I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 527 Use me in the first battle

Chapter 527 Use me in the first battle
Walking in the front is Yu Jin's forward guard.

The front foot guard has no other characteristics, and focuses on strict military discipline.

Yu Jin was one of the earliest generals who followed Ye Qing.

It's normal for him to start.

Uniform formation, sonorous pace.

Meticulous attitude.

It directly reflects the face and spirit of the Great Zhou army.

"Dazhou has me, defending the territory of the country!"

Suddenly the front guard changed his stepping posture, and all of them faced the viewing platform.

"Dazhou has me, defending the territory of the country!"

Shouting in unison, the momentum is calm.

After seeing Ye Qing's figure, his pace slowed down.

"Your Majesty, ten thousand years! Great week, ten thousand years!"

On the stage, Ye Qing drew his sword and pointed at the world.

After the front footman walks over, it is the back footback.

Cheng Yaojin also came with five thousand soldiers.

"Dazhou has me, and the country is safe!"

Facing Ye Qing, Cheng Yaojin led the crowd and shouted: "Your Majesty, ten thousand years! Great week, ten thousand years!"

Ye Qing drew his sword and pointed at the sky.Watch out for the troops.

Behind Cheng Yaojin were Zhang Fei, Guan Yu, Tai Shici and other pawns.

The foot guard is the cavalry guard after walking.

The first cavalry is the rear cavalry guards.

Five thousand cavalry came in order, controlling the horses.

Each has a spear in his hand.

"Use me in the first battle, use me to win."

The five thousand rear cavalry guards shouted in unison.

With a spear in his hand, he only pointed forward.

Respectful eyes.

"Your Majesty, ten thousand years, Great Zhou ten thousand years!"

With the grab facing upwards, the movements are uniform.

It was quite enjoyable to watch.

Following the rear cavalry guards is Lu Bu's left cavalry guards.

The same mighty cavalry.

Everyone is holding a Fang Tian painting halberd.

"Use me in the rush, defeat the enemy and win!"

The soldiers of the left cavalry guard shouted together, and Fang Tian's painted halberds all pointed to the left.

The action is still uniform.

Then, under the leadership of Lu Bu, he waved Fang Tian's painted halberd and slashed forward.

"Your Majesty, ten thousand years! Great week, ten thousand years!"

Ye Qing drew his sword and pointed at the sky again.

Watch out for the troops.

Lu Bu received Fang Tian's painted halberd.

After closing the momentum, the cavalry walked slowly past the viewing stand.

Behind Lu Bu are Huang Zhong and Li Cunxiao.

They also have slogans.

Every sentence is shocking and hits people's hearts.

After the regular infantry and cavalry passed by, Dazhou's special forces followed.

"What kind of army is this? It's all big swords!"

Li Siye was the first to appear in front of everyone with the Modao team.

"The direction of the blade is absolutely destructive! Slash! Slash! Slash!"

The soldiers of the Modao team shouted in unison, and at the same time, they all swung their sabers and slashed forward.

Such as Lin Ruxu, as if people saw the scene of beheading everyone.

All of a sudden, the surrounding area was eroded by murderous aura.

"Your Majesty, ten thousand years, Great Zhou ten thousand years!"

Ye Qing drew his sword again.

Pay attention to the armies and give them absolute affirmation.

Following behind the Modao team was Zhang He's euphorbia warriors.

The 5000 soldiers on all sides held shields and halberds in the middle.

Come in unison.

"Conquer the enemy first, use the formation as the attack! Kill! Kill! Kill!"

In the next moment, five thousand euphorbia soldiers transformed into ten medium-sized army formations.

The shield behind the army array protects the front, back, left, and right, and the top.

One by one, the diamond-shaped army formations came out.

Move forward like a steel fortress.

It's frightening to see, the deterrent power of this formation is too strong.

Not only can it restrain infantry, but it can also restrain cavalry.

"Your Majesty, ten thousand years, Great Zhou ten thousand years!"

In the diamond formation of five thousand soldiers, they all drank together.

The third special phalanx is the trapping camp dominated by Gao Shun.

"Invincible in attack, invincible in battle, fall into battle! Fall into battle! Fall into battle!"

There is no need to introduce more about the trapped camp. The weapons of the team are a bit miscellaneous, but they are arranged in an orderly manner.

In front are the big shield fighters, followed by the Changge soldiers, and then the blunt weapon soldiers with heavy hammers and maces.

All ministries cooperate tacitly.

The shield soldiers swept forward, and the Chang Ge stabbed straight.

The blunt weapon soldiers connected behind.

Then clean up the residue.

Although it was just a rehearsal without real objects, the skillful technique and the quick, precise and ruthless movements of the shots are even more shocking.

"Invincible, invincible! Such a crazy tone!"

The faces of the foreign envoys changed drastically.

Especially the envoys from the Chuyue Kingdom all had solemn faces.

The Zhou army is arrogant, but from the equipment and momentum, it can be seen that the Zhou army is not weak.

No wonder they were able to defeat the troops of Chuyue Kingdom one after another.

"This news must be sent back to the country. Although Da Zhou has a small number of people, they are powerful and fierce, and their equipment is even better than that of my Chuyue country."

The envoys from the other Chuyue kingdoms also nodded.

"Your Majesty, ten thousand years! Great week, ten thousand years!"

The soldiers trapped in the camp shouted together, their voices were louder and more orderly than before.

After all, the trapped camps are all summoned by the system.

Uniformity is better.

The last special force also came into everyone's sight.

The highlight of this team is not its people.

But the weapon in hand.

Zhang Liao's Divine Machine Camp.

Each has a continuous crossbow.

Walking in the front is a wrestler with an archery target in his hand.

"The magic machine is unparalleled, the enemy is invisible, ten thousand arrows! Ten thousand arrows..."

The next moment, Zhang Liao was riding on the horse.

Draw the sword and point to the target.

All the compliments, the three rows of soldiers in front buckled their engines.


Countless crossbow arrows flew to the target.

Every piece of the target became a hedgehog.

The people on both sides all turned pale and felt chills in their hearts.

The foreign envoys carried up by the audience or the officials of the Great Zhou Dynasty also gasped.

How domineering!
With continuous firing of crossbow arrows, people can be wiped out in an instant.

Whether it is defending the city or attacking fortifications, it is a big killer.

His Majesty the Emperor actually displayed it directly.

The meaning of deterrence is self-evident.

Whoever dares to bully Da Zhou should think about how powerful Da Zhou's arrow array is.

"Your Majesty, ten thousand years! Great week, ten thousand years!"

This time Ye Qing drew his sword and pointed at the Queen of Heaven and shouted:

"Great Zhou Wannian!"

All the officials of the Great Zhou Dynasty who were around were already excited and excited after seeing the scriptures.

They all shouted: "Great Zhou Wannian! Great Zhou Wannian!"

The people on both sides of Suzaku Street were even more moved to tears.

Da Zhou has a strong army, so they are relieved.

Da Zhou will not be bullied anymore.

There is such a new king and such an army.

Who is not proud.

So they all followed and shouted: "Great Zhou Wannian! Your Majesty Wannian!"

The sound was louder than louder.

It was a bit confusing at first.

In the end it became more and more unified.

more and more tidy.

Until the reviewing troops left.

Until the voice is hoarse.

Still hoarse.

"Subjects of the Great Zhou, you should be ten thousand years more. I will be with you, and the Great Zhou will share weal and woe and glory with you."

"Thank you... Your Majesty!"

Everyone choked up.

Weep directly.

The emperor said that he wanted to share weal and woe with the people and share the same glory with the people.

What a boldness this is.

Such a good emperor, why not support him.

Looking at Ye Qing who is so popular among the people and the army.

All the foreign ministers began to secretly think about it.

Dazhou did not decline because of the invasion of Chuyue Kingdom.

On the contrary, after several big battles, 70 troops of Chuyue Kingdom were destroyed.

All the Chuyue troops that were about to enter the pass were wiped out.

Also regained a lot of lost ground.

It can be seen that the army of the Great Zhou Dynasty is powerful.

If you want to make a big week, you need to think carefully.

Among them, everyone in the South Korean mission was a little embarrassed.

Originally, the relationship with Da Zhou was not bad, but because of the flickering of Chuyue Kingdom, Luoyang of Da Zhou was moved.

How is this good?

(End of this chapter)

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