I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 518 Breaking Up With Emperor Ba

Chapter 518 Breaking Up With Emperor Ba

"Hmph, whoever said I want to marry you, don't think that you are the emperor and I will..."

"What will happen?" Ye Qing poked his head off his shoulder.

Crooked head head smirking smirking.

Bu Xiaofan gave him a blank look, stretched out his hand to push his face and said: "There are still people here, hurry up and get down to business, for you, I am so worried, I spend every day chatting with those boring women in Bahuang!"

Ye Qing turned his face away, then went around to the other side, and secretly kissed him.

"Thank you for your hard work, my beloved concubine, I will go and fight for your injustice!"

As a person in the world, Bu Xiaofan was really troubled to deal with the women of Empress Ba's palace.

out of the mansion.

After turning the corner, you will arrive at the Baguo Palace.

Seeing Ye Qing appear.

The guard of Ba Guo didn't need to communicate, but let him go directly, and sent someone to tell Ba Huang.

Before reaching Bahuang's meeting hall, Yijing heard laughter coming from inside.

"King Xiaoyao, you are finally back, I miss you so much!"

When Ye Qing walked in, Bahuang also greeted him at the gate of the hall.

It shows that he attaches great importance to Ye Qing.

Or the expectation of the Great Zhou Navy.

Ye Qing said: "I have seen Your Majesty!"

"Hey! The King of Xiaoyao is out of touch, so we don't need to be so polite in the future." Ba Huang said again in a warm voice:

"I don't know how King Xiaoyao's trip to the West is like, is there any injury or something?"

so enthusiastic.

Either rape or steal!
It seems that Shu is really greedy for Pakistan.

Ye Qing still kept a relative distance, and bowed back: "Your Majesty is the emperor, and I am a foreign minister, and etiquette cannot be broken."

"This trip to Ximan is considered safe. I didn't go deep into the hinterland of Ximan. I just walked around and learned about the surrounding situation. I didn't gain anything!"

"It's good to come back safely! It's better to come back safely!" Ba Huang couldn't help nodding.

The two sat down separately.

Bahuang asked directly: "King Xiaoyao, you have also gone to Ximan, what are your plans next!"

Bahuang was not stupid at all, and he didn't mention the matter of the Great Zhou Navy in time.

Ye Qing pretended to meditate, and replied after a long time: "Your Majesty, although I don't know much about Ximan on this trip, I think no matter how mysterious and weird Ximan is, in the face of strength, all of this is worthless." is false.

After I came out of Guanzhong, after a long time, I still have to hurry on my way as soon as possible, even if I try hard, I have to pass through the Twelve Witch Kingdoms! "

Bahuang had a terrible toothache.

to go!

And go in a hurry.

How to do this.

"King Xiaoyao should consider it carefully. Traveling eastward like this is too reckless and too dangerous. I think we should send people to investigate a few times." Bahuang said enthusiastically:

"How about this, I will send someone to help you find out the news. This time, we must go deep into the hinterland of the Western Man to help you get the most detailed information!"

"What to do, it's not right!" Ye Qing waved his hand and refused:

"We have enough soldiers, don't bother Your Majesty, His Majesty's people are still very useful, how can they be lost in the West Barbarian land!"

Of course, Ba Huang was speaking politely.

Where will the real troops be sent.

Taking advantage of this, he went downhill and said: "Hey, King Xiaoyao's words also have some truth. I, Ba Kingdom, Shu Kingdom, and Hanzhong are stalemate in the war. I really can't find any manpower, otherwise I will definitely be able to help King Xiaoyao!"

When this matter was mentioned, Ye Qing was pretending not to know, that was too fake.

So he asked: "How is the battle on the front line? I heard from Han Xin that His Majesty's army marched forward triumphantly all the way. Wherever it passed, it was invincible, invincible, and conquered countless cities!"

"It was true in the beginning, thanks to your navy, Qianwei County in the Kingdom of Shu was able to take it easily.

However, when we attacked Shu County, our Ba army advanced slowly, and we were unable to break through Zhang Xing's defense and go to the capital of Shu for the time being. Ba Huang sighed heavily:

"The most troublesome problem now is that the Zhang family in Shu Kingdom and Hanzhong sent troops to attack the north and west of our Ba Kingdom.

Relying on their upper reaches, the water armies in the Western Han River and the Fu River were evenly matched with the Chinese navy, and our army even suffered a small loss. "

Ye Qing nodded, but did not answer.

I can't say, let me help you.

It was obvious that the other party begged him, but he was not stupid enough to put a gun on it.

Seeing that Ye Guan didn't answer, Bahuang suppressed his sigh, but showed anticipation instead.

"King Xiaoyao, since we are allies, why not let Han Xin bring all the warships and navy to help our Ba Kingdom wipe out the Shu Kingdom's navy in the West Han River and the Fu River!"

"You and I formed an alliance, and as a result, we were able to quickly capture Shu and wipe out the Zhang family in Hanzhong.

In this way, I don't have to go to the territory of the Twelve Witch Kingdoms of the West Man and the Chuyue Kingdom.

Wouldn't it be better to go back directly from Hanzhong! "

Ye Qing fell into deep thought.

Bahuang continued: "Besides, if you destroy the Zhang family, you will be able to take back Hanzhong. When you have the merit of taking back Hanzhong, you can return to Guanzhong so that you can explain to your father.

If he knows that you have made such great achievements, he may make you a prince as soon as he is happy! "

"I don't know about other emperors. Anyway, I will definitely reuse such a prince. What kind of succession? What kind of succession, it's all bullshit.

It is most correct to pass it on to those who are capable.

Talent selection is the right way! "Bahuang stared at Ye Qing passionately:

"It would be great if I had such an excellent emperor like you. Hey, King Xiaoyao is too outstanding. How can I have the good fortune of Brother Ye Huang!"

The emperors of various countries treat each other as brothers when they respect each other.

Yes, there is no problem with Ba Huang saying so.

But Ye Qing was quite disgusted.

If you ask for help, please ask for help, what are you doing with these coquettish words?
"This... Ba Huang loves foreign ministers too much." Ye Qing said modestly, then stared outside and said:
"Your Majesty, let me think about it. After all, the soldiers are eager to return home, and they wish they could fly back now!"

"So the whole army is very war-weary and doesn't want to fight anymore. I need to discuss with them!"

This...Bahuang didn't expect Ye Qing to decline it with his eyes closed.

Of course, this is not a rejection.

There was still a hole left.

Bahuang didn't give up and said: "King Xiaoyao, we, the superiors, are the ones to make decisions about military and state affairs, so why do we need to discuss anything with the people below?"

"They just need to obey and do as they say. Is there anyone who dares to be different?"

Ye Qing didn't confront him, he just wanted to laugh in his heart.

With this awareness, you are afraid that you will follow in the footsteps of Emperor Shu.

Ye Qing pointed to the rainy weather outside and said:
"Your Majesty, it just so happens that there will be heavy rain in the past few days, and the river is not conducive to sailing, nor can we march and fight.

In this way, I will go back first and persuade the soldiers, hoping to help the Ba Kingdom take down the Shu Kingdom, eliminate the Zhang family in Hanzhong, and take it back to Hanzhong. "

Ye Qing stood up, bowed and said: "Your Majesty, the so-called one who wins the hearts of the people wins the world, treats his subordinates kindly, listens to the opinions of the generals, is the wise master.

The empire and the army are ours, but some of the people below may not be ours. People are ours, but some people's hearts are not ours.

So, Your Majesty, we can't make a fuss about those who are interested, and we should be careful! "

(End of this chapter)

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