I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 520? Raiding Shangluo City

Chapter 520 Raiding Shangluo City

Qu Chen's expression was disastrous.

Frightened eyes!

"Quick! Get on the roof and climb to a higher place!"

At this time, Yijing has no time and energy to think about how and where the flood came from!
Life-saving is the first.

People from Chu and Yue know the horror of floods best.

So they all started to swim to the roof.

The flood rose wave after wave, and soon all the houses in Lantian County were submerged.

Countless Chuyue people in the city were swallowed by the flood in the dark night.

In fact, it is better in the city, after all, it is blocked by the city wall.

The water rushing in was not violent.

But outside the south of the city, after the flood rushed in, it instantly engulfed the camp of the Chuyue National Army.

The huge waves rushed into the sky, smashing and sweeping the tents here and the soldiers of Chuyue Kingdom.

The Chuyue army here didn't even have time to react.

The flood has rushed to the newly built Lantian Valley Chengguan.

Shake this newly built city gate.

The city gate, which was originally not strong, has been rushed countless times.

Soaked in the water again, after dawn the next day, they all collapsed with a few bangs.

In this flood, only the [-] Chuyue troops who were stationed in Lantian Valley were spared, and the rest were swept away by the flood or soaked in the water.


Time to go back to late night!

The location is Shangluo City!
"The time is up, no accidents, there is a hand!"


The lean team began to descend the mountain.

Touch towards the city wall of Shangluo.

"In the city, there are many defenders, patrols are more frequent, sneak attacks are easily exposed!"

Hua Bei himself controlled the eight hexagrams, and he had a clear understanding of everything in Xichengfang.

Zhang Liao said: "Then let Meng Qi paralyze the enemy first, if it doesn't work, force a sneak attack!"

It turned out that the military commander of this route was Zhang Liao of Shenji Battalion.

There are [-] soldiers in the elite squad, all of whom are members of the Shenji Battalion.

The people in the Shenji Battalion prepared more continuous crossbows and crossbow arrows to ensure a strong output.

Along with him were Gao Shun, Gao Shun's [-] camps, and Cheng Yaojin's [-] rear guards.

Only then did everyone look at the pet carried by Li Bai.

"Okay, then let Li Bai and Meng Qi wipe it off!"

Although I don't know why Ye Qing values ​​this pet so much, but I think that a pet also has the strength of the fourth rank.

Still shocking.

Ordinary warriors can't reach the fourth rank in most of their lives.

A cute beast that does nothing is the fourth rank, simply the best of the best.

Rare in the world.

Soon Li Bai picked up Mengqi.

Using his own flash skills, he quietly touched under the city wall.

Putting down Meng Qi, Li Bai said to his big furry ear, "Meng Qi, it's up to you, don't embarrass us, King Rong Glory."

Meng Qi bared her teeth at Li Bai.

Then he propped his palms against the wall, and then started to activate his power, continuously emitting purple-blue energy from his body.

"Hey, sleep!"

The overflowing purple-blue energy climbed up the city along the wall, and then walked towards the city along the floor tiles on the city.


Li Bai shook his head, screaming secretly that he was almost hit, and then glanced at Meng Qi.

Then he looked up at the city with vigilant eyes.

The defenders on the city yawned again and again, starting from the soldiers, leaning against the wall and falling asleep one after another.

The patrolman just sat down, and then dozed off holding the weapon.

Even the master martial artists in the city who are ready to deal with emergencies at any time are gradually sinking in their sleep.

They had a dream.

There is nothing in the dream.

They began to be wanton and unrestrained, enjoying their lives.

But soon the style of painting changed, and all the beauty in front of me turned into an abyssal demon.

All the people they killed before came back as ghosts.

Kill them.

In the dream, they couldn't beat the defeated generals and ordinary people in the past.

Instead, he was torn apart and devoured by the opponent.

"It's done! The defenders in the city are all paralyzed, and basically died inexplicably, even some entry-level masters were not spared."

Hua Bei said in surprise.

Apparently he didn't understand how the pet Mengqi did it.

Killing is invisible, even without contact.

too frightening.

Such a fourth-rank expert can rival a sixth-rank master like him.

"Okay! Please go to the wall first and provide protection for our army. Let's take the south gate first!"

Zhang Liao was overjoyed, and immediately ordered to seize the city!
Everyone took orders and approached the city wall one after another.

After throwing the hook up and grabbing the wall, Zhang Sanfeng, Li Xunhuan, Hua Bei, Yang Guo, Feng Qingyang and other martial arts masters rushed to the city first.

Then guard around and clean up the masters and soldiers of Chuyue Kingdom under the inner city wall.

Then the soldiers from the Shenji Battalion climbed up.

Gao Shun and Cheng Yaojin led three thousand soldiers to the south gate.


The south gate suddenly found someone approaching in the city.

The second-rank martial artist guarding immediately gave a shout.

But the next moment, a small knife flew over.

pierced into the throat.

Then a group of great Zhou warriors rushed out.

Kill along the city road from the west.

"Damn it, it's Zhou people, Zhou people attacked the city..."


The masters and soldiers of the Chuyue Kingdom guarding the south of the city could not stop Li Xunhuan, Zhang Sanfeng and other masters, as well as two thousand soldiers from the Shenji Battalion.

They were all wiped out in an instant.

"Open the gates!"

The South City Gate slowly pushed forward.

Cheng Yaojin and others from outside the city rushed in one after another.

"One thousand rear guards guard the south city, and the rest follow me to clean up the Chuyue people in the city and seize the north gate!"


Zhang Liao and others led the army to kill towards the north city gate.

The Chuyue people who came back from the city took up weapons and came to stop them.

In the official office, a sixth-rank expert from Chuyue Kingdom grasped his weapon, and said to a group of third- and fourth-rank warriors: "Da Zhou must have sent a lot of warriors to help in the battle, follow me to attack and kill them!"

"It's Old Hong!"

When these warriors from the Chuyue Kingdom left the county government, the soldiers of the Great Zhou Dynasty came forward with scriptures.

The soldiers of Chuyue Kingdom were shot down countless times by the soldiers of the aircraft battalion in haste.

In the trapped camp, an impact breaks the formation.

Suddenly all lost.

The rear guards cleaned up the single or injured Chuyue people in the back, and took over the main roads and important strongholds in the city.

"Go around the two wings and break Da Zhou's offensive!"

"The county government cannot be lost, it must be guarded, otherwise the city will not be guaranteed!"

"Transfer the troops, all of them, and the people from the North City Gate."

"Quickly inform the army of Lantian Valley and ask for reinforcements!"

The noisy voice kept ringing.

The generals of Chuyue Kingdom responded in a hurry.

The sixth-rank master led people quietly from the two wings to Zhang Liao and others, interrupting the momentum of the attack.

"Good come, suffer death!"

But soon, they were stopped by Zhang Sanfeng, Li Xunhuan and other warriors from Da Zhou.

Fighting broke out between the two sides in an instant.

Swords and swords, blood spilled all over the ground.


"However, it is the sixth grade, damn it, withdraw!"

After a face-to-face meeting, the warriors of Chuyue realized that the warriors of Zaizhou were much stronger than them.

This is the dimming of all the elites in Chang'an.

It was that rank-six martial artist known as Hong Lao who was accidentally stabbed in the arm by Li Xun Huan's knife.

"You are Li Xunhuan who killed the bear beggar!"

Boss Hong turned pale with shock.

"No, I also killed Lu Guan, and your Commander Jing Tian!"

(End of this chapter)

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