Chapter 521

Old Hong turned around and ran!
Li Xunhuan is too strong.

It is basically difficult to kill the opponent in the same level of entry.

But guys from Xiaoyao Mansion can kill opponents at the same level.

You can even leapfrog challenges.

It's just a pervert.

"Want to leave, die!"

Li Xunhuan chased after him.

The knives were sent one after another.

Mr. Hong couldn't dodge, he was stabbed several times.

But still did not stop, wounded and left.

Li Xunhuan vowed not to give up, and pursued him closely.

There is no old battle field.

The warriors of Chuyue Kingdom were completely crushed by the warriors of Great Zhou.

After a while, he either died in battle or fled.

On the other side, Zhang Sanfeng and the others had no opponents.

Overwhelmingly kill the past.

All the warriors of Chuyue Kingdom were wiped out.

"Fall! Fell..."

Gao Shun's trap continued to advance, and soon smashed the government office.

A group of soldiers swarmed in, beheading the stubborn defenders and personal guards.

Even the guards were eliminated one by one.

Soon the army moved towards the north gate.

Repel the soldiers of Chuyue Kingdom who came.

"Stop chasing and defend the city!"

Zhang Liao saw the other party back out of the city gate.

So he ordered the soldiers to close the city gate.

Then take over the guards on the city and start to deploy defenses.

The city was handed over to Gao Shun and Cheng Yaojin.

"Send an order to go back and inform the second batch of soldiers of our army to set off to support Shangluo City!"

"Send three groups of people south to monitor the movement of the Chuyue army in Wuguan!"

"Organize the people in the city, go out of the city to the official road in the south, dig the road, cut down wood and throw it on the official road, and do everything possible to prevent the enemy's reinforcements!"

"Tell Head Hua that you can set up a large formation at the South City Gate..."

Order after order was passed down, and the ministries began to proceed in an orderly manner.

The thrilling battle ended with sutras.

The sky slowly dawned.

The sky began to rain lightly again.

He looked up and saw a corpse and various sundries.

"How could there be such a flood in Guanzhong!"

"Marshal and the others, I'm afraid there will be more disasters than good luck!"

"Do you want to go out to find Qu Shuai and treat the surviving soldiers!"

The generals began to mutter and discuss.

"The flood hasn't receded yet. The outside is either water or mud. It's hard to find it!"

After the sky was fully lit, the ground in the north was covered with corpses soaked in water.

One by one sank into the sand.

Yijing is completely lifeless.

Standing on the high mountain of Lantian Valley overlooking all this, it is shocking and chilling.

"Damn it, where did the flood come from! Why is there no sign at all?"


Reservoir direction!

"The valve can be closed. This spring, we need to accumulate water for irrigation in summer and autumn!"

Bai Qi came to the scene in person, drew his sword and pointed: "Get on the bamboo raft, we don't need a single prisoner except Qu Chen!"


The generals of the guards put the prepared bamboo rafts down the river one after another, and boarded a few soldiers.

Supported by a penny, he went down the river, rushed to the river, and then rushed to Lantian County along the breach of the embankment.

When I came to Lantian County, the entire Lantian County was soaked in water.

The incoming water has not all receded, but is slowly flowing out towards the north.
The roof that was originally submerged is also gradually revealed.

The surviving Chuyue soldiers and masters all gathered on the roof.

"Look, what is that?"

Suddenly someone pointed to the countless bamboo rafts that appeared to the west and asked curiously.

A group of people stared towards the west.

After a while, all faces changed drastically.

Swish, pale and bloodless.

Eyes with fear.

"Not good! It's from Da Zhou!"

"Ready to fight!"

As soon as the general finished speaking, he became discouraged again.

Because it is a blessing to be able to survive, who can bring a weapon when saving himself.

Not to mention soldiers, it is the same for those Jianghu warriors.

All the weapons in hand were lost.

It is estimated that it is still soaked in a corner of the water.

The soldiers of the Great Zhou came over with bamboo rafts and shot with the crossbows in their hands, shooting and killing the surviving Chuyue soldiers one by one.

Even the masters of Chuyue Kingdom are no exception.

Ordinary bows and crossbows can't hurt them, but the masters of Dazhou will also jump over and destroy them.

The catastrophe is just the beginning of the killing.

The city is constantly staged a drama of siege.

Soon the soldiers of Chuyue Kingdom in the city were completely wiped out.

"Come here, come here, there are big fish here, a few third and fourth grades!"

When they reached Nancheng, the eyes of the soldiers of Da Zhou suddenly lit up.

Pointing at the opposite side, Qu Chen shouted happily.

Qu Chen survived, protected by several masters, and escaped the highest flood peak.

And found the roof of the city gate tower and spent half the night of the longest torment.

Just while being sentimental.

The appearance of the Great Zhou army consumed the last trace of their energy.

"It turned out that the flood was caused by Da Zhou. It was not a natural disaster, but a man-made disaster!"

"It's ruthless enough. In order to defeat the army of our Chuyue Kingdom, I even abandoned a Lantian County and destroyed all the fertile land."

Qu Chen muttered to himself.

I lament infinitely in my heart.

The other Chuyue people looked shocked.

Each one is like frost-beaten eggplants.

More and more Da Zhou soldiers gathered around them.

Qu Chen was soon recognized by the generals of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

"Qu Chen surrender, you can avoid death as the coach, my emperor is willing to give you a chance!"

Bai Qi also came after hearing the news, looked at Qu Chen who was guarded by many masters and shouted.

Qu Chen sneered and said, "Who are you? I want to know whose hands I lost. The person who planned all this is a real man!"

"Bai Qi, the general of the Great Zhou Empire, who ordered the flood to attack your army of Chuyue Kingdom!" Bai Qi proudly puffed out his chest.

This kind of stigma can only be borne by him, absolutely not for the new king Ye Qing to bear it!

"Bai Qi, I've never heard of it." Qu Chen was stunned.

Whether it is the generals of Xiaoyao Mansion or the generals of the Great Zhou Dynasty, there is no such a person as Bai Qi.

An unknown person has become the great general of the Great Zhou.

Anyway, Qu Chen didn't believe it.

"It's okay to hear it now!" Bai Qi raised his hand and said:


All the soldiers raised their bows and crossbows together.

Qu Chen asked: "Bai Qi, I surrender, can you treat the soldiers of my Chuyue Kingdom? Can you give them a way to survive?"

Bai Qi shook his head: "You have no conditions for negotiation, you can guarantee not to kill you if you surrender!"

At this time, the second batch of Chuyue army was basically wiped out.

A dying survivor with no chips to exchange.

"I see. Now I believe you are the Great General of the Great Zhou. You are a ruthless person, more ruthless than anyone else!"

After talking about Qu Chen's luck, he took a selfie on his chest.

He spat out a mouthful of blood, and then took a second selfie, which shattered his heart.

"Qu Shuai!"

The masters of Chuyue Kingdom gathered around one after another.

But Qu Chen Yijing lost his anger.


"Ah! Take revenge for Qu Shuai!"

A group of masters from the Chuyue Kingdom leaped towards the surroundings one after another, each with their own kung fu to do the final fight.

"Fire arrows!"

All around the Zhou soldiers, bows and crossbows flew together, and thousands of arrows shot towards this stronghold.

In the air, the masters of Chuyue Kingdom are all living targets.

After being hit by the arrows, they fell into the water one after another.

The powerful one rushed to the bamboo raft, and was also killed by Da Zhou's masters.

(End of this chapter)

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