I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 523? The Last Struggle

Chapter 523 The Final Struggle

Xu Huang's troops suddenly attacked from the flank, catching Chuyue Kingdom by surprise.

Unexpectedly, Da Zhou still had soldiers and horses hiding outside the city.


At this time, Cheng Feng's Da Zhou soldiers also rushed out of the city under the leadership of the trapped camp.

Attack on both sides.

The originally exhausted army of Chuyue Kingdom collapsed in an instant.

Fighting carelessly.

"Withdraw! Quickly withdraw, withdraw to Lantian Valley!"

The generals of Chuyue Kingdom also knew that they could not stand still.

We can only fight and retreat.

There is a new force in Dazhou.

Their soldiers stormed for a day.

Yijing was exhausted.

I don't have much strength left.

If they don't withdraw, more people will be left behind.

"Kill, don't let a Chuyue countryman go, kill!"


This counterattack directly hit the dawn.

Countless corpses of Chuyue soldiers were left on the official road.

Only 4000 people fled to Lantian Valley!

At this time, the battle in Lantian Valley also ended.

After all, Lantian Valley is just a group of Jianghu Zhongren, and it is difficult to defend against the encirclement and suppression of the army.

After all, high martial arts are also flesh and blood!
A bow, crossbow, and weapon that can block for a while cannot be blocked for a lifetime!
Except for a few elders of the fourth and fifth ranks who fled, the rest died in the hands of the Chuyue army.

But Xiang Yang and the others were also uncomfortable.

In order to wipe out the people in Lantian Valley, they also lost three or four thousand soldiers.

Wait until the defeated soldiers escape from Shangluo City.

Of the 1 troops, only [-] remained.

"how so!"

Xiang Yang was a little lost.

Of the 37 troops, now there are only 1 in their own hands.

It is no different from annihilation of the whole army.

"General, what should we do now?"

It is impossible to get through Shangluo City from the north.

Their 1 people can't beat the city defense.

We can only pin our hopes on the south.

However, there are not many troops in the south, and a maximum of [-] can be mobilized from Wuguan.

Other troops will be recruited from the hinterland of Chuyue Kingdom.

It will take several days just to come.

For several days, we were all besieged by Da Zhou.

It doesn't make any sense to get through Shangluo.

On the contrary, the consumption of the siege battle will greatly weaken the strength of Chuyue Kingdom. .

After all, there are 70 troops entering the customs.

A whole 70 troops just disappeared.

No matter how large the population of Chuyue Kingdom is, it cannot afford to consume it.

Now Yijing has seriously affected the military power of Chuyue Kingdom.

"How to do how to do!"

Xiang Yang rubbed his temples, his whole head was big.

The generals did not dare to breathe.

"Stick to the Lantian Valley, collect all kinds of grain materials, whether it is food or use, and gather them all in the Golden Valley.

We are standing firm in the most difficult place in Lantian Valley, hoping to look forward to reinforcements from the empire! "

"If you can't look forward to it, then you can only serve the country loyally!"

A desolate air permeated through the scriptures.

All the generals are mournful.

Since entering Guanzhong, every battle has been fought in a muddle.

Is Guanzhong really the nightmare of our Chuyue Kingdom?
There was an attack on Dazhou before, but it was blocked in Lantian Valley.

This time it went a long way.

But casualties also increased.

The soldiers of Chuyue Kingdom had no fighting spirit at all.

One by one, they mechanically searched for materials and carried them.

Then walk feebly.


"Report! General, the army of Chuyue Kingdom in Lantian Valley has moved to the west!"

"Report! General, several elders from Lantian Valley have fled down the mountain, asking for an audience!"

Bai Qi raised his voice and said: "Let the elders of Lantian Valley come over!"

Soon a group of embarrassing elders from Lantian Valley came over.

"Meet the General!"

"Don't be too polite, why did you come down, didn't you say that you are waiting for us to rescue?" Bai Qi asked.

An elder in Lantian Valley said: "General, it's too late, it's too late, our Golden Valley has also been breached, and the Chuyue Kingdom has destroyed our millennium foundation of Lantian Valley."

"General, our sect leader is also dead, and now there are only a dozen of us left!"

"General, send troops to wipe out this damned Chuyue people, and no one can be left behind. You have to make the decision for our Lantian Valley!"

Bai Qi reassured: "Don't worry, this general said before sending out troops that there is no need to keep prisoners in this battle, so you don't have to worry that I will accept Chuyue Kingdom's surrender."

"That's good, the general is wise!"

People in Lantian Valley praised it one after another.

At this moment, they wished they could eat the human flesh of Chuyue Kingdom and drink their blood.

The mountain gate was destroyed, and I don't know how long it will take to rebuild the former light.

"Come here, send an order to send troops, one will go to Shangluo City, and the other will advance to Jingu."


All the generals took orders one after another!

Then Bai Qi said again: "Everyone, I have to work hard for you, help us lead the way, point out the shortcomings of Jingu, so that we can overcome them as soon as possible and kill all the Chuyue people!"

"Willing to serve the General!"

The people from Lantian Valley clasped their fists and replied.

Northern Lantian County.

The flood receded.

Di Qing and others also sent a small number of troops to search for survivors from the Chuyue Kingdom on bamboo rafts.

Also did not stay alive.

When Bai Qi marched southward, he immediately sent the good news to Lishan.


Jiangzhou, Baguo!

"Xinjun, the embankment was broken successfully, the flood destroyed Lantian County, and the water submerged the Chuyue Kingdom's military camp.

More than 30 Chu Yue troops were all killed. "

"Shangluo City was also captured. After a day of fierce fighting, with the city in hand, there were only 1 troops left in the northern part of the Chuyue Kingdom, and they were all huddled in the Golden Valley of Lantian Valley."

After listening to the person's report.

Ye Qing clenched his fists tightly.

Hard shot!
"Okay! The big thing is settled! Chang'an is worry-free, and Guanzhong is worry-free!"

Bu Xiaofan, Zhang Liang and the others were also so excited that they were about to jump up.

37 troops.

The army of Chuyue Kingdom that entered the pass was basically wiped out.

Although Wuguan has not been taken back yet.

However, with the sharpness of Da Zhou's siege equipment, it will be a matter of time before they can be brought back.

Now Da Zhou has turned from defense to offense.

Both popular sentiment and military morale have skyrocketed unprecedentedly.

"Zifang, you stay here. I will rush back to the capital now and let Zhou Yu know that when the rain stops, I will bring some warships southward. I must make them appear extremely dissatisfied and rebellious!" Ye Qing confessed. :

"If Bahuang asks, just say that I went after Zhou Yu and the others!"

The war can be handed over to Bai Qi and others.

However, domestic government affairs still need to be handled by Ye Qing himself.

Especially Dasheng, he has to show up.

Because this time, the crisis in Guanzhong was lifted.

Ascension to the throne is a matter of urgency.

"It's the new king, leave it to us here, we will coordinate with Bahuang!"

Zhang Liang replied.

Bu Xiaofan and Ye Qing stayed tenderly for a while, and then rushed back to Guanzhong without stopping.

Coming out of Lishan, he went directly to the camp of Suzaku.

The Suzaku Legion was clearing the road and opened up a clean route to Lantian County.

And it extends all the way to Xinguancheng in Lantian Valley!
"Meet the new king!"

All the soldiers of the Suzaku Army shouted loudly.

This great victory was accomplished under the wise command of Xinjun.

So they all admired Ye Qing.

Ye Qing said, "How's the situation on the southern line?"

"Returning to Xinjun, Lantian Valley and Jingu have not yet been captured, the general surrounded and did not attack, and was not in a hurry to attack.

Shangluo City has a steady stream of army reinforcements, so there is no problem in defending it, but Wen Yuan and others deliberately induced the Chuyue people in the south of the city to attack the city, so they did not strengthen the defensive troops in the south city, and they have been consuming the vital strength of Chuyue Kingdom! "

(End of this chapter)

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