Chapter 519: Levee Burst and Flood Attack
"There is some truth to what King Xiaoyao said."

Ba Huang looked at the rain falling outside and said: "It's fine, then you can go and explain it to the officers and men of the Da Zhou navy. Helping me in Ba is to help everyone return to Guanzhong!"

After the negotiation was settled, Ye Qing withdrew, quickly left the palace, and returned to the mansion!
Once back in the lobby.

Bu Xiaofan stepped forward and asked with concern: "What's the matter, Bahuang didn't make things difficult for you, did he?"

Ye Qing held her little hand and said with a smile: "How dare he make things difficult for me!"

"You've got to be pissed off. If we didn't beg our navy to go to war, I'm afraid he would be besieging Xiaoyao Mansion by now!" Bu Xiaofan gave Ye Qing a sideways look, then pulled him to sit down together and said:

"Tell us about Chang'an! You don't know much from the letter, how dangerous is the situation in Dazhou now!"

Ye Qing then slowly explained the situation.

Anyway, he will not return to Chang'an today.

He believes that his martial arts can fight this battle well, and he can control the situation with him or without him.

after dark!
The rain stopped intermittently.

Ye Qing accompanied Bu Xiaofan to appreciate the night after the rain.

The advantage of being close to the palace is that it can be located on the highest point in the city.

You can look down at a glance and look at Jiangzhou City.

The lights are dimmed, and everything is still.

The vast night that can't be seen at a glance.

The cold spring wind blows slightly.

Bu Xiaofan unconsciously leaned towards Ye Qing.

Snuggle in my arms.


Just when the two were in Pakistan, you were in love with me.


Da Zhou's army was ready.

To prevent flooding from being too large.

Di Qing and the others led the Suzaku Legion quietly out of the rear camp in the dark, and moved towards the highest mountain nearby.

"set off!"

On the Qinling Trail.

The elite team headed by Zhang Sanfeng, Li Xunhuan, and Hua Bei set off quietly while the rain stopped.

Where they stayed, there were still [-] troops left behind.

As long as the front successfully attacked Shangluo City.

This force was immediately dispatched to support.

Torches cannot be lit in the dark.

So it all depends on the people of Qishan Pavilion to lead the way for the army and guide the army to move forward normally.

"There are people in front, behind the stone in front left, and on the tree in front right, there are first-class masters from Chuyue Kingdom!"

Suddenly the people in Qishan Pavilion stopped and whispered a reminder.

Zhang Sanfeng and Li Xunhuan looked at each other.

Then they floated out and disappeared into the night.

Returned quickly and silently.

With the strength of the sixth rank of the two, it is easy to kill a first-class military capital.

On the way, we found Chuyue kingdom's bright and dark whistle again and again.

The closer to Shangluo City, the stronger the warrior.

But the strongest is only the second rank!
After all, it's just surveillance and vigilance here.

The real master is still placed in Shangluo City.

More masters were placed in Lantian County and followed Qu Chen.


Li Xunhuan flew out another knife.

The sharp knife cut through the neck of a first-class Wu Ze.

The man lost his life before responding.

There were no surprises along the way.

Everyone finally touched Shangluo City.

During this time, even Meng Qi didn't make a move.



"Our Shangluo City has appeared before our eyes again!"

Everyone looked at Shangluo City at the foot of the mountain, feeling a lot of emotion in their hearts.

"Take the time, see if the reservoir has started!"

The people in Qishan Pavilion began to look at the sky.

The sky is starless.

Can't judge!

I had no choice but to take out the time timer I was carrying.

"It's early, there is still half an hour!"

There is still half an hour.

This shows that their progress here is too smooth.

"Rest, wait for the attack over there, we are attacking the city!"

Time passed by minute by minute.

Although the wait is suffering.

But after a long walk at night, I feel much better after taking a rest!

This side of the reservoir!

"Scatter the water array, activate the reservoir valve, and release the water!"


The disciples of Qishan Pavilion scattered in the formation.

The soldiers of the Great Zhou Dynasty opened the valves of the waterways leading to the east.

next moment.

The torrential flood poured down.

The water on the channel immediately overflowed and rushed to the east.

"The diversion array is on!"

Under the light of many torches.

The Qishan Pavilion disciples on both sides of the eastward waterway made handprints one after another to mobilize their inner strength.

Full output.

Speed ​​up the water on the river channel to the Chan River farther to the east!

The Chan River was quickly filled with a large amount of water poured in from the west, and after the rain, it flowed up the river that was originally rushing down.

The water potential of the entire Chan River rose sharply.

Levee breach!
The dead men of the Great Zhou waited quietly.

After hearing the sound of the river rushing upstream.

The commanding general said: "Break the embankment! Quick!"

The moat dam that had been tampered with earlier was under the crazy operation of a group of dead fighters.

A big hole was made in an instant.

The river immediately changed direction and vented towards the east.

When the highest peak comes, the breach will fester faster and bigger.

More floodwaters headed fiercely to the east.

Lantian County!
Most of the defenders of Chuyue Kingdom rested after the scriptures.

A small number of soldiers and generals are patrolling the city defense.


A loud bang from a vocal monster came from the west.

The soldiers guarding the city thought it was Da Zhou who sent someone to attack.

They took up their weapons and ran towards the four sides of the city wall.

"Torch! Come on, light up this place, beware of Zhou Jun approaching!"

The generals of the Chuyue Kingdom were also veterans of many battles.

He has rich combat experience and knows how to keep watch at night.

How to defend.

But after a bunch of torches illuminate the city walls.

No surprise attack by Da Zhou's army was found.

I didn't find any masters or the like to touch people's heads.

In the dark field, there is nothing.

"What's going on, there is no Zhou Jun!"

"What are those strange noises? It seems to be approaching."

"Here we come! It's near... Ah, it's water, the flood..."

Those who live by the big river in their hometown have seen the flood peak of the big river, so they exclaimed when they saw the flood rushing from outside the city.

The mind went blank.

The others were even more dumbfounded.

How can there be floods here.

If there is water, it should rise up little by little.


The flood came rushing like a beast.

It hit the city wall directly, and the waves it stirred up were ten feet higher than the top of the city.

Directly knock down everyone in the city.



After a wave hit, another wave came.


Another huge impact, the power of water is not weaker than other powers.

The city wall was washed twice like an earthquake.

Then came the third wave, the fourth wave, and finally the seventh wave.

The west city wall collapsed.

Then the flood flooded into the city.

The whole city was soaked in water.

The generals in the city rushed into the place where Qu Chen lived.

"Qu Shuai is in trouble, the flood is coming..."

Qu Chen was woken up, and he didn't even have time to approve his coat.

As soon as the door was opened, before the foot stepped out, the water flowed up and covered the calf.

Then the water surged and covered the knees in an instant.

And it rose crazily, covering the lower body all of a sudden...

(End of this chapter)

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