Chapter 524
"That's fine, but Chuyue Kingdom's reinforcements will arrive soon, tell them to stop properly, Shangluo City is not suitable for offensive and defensive warfare!"

Ye Qing nodded very satisfied, and then gave some instructions.

Only then did I divert and return to Chang'an!

Chang'an is now boiling!

The news of the big victory came back one after another, making people dizzy.

"Water attack, wipe out the army of Chuyue Kingdom?"

"Who came up with an outrageous scheme, it's really..."

"More than 30 troops of the Chuyue Kingdom have been wiped out in ashes, and the new king will be mighty for ten thousand years!"

"This Bai Qi is a temporary general. He is really a ruthless man. Although we lost a county in this battle, we won a big victory, which is worth it!"

"Yeah, this is nothing..."

"Where is the new king, he won a big victory, why didn't the new king come out?"

"Xinjun seems to have gone to Tongguan. I heard that South Korea has been dishonest recently and wants to beat us.

Hongnong County is empty, and the new king is going there to stabilize the overall situation! "

"I see……"

Hearing that Ye Qing was not in the city, the common people seemed to have discovered a shocking secret.

It was not Ye Qing's idea to break the embankment, but Bai Qi, a ruthless person, did it privately.

"The new king is back!"

I don't know who yelled, people on the street, in the shop, at home, all the people who love to watch the excitement all rushed to the main street, and the road from Nanchengmen to Xiaoyaofu was full of stands.

When Ye Qing entered the city, Yi Jing saw countless people.


Ye Qing urged his horse into the city and looked at the people on both sides of the street.

"Ten thousand years for the new king, ten thousand years for the great week! Great victory, great victory!"

"Ten thousand years for the new king, ten thousand years for the great week! Great victory, great victory!"

"Ten thousand years for the new king, ten thousand years for the great week! Great victory, great victory!"

Ye Qing walked in slowly with Cui Ma, drew his sword and pointed at the sky, and also shouted loudly: "Big victory, big victory!"

After several interviews, Ye Qing stopped with his sword.

He beckoned and said: "People of Dazhou, you are the most kind and brave people, you are the best people of my Dazhou, this victory is due to you, the money and food you provided for Dazhou, and your son , husband, father, you are the most worthy of my admiration!"

The people around were all excited and moved when they heard the words.

Xinjun understands us!

Soldiers come from the people.

They are all the pillars of support.

"Although this battle is won, I have experienced it before. The river dam burst and flooded one-third of the land of Lantian County, and even destroyed the city of Lantian County.

People in Lantian County were killed because of this, and I am responsible. "

"I'm heartbroken, and I wanted to be attached to death along with the victims." Ye Qing drew his sword across his neck again as he spoke.

The people all around exclaimed.

"The new king can't, it's not the new king's fault!"

"Xinjun absolutely can't do it!"

"Xinjun, if there is no big victory, the people of Lantian County will sooner or later be murdered by the slaves of the Chuyue people..."

"If it has happened, it has happened. I never quibble. I wanted to die. However, Dazhou is being invaded by foreign enemies. There are Chuyue in the south, South Korea in the east, Zhang's rebellion in Hanzhong in the southwest, and Turkic attacks in the north. You need to stay useful and work hard for Da Zhou and the people!"

"Therefore, I cut my hair here to show my ambition and comfort the people who died in Dazhou. It's my fault..."

After speaking, Ye Qing drew his long sword, and a long hair was cut off.

"Xinjun Rende!"

All the common people and soldiers bowed down one after another.

Your skin and hair is from your parents.

Do not give up lightly.

The people of the Central Plains Dynasty valued this most.

Haircut is like cutting head.

It can be seen that Ye Qing's self-destruction of Lantian County.

It made everyone see how much Ye Qing attaches importance to the common people.

For an ordinary emperor, if you ask him to issue an edict of guilt, it will be difficult for him to admit his mistake.

But Ye Qing cut off his hair to reassure the people of Zhou.

This attitude is unprecedented.

How can a child's heart not be admired.

"Come here, pack this haircut, send it to Lantian County, and bury it with the people of Dazhou who died in Lantian County!"

"Starting today, Lantian County will be exempted from all taxes for 20 years, and a new county will be built at the same time."

"Heal all the surviving people in Lantian County. If there are orphans, they will all be given the national name and belong to me. I will raise them. I want them to grow up safely and happily. I also want to watch them marry and have children..."

The people bowed again.

They all shouted: "The new king is benevolent and righteous, and the luck of Lantian!"

Ye Qing made up for Lantian's superiority.

The people are a little envious.

Survive a catastrophe, there must be a reward, that's it!
"They are all flat, there is no need to be polite. The soldiers of my Great Zhou will return triumphantly in a few days. They need praise, support and admiration more than me. The soldiers who were born and died for my Great Zhou deserve our respect and love, because they are The cutest people, they have maintained the Great Zhou and protected the people of the Great Zhou!" Ye Qing retracted his sword and moved forward with his horse.

The people along the way got up one after another.

These words greatly touched everyone!

Watching Ye Qing go away.

The people of Da Zhou couldn't help thinking deeply.

Back at Xiaoyao Mansion, Dian Hua said: "Call the important ministers of the court to the mansion to discuss the matter of ascension to the throne, and at the same time raise food and dispatch to go north."


Everyone is overjoyed!
Finally, it was time to discuss enthronement.

After destroying the 70 troops of Chuyue Kingdom, no one can stop Ye Qing from becoming emperor.

Even Ye Yu, the original heir, was dimmed.

Not to mention the other princes.

Soon all the high officials of the court came to Xiaoyao Mansion, and many of them came for the first time.

Therefore, the layout of the mansion is relatively novel.

When everyone was here, Ye Qing cleared his throat and said: "Call everyone, I believe everyone knows what's going on, in order to further stabilize the situation in Dazhou, give the people confidence and deter Xiaoxiao, there are some things that need to be addressed. There is no time to delay, you choose a good day and discuss the process!"

"It's the new king!"

Everyone had no opinion at all, Ye Qing's reputation is now in full swing.

Loved and supported by the people.

All military power is in his hands.

Even if some people want to object, they have no confidence.

So there is harmony.

According to the rules, the enthronement was discussed.

Ye Qing ran out and accompanied Xiao Huan and Wu Linglong.

Check some industries and research projects that were delayed.


The officials of Xiaoyao Mansion gathered together and reported to Ye Qing the matters discussed by the ministers today.

Ye Qing nodded after listening and said, "No problem, just follow the agreement!"

"Haifeng sent missions to Beishi, Wei, Donghai and other places to invite other countries to come and watch the ceremony."

"At that time, after the triumphant return of the soldiers, there will be a military parade to check the appearance of my Da Zhou's army. I will tell everyone that Da Zhou is not to be bullied, and Da Zhou is powerful.

We have the power to defeat any enemy! "

Zhang Yi stood up and said, "It's the new king, and I will send an envoy tomorrow."

Three days later!
Bai Qi sent back news that all [-] Chuyue people under Xiang Yang's subordinates were wiped out.

At the same time, Zhang Liao finally stopped holding back the news.

The army of Chuyue Kingdom rushed over from the south city, after seeing the heads of Xiang Yang and Qu Chen and others.

Unwillingly accepted the fact, and then withdrew his troops to Wuguan.

(End of this chapter)

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