End of this chapter)

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