I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 525? Ye Qing ascends the throne

Chapter 525: Ye Qing ascends the throne
"Decree! Summon Baiqi to return to the capital, and hand over the attack on Wuguan to Di Qing's Suzaku Army!"

After Ye Qing received the news, he immediately replaced Bai Qi, Zhang Liao and other departments.

The Suzaku army group dominates the southern battlefield, and Di Qing is enough to regain Wuguan.

It is useless to have too many soldiers and horses in Wuguan.

It needs to grind slowly and use weapons to defeat the people of Chuyue Kingdom.

"It's Your Majesty!"

In a few days!
Bai Qi, Zhang Liao, Cheng Yaojin and others returned to Chang'an.

"General, go to the north now. I won't have too many soldiers and horses for you. There is no rush to destroy the Turks in this battle, just repel them." Ye Qing handed him the soldier talisman for the expedition:

"I hid a troop secretly in the north. The commander is Luo Cheng, and there are eighteen cavalry under him. They pulled up a cavalry between the Xihe and the Turkic Grassland. After you arrive, you will be in charge of this department. command.

At the same time, I also sent Yuan Tiandihui to help Director Woxing collect Turkic information latently, and I will let the people of Jinyiwei cooperate with you in fighting! "

"Don't worry, Xinjun, these troops are enough. It won't be too late when we have more soldiers and horses to fight in the hinterland of the grassland." Bai Qi led the order.

There are Xuanjiawei, Xuanwuwei, plus county soldiers and frontier troops from various places in the north, and a secret ranger.

Repelling the Turks is enough.

There is no swearing-in meeting, and there is no farewell.

Bai Qi, Xue Rengui and others quietly went north with their troops to fight the Turks.

In order to deal with the possible war in the east, Ye Qing also transferred Han Xin back from Pakistan.

"Han Xin, from now on, you will take the Azure Dragon Guards to garrison Hangu Pass. There are not many people, so it is good to guard Hangu Pass, and there is no need to go out."

"It's the new king!"

Qinglongwei has 5000 people, which is really not many.

But guarding the checkpoint is enough.

At present, Ye Qing does not have any extra troops for him to upgrade to the Azure Dragon Legion.

Can only be temporarily stranded.

After the Suzaku Legion was in place.

Immediately set up a camp in the north of Wuguan.

Then add trebuchets and three-bow bed crossbows.

Take stones on the spot, let the folks carry the stone bullets, and store ammunition.

The capital of Chuyue Kingdom!

The successive loss of 70 troops caused a sensation in the entire Chuyue Kingdom.

It was too bad.

Obviously took the lead, but was wiped out by the 10,000+ Great Zhou army and rushed to Wuguan to set up defenses.

From top to top, the Chuyue people could not accept this result.

So there was chaos in the hall.

The hawks in the main battle shouted loudly: "Your Majesty, if you don't take this revenge, how can you calm the hearts of the people and the army? You should send a large army to attack Da Zhou."

"Your Majesty, the Great Zhou is strong from the outside, but they don't have many soldiers after fighting for so long. They only need to overwhelm the country with heavy troops. If they fight with them, the Great Zhou will fall apart."

"That's right, Your Majesty. Now the Korean Yijing is not involved in this matter, and he intends to get involved in Hongnong County. Our two countries can form an alliance to share the Great Zhou. After the Great Zhou Yijing has reached the final stage of destruction, if we only defend but do not attack at this time, It will give Da Zhou a chance to breathe."

"Your Majesty, the troops from the six counties of Yangzhou can be moved westward, and it will not be a problem to gather an army of 50 troops."

The main combat faction waited for food, shouting loudly.

One by one bravely took the lead and wanted to go to the front line.

Advocate to continue to attack.

But the Lord Peace faction shook their heads one after another.

Someone also stood up and said: "Your Majesty, I think that if you see something good, you will accept it. At this time, we occupy Wuguan to ensure the safety of the west of our Chuyue Kingdom.

You only need to wait for a while, and continue to march in the future, there is no need to rush for a while. "

"Your Majesty, the 70 troops have been destroyed, and the morale of the army has been shaken by the scriptures. We are drawing troops to the west, and we have exhausted all the old soldiers of Chuyue Kingdom. We need to recruit new soldiers.

Something unexpected happened during this period, and the consequences were unimaginable. "

"Your Majesty, the most important thing at this time is to talk about harmony, reconcile with Da Zhou, and stabilize Xi Chui."

"Your Majesty, the East China Sea Kingdom is about to make a move. It continues to engage in friction in the Huaihai area and sends troops to harass it. If it is in a bitter battle with Da Zhou, it may affect the stability of our Chuyue Kingdom."

After the peace faction finished speaking, the war faction immediately attacked.

"A group of cowards, it's nothing to die a few people, we didn't complain, what are you worrying about!"

"That is, our Chuyue Kingdom has the upper hand and occupies Wuguan, so why should we negotiate with the Great Zhou? Wouldn't it be a loss of face!"

"If you are like this, where is Your Majesty, let us take the initiative to show weakness, wouldn't it be that we have fallen into the prestige of our Great Chuyue Kingdom, and made outsiders think that our Chuyue Kingdom is afraid that Ye Qing will fail!"

The two sides are arguing endlessly,

Xiong Wan hit the dragon case hard.

"Enough! How long are you going to argue?"

The hall fell silent for an instant.

Xiong Wan closed his hands, straightened his sleeves and said, "I heard that Ye Qing is going to hold a grand enthronement ceremony, and invited Wei, Donghai, Beishi and other countries."

The official from the Ministry of Rites replied: "Your Majesty, there is indeed such a thing, and I heard that he is going to hold a military parade."

"Thus, although our Great Chuyue Kingdom is at war with it, we are a big country, and we should have the bearing of a big country. The Ministry of Rites plans to select candidates to go to Chang'an to see Ye Qing's tone." Xiong Wan said with a sneer:

"Didn't he say that only people sent by me are qualified to talk to him? Then send him. I want to see how confident he is."

The controversy was temporarily shelved.

Only then did the court of the Chuyue Kingdom stop arguing.



Messengers from all walks of life came one after another.

There are only a few days left until the day of enthronement.

The whole city was filled with joy.

It seems that there is no trauma after World War I.

There is no trace of the raging flames of war.

It was as if the whole city had been repaired.

The city wall is still majestic and tall.

The street is flat and wide, as if the road grew out of the ground.

This surprised outsiders.

I don't know how Da Zhou did it.

The clean and tidy roads, and the busy crowds everywhere, let them see the new energy of Da Zhou.

"Xinjun, the Chuyue Kingdom sent envoys over from South Korea." Zhang Yi told the story of the Chuyue Kingdom's dispatch of envoys.

Ye Qingdao: "Since they didn't take the ceremony of diplomatic relations, let's pretend that they never came and arrange them in the South Korean mission."

"It's my lord!" Zhang Yi said:

"Xinjun, they must have come here to discuss the demarcation of the border with us. I guess Xiong Wan doesn't want to fight anymore."

70 troops died, who would not feel bad about it.

Enough for Chuyue Kingdom to restrain itself for a few years.

"They don't want to fight, but we want to fight. They started the war, but we decide when it will end!" Ye Qing's eyes widened:
"It's no good, why should you be indifferent to them, ignore them, and prepare for the enthronement ceremony."



The process of the enthronement ceremony is that first go to the Taimiao to worship the ancestors, and the Zongzheng Temple presides over it to comfort the ancestors. Ye Qing, the descendant of the Ye family for several generations, inherits the throne of the Great Zhou Dynasty, burns incense, and hangs dragon robes...

After performing a set of rituals in the Taimiao, the Ministry of Rituals was in charge, and all the officials invited Ye Qing to enter the palace, enter the Taiji Hall, and sit on the dragon chair.

Hundreds of officials bowed and saluted.

"Meet Your Majesty, Your Majesty, Ten Thousand Years, Your Majesty, Ten Thousand Years!"

Finally, he sat on the dragon chair.

Sit on it and look down at the officials.

Ye Qing felt empty at this moment.

And there is a special kind of calmness in it.

"Your Majesty, you should say that all the ministers are dead!"

Cao Zhengchun saw that Ye Qing hadn't called out for a long time, and all the officials knelt down for a long time, so he reminded him.

(End of this chapter)

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