I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 522? Clearing the Lantian Valley

Chapter 522 Clearing the Lantian Valley

Killed Qu Chen and others!
Bai Qi commanded the army to continue searching southward on bamboo rafts.

Kill more surviving soldiers of Chuyue Kingdom.

Attack until the city gate of Lantian Valley.

Occupy the new city gate built by the Chuyue people.

At this time, the people of Chuyue Kingdom in Lantian Valley knew that the flood was caused by Da Zhou.

It is impossible to go out and win Xinchengguan.

"Report! Something is wrong, Zhou people attacked Shangluo City, and Shangluo City fell!"


The generals of Chuyue Kingdom were dumbfounded again.

All the troops in the north perished.

The Yijing is terrible news.

Now Shangluo City in the south was also attacked by the people of Da Zhou.

It's just heaven and earth falling apart!
"Send troops and take back Shangluo immediately, otherwise we will be in danger here!" Xiang Yang took a deep breath, and finally gritted his teeth and said:
"Also, killing all the people in Lantian Valley and keeping them will always be a disaster!"

Having received the information a long time ago, Lantian Valley has transferred to Da Zhou Xinjun with his scriptures.

Originally, it would take seven or eight days to act.

As a result, Da Zhou attacked ahead of time.

So the top priority is to get rid of Lantian Valley.

To avoid civil strife, stab yourself with a knife.

Other generals of the Chuyue Kingdom did not refuse either.

Do things urgently.

To be decisive is to survive.

So he sent a large army south to recapture Shangluo.

On the one hand, it launched an attack on the valleys of Lantian Valley.

The one who cleaned up the Bluefield Valley.

Lantian Valley Hall.

"There is something wrong with the head of the sect. People from the Chuyue Kingdom have attacked us and are attacking the valleys, massacring our disciples..."

All the people in Lantian Valley were shocked.

Just got the news that the northern army of Chuyue Kingdom is finished.

They are still glad to turn around Ye Qing, happy to be able to act as an internal response.

In a blink of an eye, the Chuyue people turned their faces and attacked them.

"Damn it! Quickly, form a team and tell each valley to retreat to Jingu's side, concentrate your strength, and don't be defeated by Chuyue Kingdom!"

Ye Zhu hurriedly said: "Send someone to contact the imperial court immediately. Quickly, please send someone to rescue us."

"Go to Xinguan and ask General Bai Qi to send troops to attack the Chuyue army in the valley immediately!"

The people in Lantian Valley were in a hurry.

It all went beyond their plans.

too suddenly.

It can only be dealt with hastily.

It has not waited for the Chuyue army in Lantian Valley and the Chuyue army in Wuguan to arrive.

Dazhou's second batch of 5000 strong troops marched through the jungle and entered Shangluo City.

Ten thousand troops defended the city.

It is more emboldened by the scriptures.

Soon the 3 troops of the Chuyue Kingdom in the north arrived first, and then launched an attack on the North City Gate.


The army that came like a tide rushed towards the north city gate crazily.

If they can't get through Shangluo, their [-] army will be completely wiped out.

Therefore, the soldiers of Chuyue Kingdom had no choice.

I can only work hard!

The same is true for the soldiers of the Great Zhou Dynasty. This is a battle that is not lost or won.

There is no draw, and no one can retreat.

Can only fight consumption, fight hard.

The arrows on both sides come and go, and the ladder is pushed down again.

Pushed and continued.

Stones, wood, and hot oil were constantly smashed and vented continuously.

There are countless corpses under the city.

The soldiers of Da Zhou in the city were also killed and injured countless times.

Regardless of whether it was dead or injured, they were quickly carried down.

The people of the Great Zhou in the city also joined the battle, turning into civilian husbands to support the soldiers of the Great Zhou.

Two hours later.

Outside the south city gate, [-] troops from the Chuyue Kingdom marched over!
"Siege the city, take it for me at any cost!"


The army of Chuyue Kingdom outside Nancheng also entered a crazy mode.

They don't know what's going on up north.

I only know that Shangluo blocked the retreat of the 37 troops.

If you can't get through here, the 37 army is in danger at any time.

The army is urgent and urgent.


The capital of Chuyue Kingdom!
at dusk!

Eight hundred miles of fast horses rushed into the capital.

"Guanzhong urgent report, move quickly..."

The rider quickly rushed to the palace, came to ride the fallen horse and fell to the ground.

Lai was in no hurry to cry out for pain, panting heavily: "Hurry up! Wuguan asked for help, the Great Zhou army attacked Shangluo, Qu Shuai was trapped in the pass..."

The generals and soldiers guarding the palace gate were all shocked.

He hurriedly carried him to the depths of the palace.

Soon came to the place where Xiong Wan, the emperor of Chuyue Kingdom, was handling government affairs.

"Your Majesty, Guanzhong urgently reports that the Great Zhou sent elite troops to attack Shangluo City. Qu Shuai's army was trapped in Guanzhong by the Great Zhou army, and he asked for reinforcements!"


Xiong Wanteng stood up with a look of disbelief.

He still has a pen in his hand.

"Say it again!"

The visitor explained the situation in detail again, and handed over the bamboo slip letter sent by the general of Wuguan.

After reading it, Xiong Wan slammed it hard on the ground.

"A group of useless people have long been guarding against Zhou Bing's surprise attack on Shangluo from the Qinling trail, but they were still attacked."

"Damn it! Damn it all!"

Xiong Wan scolded, then sat back again with a wave of his sleeves: "Decree, mobilize all the soldiers and horses in Nanyang County, enter Wuguan immediately, and take back Shangluo at any cost!"

"If you can't get it back, come and see me!"


After everyone left, Xiong Wan rubbed his temples and looked northwest.

"Ye Qing, Ye Qing, you are so powerful, you can still save such a bad card, I don't believe you have such a big appetite to eat the second batch of troops from my Great Chuyue Kingdom.

No way! "

Xiong Wan is still confident.

Qu Chen has an army of 37, and the attack on Chang'an may be a little weak.

But there is no problem with the current defense line of the city.

Even if Shangluo City was cut off.

With his old man's adaptability, there should be no problem.

After nightfall, the battle in Shangluo City was still going on fiercely.

But the third batch of [-] soldiers from the Great Zhou rushed forward with scriptures.

Looking at the two ends of the battle below the city.

Overlooked clearly.

This is also a mixed force.

It is composed of the Shenji camp, the trap camp and the rear guard.

The general was replaced by Xu Huang of Fawei.

"There is no worry in the city for the time being, Wen Yuan and the others can still hold on, let's rest and recover our strength first, and wait for the signal from the city!"

Xu Huang did not rush down the mountain in a hurry, but ordered the soldiers to rest and eat dry food to replenish their strength.

Soon the liaison personnel entered the city from the west wall.

"Very well, the third batch of [-] soldiers has arrived. It seems that the battle in the north will be over in the middle of the night!" Zhang Liao saw the people coming and knew that Xu Huang was in place, and he became more confident and confident in defending the city.

"How many people from Chuyue were killed or injured under the city?" Cheng Yaojin asked.

Not being able to fight on the front line is very unlucky.

Zhang Liao made a calculation and said, "There are no fewer than ten thousand people. After fighting for so long, you should be tired. The offensive will weaken in the middle of the night. Then we will fight out of the city and pinch the opponent with Xu Huang and others. We will win in one fell swoop!"

"Hey, this is the best."

The fighting continued.

Hit until midnight.

More than half of the Chuyue army was killed or injured.

After weakening, the offensive dropped significantly.

Morale has been low.

"Set the fire, send the signal, notify Xu Huang, you can go down the mountain and flank the enemy!"

"Remove the debris from the city gate, and prepare to fight out of the city..."


(End of this chapter)

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