I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 528? Why a strategic partner country

Chapter 528 Why bother with a strategic partner country

"My lords! How do you feel about this military parade?"

The military parade is over.

Ye Qing asked.

All the officials of the Great Zhou said proudly: "My Great Zhou has such a strong army, and it will rejuvenate the country and the country, Your Majesty is wise!"

"Your Majesty Shengming!"

I don't know what a strong army is.

Always just a fantasy.

This military parade is a deterrent both internally and externally.

The officials and the aristocratic family were completely convinced this time.

Ye Qing's rule is no longer reported to have the original view.

Emperor Wu's sharpness was first revealed.

The tide is surging, and the blockers have no good results.

"What do you foreign envoys think?"

Ye Qing looked at the foreign missions again.

Everyone looked at me, I looked at you, and said: "Your Majesty's army is elite, decisive, and well-equipped. It is a rare and powerful army in the world!"

The envoy of the State of Wei said: "Your Majesty, I don't know if the Jishen Battalion that appeared last will be able to sell some of the Liannu to our country."

"If His Majesty knew about it, he would be very happy!"

For such a powerful weapon, Wei Guo also needs to have it.

With this thing, otherwise, it would be able to maintain a strong deterrent to South Korea, Beishi, or Bohai, Dai, and Ji.

Even relying on this kind of big killer to attack cities and land.

The eyes of all the envoys are extremely sharp.

Wei Guo can buy it, so can they.

"Your Majesty, I, Beishi, are also willing to buy it!"

"Your Majesty, I want to buy a lot in the East China Sea, and I want as much as I have."

All countries speak out.

Only South Korea and Chuyue Kingdom are embarrassed.

Not only could he not open his mouth, but he was also worried that Da Zhou would sell Liannu to Wei and Donghai.

threaten their safety.

On the contrary, I was worried for my life.

Ye Qing glanced at the envoys of the Wei State and the East China Sea State, shook his head slightly and said, "Not for the time being, because the materials used for the Liannu need to be purchased from far away places in the Western Regions, not to mention expensive, and there are no key materials.

It is difficult to supply and sell to others. "

Everyone was disappointed.

Then Ye Qing said: "However, if we have materials in the future, we can sell them to other countries.

However, this item is too sharp, and it is not sold in non-strategic partner countries. "

The envoys who were a little lost were lifted up again.

Da Zhou sells crossbows, but there are conditions.

"Your Majesty! I don't know what a strategic partner country is?" the envoy of the East China Sea asked.

All I want is this question.

Ye Qing's eyes turned to the southeast, he got up, his face was slightly cold.

"Strategic partner countries, that is, whoever we fight in the big week, the partner countries must also fight whoever they are, not just a simple alliance, a piece of paper and a verbal agreement.

But the real battle teammates.

If it just shouts slogans and does not send troops, it is not considered a strategic partner country. "

To fight the enemy country together.

Isn't this equivalent to a complete tie?

Such strict conditions scared off the envoys from various countries at once.

However, the envoys of the Eastern Sea Kingdom are ready to move.
They share the common enemy Chuyue Kingdom with Da Zhou.

Moreover, there is no border between the two countries, no conflicts, only interests.

If you attack Chuyue Kingdom, you can also advance troops at the same time.

It is very suitable for Dazhou's strategic partner country.

But he didn't stand up immediately.

This kind of thing needs to be discussed separately.

Even if you can buy a crossbow, you have to cover it first.

Can't let others know.

After the military parade was over, everyone dispersed.

Ye Qing will live in the palace this time.

So I just invited the important officials and heads of the court to the imperial study for a meeting.

"Although civil and military rule is divided, the DPRK and China still need a small coordinating organization to assist me in managing civil and military officials. This organization, which I call the military and political cabinet, is selected from the civil and military officials.

Usually assist me in handling state affairs. If I am not around, we will jointly decide on state affairs. The cabinet candidates are uncertain. If a unified opinion cannot be reached, the decision will be made by voting, and the minority obeys the majority. "Ye Qing looked at the crowd and explained.

When everyone heard the words, they nodded.

This cabinet looks good.

It can meet the expectations of all officials, and can also handle some trivial matters for the emperor.

The most important thing is that the emperor is not here, so he can directly vote on major issues.

This is quite critical.

It can stabilize the situation very well.

Ye Qing called them here today, and it is estimated that everyone is qualified to join the cabinet.

"Your Majesty, I have no objection..."

Everyone replied one after another.

Ye Qingdao: "Well, I will announce this matter in a few days. The candidates for the cabinet will not be selected based on their official positions. They can be ministers of various ministries, or they can be a person with no official position or nobility!"

Isn't it based on the official position?

People without official titles and titles are fine, and His Majesty is indeed His Majesty.

This wrist, this method, is too clever.

Cabinet staff, whoever was replaced.

The emperor can intervene at any time.

The manoeuvrability of the Son of Heaven is too strong.

The mere cabinet still can't restrain the hands and feet of the emperor.

Instead, it was the weapon in his hand.


The next morning!
The Great Court will officially begin.

The government affairs that have been delayed for so long, no matter whether it is a big or small matter, are numerous.

The ministries discussed one after another.

Fortunately, Ye Qing was used to wind and rain.

Handle everything properly.

The first court meeting was delayed until the last moment at noon.

"That's the end of today's discussion. You don't have to go back to eat, and you will have lunch in the palace."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

All officials were moved.

It is not easy to use good in the palace.

The last time was the first emperor of the first emperor.

Ye Zhen has never been treated like this before.

After lunch, everyone started to go to the yamen near Zhuque Street to set up the palace.

Ye Qing held a meeting with various ministers in Liangyi Hall.

"The Jiangwu Hall and the Dayan Wusi must be established as soon as possible. This is the most direct and effective way for me to control the Jianghu sect!"

The person in charge of the Ministry of National Defense and the forces in charge of the rivers and lakes stood up and said, "It's Your Majesty!"

In the evening, Ye Qing moved to the imperial study.

A figure finally appeared in the study respectfully.

"Chen Liu does not pay homage to His Majesty!"

That's right, this is Ye Zhen's intelligence leader Guan Liu Buren.

Ye Zhen never showed up after his death.

Even the shadow guard disappeared.

"Liu Buren, do you know the crime!"

Ye Qing stared at him coldly.

His eyes were as cold as a knife.

It's like scraping his bones and picking his flesh. "

Liu Buren had expected it a long time ago, and hurriedly knelt down and said: "I have committed a crime, please forgive me, Your Majesty!"

"You still know that you are guilty, well, tell me what you are guilty of?"

Ye Qing smiled coldly.

Did not play the cards according to the routine.

Liu Buren was about to cry.

Let me confess.

What should I say.

After thinking for a while, Liu Buren said: "Go back to Your Majesty, I shouldn't have disappeared after Your Majesty became the new king, I should have reported to Your Majesty long ago, I am too late."

"Hehe! No, you're not late, you're not at fault here at all." Ye Qingzhong replayed the dragon case.

The dragon case shattered.

"Your fault is that you failed to protect the first emperor. As the intelligence department of the empire, you shadow guards have made serious mistakes."

"The first emperor was poisoned by Xiong Yue, and you all don't even know it!"

"You don't even know that the Forbidden Army has been infiltrated by Xiong Yue!"

"The bear beggar sneaked into the imperial capital in disguise, you still don't know!"

"Tell me, what's the use of your shadow guards, don't you deserve death!"

(End of this chapter)

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