Chapter 517: Bai Qi Becomes General
The next morning!
When they came in, they found that there were three generals sitting in the hall.

But never seen it.

It's almost time for people to come.

Li Bing, who is in charge of water conservancy, said first: "My lord, more than half of the reservoir capacity has been filled with water, and now the water on the Chan River is soaring. If the regulation of several reservoirs is carried out, the water in the Chan River will flow toward the river without us breaking the embankment." The east bank is broken, and you can do it at any time!"

Zhu Wolong Ge Liang stood up and said: "We have checked with Yuan Tiangang, there will be a small-scale stop and landing tonight, we can take advantage of this time to make it easier for our army to move!"

Hua Bei from Qishan Pavilion said: "Our people are also ready, and have been guarding the water-gathering array and the diversion array. The other part can follow the assault force to Shangluo at any time, and I will go myself!"

Just wait for Hua Bei's words.

The formation of the sixth rank everyone took action, even a small number of troops, after capturing Shangluo City, can quickly build a small formation to defend the city to resist the counterattack of the people of Chuyue Kingdom.

Ye Qing nodded and said: "Master Hua has a heart, I will let Li Xunhuan go with Zhang Sanfeng and the Huashan faction to help you!"

Three sixth-rank masters are enough to control the field.

"Thank you, Xinjun!" Hua Bei cupped his fists and sat down!

Only then did Ye Qing point to Bai Qi at the side and said: "This is Bai Qi. From now on, he is the general of our Great Zhou. He will command this battle. Whether it is the Suzaku Legion or the guards of Chang'an, they will all be under his temporary control." control."

White up!

Never heard of it.

Come up is the general.

Not even a transition.

The general who appeared suddenly still surprised everyone.

Bai Qi stood up with a majestic expression and a sharp look of killing.

He clasped his fists and said, "Bai Qi in Mei County, I hope everyone will obey Mou's unified command in the battle tonight. The new king will put the burden on us. Only a big victory can repay your favor!"

All the generals got up one after another and said: "I have seen the general!"

"Sit!" Bai Qi exuded majesty, and immediately placed himself as a general, and gestured with his right hand.

All the generals sat down one after another.

"Don't doubt Bai Qi's ability, and don't doubt my vision. Bai Qi will go to the north after commanding this battle. At that time, the Xuanwu Guard and Xuan Jia Guard will be transferred to the north." Ye Qing pointed to Yu Chigong and Qin Shubao. :
"This is Jingde and Shubao. The two of them secretly formed a Xuanjia Guard. They are heavy cavalry and are not suitable for the southern battlefield. Therefore, they will only follow Bai Qi as a general in this battle!"

Yu Chigong and Uncle Qin stood up and said, "I've seen you all!"

Everyone clapped their fists in return.

It can be seen that the two are also high-end talents.

The same general in the army.

Heavy cavalry.

This has never been heard.

Don't know what it's like.

"Okay, the preliminary work is done, everyone is discussing some details and perfecting the final plan!" After speaking, Ye Qing stood up and said: "Bai Qi is in charge here, I have other important things to deal with !"

Ye Qing left, and everyone watched him off.

After the people left, Bai Qi stood up and said: "Everyone, go to the sand table, let's sum up!"

"It's the general!"

The crowd surrounded the past.

Guo Jia, Zhang Yi and others withdrew.

On the way, Zhang Yi pinched his beard and said, "Feng Xiao, you said that Master He suddenly asked Bai Qi to be the general in command. This Bai Qi turned out to be a white body. I don't know if he can command such a big battle well!"

"Don't worry, Haifeng, the preliminary work has been done. As long as there is a handsome person, this battle will be fought." Guo Jia patted Zhang Yi on the shoulder and said:
"This is the lord's high reputation. Bai Qi is white body. Tonight's battle is destined to be extraordinary. I don't know how many people will die in the water attack. Most of Lantian County will be destroyed. No one can take this responsibility. General Han, General Deng, and Cao Shilang didn't dare to bear it.

And Rengui, Hanchen and others also need to grow up in the future. If they want to sit on one side, they can't get too much stigma, so only Bai Qi is the most suitable! "

When Zhang Yi heard this, he suddenly realized.

It turns out that there is such a way inside.

The generals who are famous for their classics really don't deserve this big stigma.

Only Bai Qi is the most suitable.

"Besides, if my Great Zhou wants to stand among the nations, from weak to strong, and to be strong externally, I need a killer. If this battle can kill all the 37 Chu soldiers, then hehe ... In the future, the treatment of children's night crying will be settled, and you will have an extra trump card when you go to other countries."

"Whoever dares to show you face, you will let it go... Hahaha!"

After speaking, Guo Jiayang raised his hands and left gracefully.

Zhang Yi was astonished!
Can you still play like this?

No wonder the lord said that Guo Jia has the most flexible mind.

This kid is a dog, he can smell everything.

In fact, after Ye Qing left, he changed into a different set of clothes.

Then he hurried on and rushed to Lishan.

After entering the teleportation array of the underground tomb, he was immediately teleported to Ba.

"Xinjun, you haven't shown up for almost a month, and Bahuang started to have some doubts, so he had to call you here!" Zhang Liang came over immediately after seeing Ye Qinghou:
"The battle between Ba Kingdom, Shu Kingdom and Hanzhong is very stalemate. There has been no progress in the direction of Shu Capital, and the pressure on the west of Ba Kingdom is very high. The Ba Army has been passively defending. Ba Huang hopes that we will send all the navy and warships to help It will eat the capital of Shu."

Ye Qing knew about this matter through letters a long time ago.

As he walked up, he asked, "How did you deal with Ba Huang?"

Zhang Liangdao: "Miss Bu and I both told you that you went to the Twelve Witch Kingdoms to inquire about information, but you haven't returned yet, so we can't give you a reply."

"Is Bahuang angry?" Ye Qing asked again.

Zhang Liang shook his head: "He doesn't dare, after all, he has something to ask of us, and now facing the joint attack of Shu and Hanzhong, he needs someone to help him, so he won't have evil thoughts towards us."

"However, it will be different after eating the capital of Shu!"


When the Kingdom of Shu is destroyed, Emperor Ba will inevitably expand.

Without enemies, how can there be allies?

"Okay, I'll talk to Bahuang."

Ye Qing came here to settle this matter, temporarily appease Bahuang, and set aside time to deal with domestic affairs.

After coming up, Bu Xiaofan was waiting for him in the pavilion not far from the exit.

Ye Qing walked over, and the two were affectionate.

Little is better than new love.

Bu Xiaofan turned his head away and muttered to himself: "Now you are the emperor!"

"It's not counted, it can only be counted as half, and it hasn't been enthroned yet!"

Ye Qing didn't expect that Bu Xiaofan would talk about such a serious topic first when they just met.

"That's also the emperor. Once you become the emperor, you will have many concubines." Bu Xiaofan didn't look back.

He muttered to himself again.

Ye Qing smiled awkwardly.

Touched my nose.

The little girl is jealous.

Ye Qing stretched out his hand, hugged her delicate body from behind with one hand, stroked the top of her head with the other hand, and ran down her hair.

"Why, you want to take care of my backyard before you pass the door, it's too early to be a housekeeper!"

(End of this chapter)

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